
Keyboard Shortcuts

In addition to the mouse, you can use the keyboard to navigate and perform tasks in XenCenter. For example, you can use the arrow keys to navigate between the items in the Resources pane and around the menus.

XenCenter provides many of the standard Windows shortcuts to navigate through the user interface. For more information, see Keyboard shortcuts in Windows.

To toggle menu mode on and off, press F10 or Alt. When menu mode is enabled, letters in the menus are underlined to indicate that they are Access Keys that you can use to select specific menus and menu commands.

In menu mode, you can use the keyboard to navigate menus. The following table lists some of the basic navigation commands:

Key Action
Tab Navigate to the next UI item and give it focus.
Right Arrow, Left Arrow Navigate across the menu bar, selecting each menu in turn.
Up Arrow, Down Arrow Select each menu command in turn.
Enter Activate the selected command.
Space Select the UI item that has focus.
Esc Cancel the selected command and close the menu.

Shortcut keys

Use shortcut key combinations to activate specific menu commands. For example, pressing Ctrl+N opens the New VM wizard, just like clicking New VM on the VM menu of the main toolbar.

For numeric keypad keys, ensure that Num Lock is off.

Some shortcut keys are shown on the menus and in toolbar tooltips. The following table lists shortcuts for common XenCenter tasks:

Key Action
F1 Display the online Help
Alt+F4 Exit XenCenter and close the XenCenter window
Ctrl+Enter Toggle the console display between full screen mode and window mode
Ctrl+B Start the selected VM
Ctrl+C Copy the selected text to the Windows clipboard
Ctrl+E Shut down the selected VM
Ctrl+N Open the New VM wizard
Ctrl+R Reboot the selected VM
Ctrl+V Paste the selected text from the Windows clipboard
Ctrl+X Cut the selected text to the Windows clipboard
Ctrl+Y Suspend or resume the selected VM
Ctrl+Z Undo the last text edit action

Keyboard shortcuts are also available for working with VM consoles. These shortcuts are configurable. For more information, see Console Settings.

Keyboard Shortcuts