
Excluding VMs from Recommendations

When configuring Workload Balancing, you can specify that specific VMs are excluded from Workload Balancing optimization and placement recommendations.

When to exclude VMs

Situations when you might want to exclude VMs from recommendations include when:

  • When two VM workloads must always run on the same host (for example, if they have complementary applications or workloads).
  • You have workloads that you do not want moved (for example, domain controllers, DNS server, or SQL server).

Regardless of whether you specify a fixed or scheduled optimization mode, excluded VMs remain excluded even when the optimization mode changes.

To exclude VMs from placement and optimization recommendations

  1. Select the VM in the Resources pane, select the General tab, and select Properties.
  2. In the left pane, select General.
  3. In the General page, in the Tags: field, select Edit tags.
  4. Specify the new tag wlb_excluded and click Create.

XenServer 8

Citrix Hypervisor 8.2 Cumulative Update 1

Excluding VMs from Recommendations