
Shut Down a Server

When you shut down a server in XenCenter, the server shuts down any VMs running on it, and then the server is disconnected and powered off. If the server is a member of a pool, the loss of connectivity on shutdown is handled and the pool recovers when the server returns. If you shut down another pool member (not the pool coordinator), the other pool members and the pool coordinator continue to function. If you shut down the pool coordinator, the pool is out of action until the pool coordinator is rebooted and back on line. At which point the other members reconnects and synchronizes with the pool coordinator. Alternatively, you can make one of the other members into the pool coordinator, which you can do by using the xe CLI.

VMs with XenServer VM Tools installed are shut down gracefully. However, VMs without XenServer VM Tools installed are shut down using a forced shutdown. To avoid forced shutdown, install the XenServer VM Tools on all VMs. For more information, see Install XenServer VM Tools.

After you power the server back on, you must connect to it again. For more information, see Reconnect a server.

To shut down a server

Select the server in the Resources pane and then select Shut Down on the toolbar.

When the server has been shut down, its status in the Resources pane changes to Disconnected.

Disconnected Server icon - the Server icon with a red dot on top.

Shut Down a Server