
Revert to a Snapshot

Reverting to a snapshot restores the VM to the state it was in at the point in time when you created the snapshot. Changes made to the VM since the snapshot was taken are discarded. The current state of the VM is lost with the following exception: when you revert a VM to a previous snapshot, the VM retains its current VM group setting. This setting does not change to the value it had when you took the snapshot.

The Revert to Snapshot dialog box includes an option to take a snapshot of the current VM state before you revert to the earlier snapshot. This option allows you to easily restore the VM to its current state again if you need to.

  1. On the Snapshots tab, select the snapshot and select Revert To.

    If the snapshot you want to revert to is a scheduled snapshot, make scheduled snapshots visible on the Snapshots tab before you can select it. To make these snapshots visible, select View > Scheduled Snapshots.

  2. To take a new snapshot of the current state of the VM before reverting it back to the earlier snapshot, select the check box.
  3. Select Yes.

XenServer 8.4

Citrix Hypervisor 8.2 Cumulative Update 1

Revert to a Snapshot