
View Pool Properties

The General tab for a pool has the following sections and information:


The General section of the General tab shows the following information:

  • Name: The name you gave the pool.
  • Description: The description you gave the pool.
  • Tags: Any tags you assigned to the pool.
  • Folder: Any folders you assigned to the pool.
  • Pool License: The type of license is applied to this pool.
  • Number of Sockets: The number of license sockets used by this pool.
  • Certificate verification: Whether certificate verification is enabled.
  • Version: The version of XenServer running on this pool.
  • UUID: The unique identifier of this pool.

Certificates (XenServer 8 and later)

The Certificates section of the General tab shows the following information:

  • A list of CA certificateas installed in the pool and their type, validity dates, and thumbprint.


The Updates section of the General tab shows the following information for XenServer 8 and later pools:

  • Update channel: The update channel that the pool is configured to receive updates from.
  • Last synchronized: The last time the pool synchronized with the update channel and checked for new updates.
  • Synchronization checksum: The checksum of the level of updates available from the update channel.
  • Checksum of latest applied updates: The checksum of the level of updates applied to the pool.
  • Pending recommended tasks: Any actions that must be taken on hosts in the pool to get full effectiveness from all applied updates.

The Updates section of the General tab shows the following information for Citrix Hypervisor 8.2 Cumulative Update 1 hosts:

  • A list of the applied hotfixes in the pool and whether they are fully or partially applied.

Management Interfaces

For each host in the pool, the Management Interfaces section of the General tab shows the following information:

  • DNS hostname: The host name of this server.
  • Management interface: The IP address of the management interface.
  • TCP port 80: Whether port 80 is open.
  • A list of secondary interfaces and their IP addresses.
View Pool Properties