
Export VMs as XVA

You can export a single VM as an XVA file using the Export wizard. Shut down or suspended before you attempt to export them.


It might not always be possible to run an imported VM that was exported from another server with a different CPU type. For example, a Windows VM created on a server with an Intel VT CPU, then exported, might not run when imported to a server with an AMD-V CPU.


  • To be able to export a VM as an XVA package, you require certain permissions. The Export wizard performs checks to ensure that you have a required role in the destination pool before allowing you to continue. For more information about the RBAC roles that are required, see Definitions of RBAC roles and permissions.

Export an XVA package

  1. Select the VM you want to export and on the VM menu, select Export.
  2. On the first page of the wizard, enter the name of the export file, specify the folder where you want the file to be saved. Select XVA File (*.xva) from the Format list. Click Next.
  3. On the Virtual Machines page, the VM to be exported is selected in the list. When exporting as XVA, you can only select one VM from this list. Click Next to continue.
  4. On the final page of the wizard, review the settings you have selected on the previous pages. To have the wizard verify the exported XVA file, check Verify export on completion. Click Finish to begin exporting the selected VM and close the wizard.

    The export process can take some time. The speed of the export depends on the size of the VM’s virtual disks, the available network bandwidth, and the disk interface speed of the XenCenter host. Progress is displayed in the status bar at the bottom of the XenCenter window and on the Events view under Notifications.

    To cancel an export in progress, select Notifications > Events. Find the export in the list of events. Select Cancel.

Export VMs as XVA