
Resource Status Icons

The status of managed resources - servers (hosts), virtual machines, storage, and templates - is represented using different icons in the Resources pane and elsewhere in XenCenter:


Icon Description
Connected pool icon - the pool icon with a green dot on top A pool that is connected and is up and running normally.
Pool with hosts in mixed upgrade state icon - the pool icon with a green up arrow on top A mixed-mode pool with hosts in different upgrade states. This icon appears if one or more of your hosts are in a less upgraded state than the pool coordinator. For example, if your host is running an older version of XenServer or Citrix Hypervisor than your pool coordinator.
Pool with hosts in mixed update state icon - the pool icon with a yellow down arrow on top A mixed-mode pool with hosts in different update states. This icon appears if one or more of your hosts are in a less updated state than the pool coordinator. For example, if you have a XenServer 8.4 pool and you haven’t applied the latest updates to all hosts in the pool or if you have a Citrix Hypervisor 8.2 CU1 pool and you haven’t applied the same set of hotfixes to all hosts in the pool.
Unlicensed pool icon - the pool icon with a warning triangle icon on top A pool that is unlicensed.


Icon Description
Connected host icon - the host icon with a green dot on top. A host that is connected and is up and running normally.
Temporarily Disconnected host icon - the host icon with an yellow dot on top. A host that is temporarily not connected to XenCenter, for example because it is being rebooted or is in the process of connecting.
Disconnected host icon - the host icon with a red dot with a white forward slash on top. A host that is disconnected, for example because it has been shut down.
Host maintenance mode icon - a host icon with a blue square on top. A host that is currently in maintenance mode. See Run in maintenance mode.
Host Error icon - a host icon with a red dot with a white cross on top. A host on which a crash dump file has been created as a result of a system failure. Crash dump files are located in a folder named crash under the /var directory on the host. Crash dump files can provide invaluable information to your support engineer to aid in diagnosing XenServer-related problems. This file can be included in host status reports generated in XenCenter using the Get Server Status Report utility. See Creating a Server Status Report for more information on using this feature. When you remove the crash dump file from the /var directory on the host, the host status icon shown in XenCenter is restored to normal.
Unpatched host icon - a host icon with a yellow down arrow on top. A host that requires updating because it is less updated than the pool coordinator. See Update your XenServer hosts or Update your Citrix Hypervisor hosts.
A host icon with a green up arrow on top. A host that requires upgrading because it is running an older version of XenServer than the pool coordinator. See Upgrade your hosts.
Unlicensed host icon - the host icon with a warning triangle icon on top A host that is unlicensed.

Virtual machines, VM templates, and vApps

Icon Description
VM Running icon - a VM icon with a green play icon overlaid. A virtual machine that is up and running normally.
Suspended VM icon - a VM icon with a blue pause symbol overlaid. A virtual machine that is currently suspended.
Unavailable VM icon - a VM icon with a yellow play icon overlaid. A virtual machine that is currently unavailable, for example because it is being rebooted or suspended.
Stopped VM icon - a VM icon with a red stop icon overlaid. A virtual machine that is not running, for example because it has been shut down.
Migrating VM icon - a VM icon with a green arrow pointing left and right overlaid. A virtual machine that is currently migrating. See Migrate Virtual Machines.
VM Template icon - a VM icon all in yellow. XenServer VM template.
User-defined template icon - a VM icon all in blue. A custom (user-defined) VM template.
A Virtual Appliance icon - two VM icons overlaid on each other. A green line wraps the two icons together. XenServer vApps. See Managing vApps.

VM snapshots

Icon Description
A Disk-Only Snapshot icon - a blue clock. A disk-only VM snapshot.
A scheduled disk-only snapshot icon - a blue clock with a calendar icon overlaid. A scheduled disk-only VM snapshot.
A disk and memory snapshot icon - a green clock. A disk and memory VM snapshot.
A scheduled disk and memory snapshot icon - a green clock with a calendar overlaid. A scheduled disk and memory VM snapshot.


Icon Description
Storage icon A storage repository.
Default Storage icon - a Storage icon with a black tick icon overlaid. The default storage repository for a pool.
Disabled Storage icon - a Storage icon with a red circle with a white slash overlaid. A storage repository that is not currently connected.
Broken Storage icon - a Storage icon with a red circle with a white cross icon overlaid. A storage repository that is currently unavailable. See Resolving SR Connectivity Problems.
Virtual Disk icon - a Storage icon all in blue. A virtual disk.
Virtual Disk Snapshot icon - Virtual Disk icon with a clock icon overlaid A virtual disk snapshot. This object is a snapshot of a VM’s disks, and is created when a snapshot is made of the VM. See VM Snapshots for information about taking VM snapshots, and see Snapshots to find out more about disk snapshots.
Resource Status Icons