Develop for XenServer

XenCenter Plug-in Specification Guide

This document explains how to write a plug-in for XenCenter, the GUI for XenServer. Using the plug-in mechanism third-parties can:

  • Create menu entries in the XenCenter menus linked to an executable file or PowerShell script, including full use of the XenServer PowerShell Module (XenServerPSModule) cmdlets.

  • Cause a URL to be loaded into a tab in XenCenter.

The XenCenter plug-in mechanism is context aware, allowing you to use XenSearch to specify complicated queries. Also, plug-ins can take advantage of contextual information passed as arguments to executables or as replaceable parameters in URLs.

A XenCenter plug-in consists of the following components:

  • An XML configuration file.

  • A resource DLL for each supported locale. Currently XenCenter exists in English and Japanese versions only.

  • The application and any resources it requires.

Put these components of a plug-in in a subdirectory of the XenCenter installation directory. For example, a default installation of XenCenter requires that a plug-in reside in C:\Program Files (x86)\XenServer\XenCenter\Plugins\<organization_name>\<plug-in_name>

XenCenter loads all valid plug-ins found in subdirectories of the plug-ins directory when it starts:

  • The plug-in name (<plug-in_name>) must be the same as the directory in which it is placed.

  • The resource DLL and the XML configuration file must follow these naming conventions:

    • <plug-in_name>.resources.dll
    • <plug-in_name>.xcplugin.xml

For example, if your organization is called Citrix and you write a plug-in called Example which runs a batch file called do_something.bat, the following files must exist:

  • C:\Program Files (x86)\XenServer\XenCenter\Plugins\Citrix\Example\Example.resources.dll
  • C:\Program Files (x86)\XenServer\XenCenter\Plugins\Citrix\Example\example.xcplugin.xml
  • C:\Program Files (x86)\XenServer\XenCenter\Plugins\Citrix\Example\do_something.bat

These paths assume that you use the default XenCenter installation directory.

XenCenter Plug-in Specification Guide

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