
Searching Resources

XenCenter enables you to perform complex searches of your managed resources. By default, XenCenter includes several searches. These searches allow you to search resources by tag. They also enable you to search VMs by network, operating system, power state, vApp, and XenServer VM Tools status.

You can also create and add your own custom searches to this list at any time. The view on the Search tab depends on the option you select in the Navigation pane. Select a view from the Navigation pane and then select the Search tab to start your search query. The Search tab also displays a title that highlights the selection of resources for your search query.

You can also do a simple text search on resource names by typing a word or a phrase in the Search box. The Search box is located above the Resources pane. Matching resources are displayed as you type. To remove the query and view all your resources again, select the x button at the right of the Search box. For more information, see the following topics:

Searching Resources

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