Class: host
A physical host
Fields for class: host
Field | Type | Qualifier | Description |
address |
string |
RW | The address by which this host can be contacted from any other host in the pool |
allowed_operations |
host_allowed_operations set |
RO/runtime | list of the operations allowed in this state. This list is advisory only and the server state may have changed by the time this field is read by a client. |
API_version_major |
int |
RO/runtime | major version number |
API_version_minor |
int |
RO/runtime | minor version number |
API_version_vendor |
string |
RO/runtime | identification of vendor |
API_version_vendor_implementation |
(string -> string) map |
RO/runtime | details of vendor implementation |
bios_strings |
(string -> string) map |
RO/runtime | BIOS strings |
blobs |
(string -> blob ref) map |
RO/runtime | Binary blobs associated with this host |
capabilities |
string set |
RO/constructor | Xen capabilities |
certificates |
Certificate ref set |
RO/runtime | List of certificates installed in the host |
chipset_info |
(string -> string) map |
RO/runtime | Information about chipset features |
control_domain |
VM ref |
RO/runtime | The control domain (domain 0) |
cpu_configuration |
(string -> string) map |
RO/runtime | The CPU configuration on this host. May contain keys such as “nr_nodes”, “sockets_per_node”, “cores_per_socket”, or “threads_per_core” |
cpu_info |
(string -> string) map |
RO/runtime | Details about the physical CPUs on this host |
crash_dump_sr |
SR ref |
RW | The SR in which VDIs for crash dumps are created |
crashdumps |
host_crashdump ref set |
RO/runtime | Set of host crash dumps |
current_operations |
(string -> host_allowed_operations) map |
RO/runtime | links each of the running tasks using this object (by reference) to a current_operation enum which describes the nature of the task. |
display |
host_display |
RW | indicates whether the host is configured to output its console to a physical display device |
edition |
string |
RO/runtime | Product edition |
editions |
string set |
RO/runtime | List of all available product editions |
enabled |
bool |
RO/runtime | True if the host is currently enabled |
external_auth_configuration |
(string -> string) map |
RO/runtime | configuration specific to external authentication service |
external_auth_service_name |
string |
RO/runtime | name of external authentication service configured; empty if none configured. |
external_auth_type |
string |
RO/runtime | type of external authentication service configured; empty if none configured. |
features |
Feature ref set |
RO/runtime | List of features available on this host |
guest_VCPUs_params |
(string -> string) map |
RW | VCPUs params to apply to all resident guests |
ha_network_peers |
string set |
RO/runtime | The set of hosts visible via the network from this host |
ha_statefiles |
string set |
RO/runtime | The set of statefiles accessible from this host |
host_CPUs |
host_cpu ref set |
RO/runtime | The physical CPUs on this host |
hostname |
string |
RW | The hostname of this host |
https_only |
bool |
RO/runtime | Reflects whether port 80 is open (false) or not (true) |
iscsi_iqn |
string |
RO/constructor | The initiator IQN for the host |
last_software_update |
datetime |
RO/runtime | Date and time when the last software update was applied |
last_update_hash |
string |
RO/runtime | The SHA256 checksum of updateinfo of the most recently applied update on the host |
latest_synced_updates_applied |
latest_synced_updates_applied_state |
RO/runtime | Default as ‘unknown’, ‘yes’ if the host is up to date with updates synced from remote CDN, otherwise ‘no’ |
license_params |
(string -> string) map |
RO/runtime | State of the current license |
license_server |
(string -> string) map |
RW | Contact information of the license server |
local_cache_sr |
SR ref |
RO/constructor | The SR that is used as a local cache |
logging |
(string -> string) map |
RW | logging configuration |
memory_overhead |
int |
RO/runtime | Virtualization memory overhead (bytes). |
metrics |
host_metrics ref |
RO/runtime | metrics associated with this host |
multipathing |
bool |
RO/constructor | Specifies whether multipathing is enabled |
name_description |
string |
RW | a notes field containing human-readable description |
name_label |
string |
RW | a human-readable name |
other_config |
(string -> string) map |
RW | additional configuration |
patches |
host_patch ref set |
RO/runtime | Deprecated. Set of host patches |
PBDs |
PBD ref set |
RO/runtime | physical blockdevices |
PCIs |
PCI ref set |
RO/runtime | List of PCI devices in the host |
pending_guidances |
update_guidances set |
RO/runtime | The set of pending mandatory guidances after applying updates, which must be applied, as otherwise there may be e.g. VM failures |
pending_guidances_full |
update_guidances set |
RO/runtime | The set of pending full guidances after applying updates, which a user should follow to make some updates, e.g. specific hardware drivers or CPU features, fully effective, but the ‘average user’ doesn’t need to |
pending_guidances_recommended |
update_guidances set |
RO/runtime | The set of pending recommended guidances after applying updates, which most users should follow to make the updates effective, but if not followed, will not cause a failure |
PGPU ref set |
RO/runtime | List of physical GPUs in the host |
PIFs |
PIF ref set |
RO/runtime | physical network interfaces |
power_on_config |
(string -> string) map |
RO/runtime | The power on config |
power_on_mode |
string |
RO/runtime | The power on mode |
PUSB ref set |
RO/runtime | List of physical USBs in the host |
resident_VMs |
VM ref set |
RO/runtime | list of VMs currently resident on host |
sched_policy |
string |
RO/runtime | Scheduler policy currently in force on this host |
software_version |
(string -> string) map |
RO/constructor | version strings |
ssl_legacy |
bool |
RO/constructor | Deprecated. Allow SSLv3 protocol and ciphersuites as used by older server versions. This controls both incoming and outgoing connections. When this is set to a different value, the host immediately restarts its SSL/TLS listening service; typically this takes less than a second but existing connections to it will be broken. API login sessions will remain valid. |
supported_bootloaders |
string set |
RO/runtime | a list of the bootloaders installed on the machine |
suspend_image_sr |
SR ref |
RW | The SR in which VDIs for suspend images are created |
tags |
string set |
RW | user-specified tags for categorization purposes |
tls_verification_enabled |
bool |
RO/runtime | True if this host has TLS verifcation enabled |
uefi_certificates |
string |
RO/constructor | Deprecated. The UEFI certificates allowing Secure Boot |
updates |
pool_update ref set |
RO/runtime | Set of updates |
updates_requiring_reboot |
pool_update ref set |
RO/runtime | List of updates which require reboot |
uuid |
string |
RO/runtime | Unique identifier/object reference |
virtual_hardware_platform_versions |
int set |
RO/runtime | The set of versions of the virtual hardware platform that the host can offer to its guests |
RPCs associated with class: host
RPC name: add_tags
Add the given value to the tags field of the given host. If the value is already in that Set, then do nothing.
void add_tags (session ref session_ref, host ref self, string value)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
self |
reference to the object |
string |
value |
New value to add |
Minimum Role: vm-operator
Return Type: void
RPC name: add_to_guest_VCPUs_params
Add the given key-value pair to the guest_VCPUs_params field of the given host.
void add_to_guest_VCPUs_params (session ref session_ref, host ref self, string key, string value)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
self |
reference to the object |
string |
key |
Key to add |
string |
value |
Value to add |
Minimum Role: pool-operator
Return Type: void
RPC name: add_to_license_server
Add the given key-value pair to the license_server field of the given host.
void add_to_license_server (session ref session_ref, host ref self, string key, string value)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
self |
reference to the object |
string |
key |
Key to add |
string |
value |
Value to add |
Minimum Role: pool-operator
Return Type: void
RPC name: add_to_logging
Add the given key-value pair to the logging field of the given host.
void add_to_logging (session ref session_ref, host ref self, string key, string value)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
self |
reference to the object |
string |
key |
Key to add |
string |
value |
Value to add |
Minimum Role: pool-operator
Return Type: void
RPC name: add_to_other_config
Add the given key-value pair to the other_config field of the given host.
void add_to_other_config (session ref session_ref, host ref self, string key, string value)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
self |
reference to the object |
string |
key |
Key to add |
string |
value |
Value to add |
Minimum Role: pool-operator
Return Type: void
RPC name: apply_edition
Change to another edition, or reactivate the current edition after a license has expired. This may be subject to the successful checkout of an appropriate license.
void apply_edition (session ref session_ref, host ref host, string edition, bool force)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
host |
The host |
string |
edition |
The requested edition |
bool |
force |
Update the license params even if the apply call fails |
Minimum Role: pool-operator
Return Type: void
RPC name: apply_recommended_guidances
This message is removed.
apply all recommended guidances both on the host and on all HVM VMs on the host after updates are applied on the host
void apply_recommended_guidances (session ref session_ref, host ref self)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
self |
The host whose recommended guidances will be applied |
Minimum Role: pool-operator
Return Type: void
RPC name: apply_updates
apply updates from current enabled repository on a host
string set set apply_updates (session ref session_ref, host ref self, string hash)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
self |
The host where updates will be applied |
string |
hash |
The hash of updateinfo to be applied which is returned by previous pool.sync_udpates |
Minimum Role: client-cert
Return Type: string set set
The list of results after applying updates, including livepatch apply failures and recommended guidances
RPC name: assert_can_evacuate
Check this host can be evacuated.
void assert_can_evacuate (session ref session_ref, host ref host)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
host |
The host to evacuate |
Minimum Role: pool-operator
Return Type: void
RPC name: backup_rrds
This causes the RRDs to be backed up to the master
void backup_rrds (session ref session_ref, host ref host, float delay)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
host |
Schedule a backup of the RRDs of this host |
float |
delay |
Delay in seconds from when the call is received to perform the backup |
Minimum Role: pool-admin
Return Type: void
RPC name: bugreport_upload
Run xen-bugtool --yestoall and upload the output to support
void bugreport_upload (session ref session_ref, host ref host, string url, (string -> string) map options)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
host |
The host on which to run xen-bugtool |
string |
url |
The URL to upload to |
(string -> string) map |
options |
Extra configuration operations |
Minimum Role: pool-operator
Return Type: void
RPC name: call_extension
Call an API extension on this host
string call_extension (session ref session_ref, host ref host, string call)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
host |
The host |
string |
call |
Rpc call for the extension |
Minimum Role: pool-admin
Return Type: string
Result from the extension
RPC name: call_plugin
Call an API plugin on this host
string call_plugin (session ref session_ref, host ref host, string plugin, string fn, (string -> string) map args)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
host |
The host |
string |
plugin |
The name of the plugin |
string |
fn |
The name of the function within the plugin |
(string -> string) map |
args |
Arguments for the function |
Minimum Role: pool-admin
Return Type: string
Result from the plugin
RPC name: compute_free_memory
Computes the amount of free memory on the host.
int compute_free_memory (session ref session_ref, host ref host)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
host |
The host to send the request to |
Minimum Role: read-only
Return Type: int
the amount of free memory on the host.
RPC name: compute_memory_overhead
Computes the virtualization memory overhead of a host.
int compute_memory_overhead (session ref session_ref, host ref host)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
host |
The host for which to compute the memory overhead |
Minimum Role: read-only
Return Type: int
the virtualization memory overhead of the host.
RPC name: create_new_blob
Create a placeholder for a named binary blob of data that is associated with this host
blob ref create_new_blob (session ref session_ref, host ref host, string name, string mime_type, bool public)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
host |
The host |
string |
name |
The name associated with the blob |
string |
mime_type |
The mime type for the data. Empty string translates to application/octet-stream |
bool |
public |
True if the blob should be publicly available |
Minimum Role: pool-operator
Return Type: blob ref
The reference of the blob, needed for populating its data
RPC name: declare_dead
Declare that a host is dead. This is a dangerous operation, and should only be called if the administrator is absolutely sure the host is definitely dead
void declare_dead (session ref session_ref, host ref host)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
host |
The Host to declare is dead |
Minimum Role: pool-operator
Return Type: void
RPC name: destroy
Destroy specified host record in database
void destroy (session ref session_ref, host ref self)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
self |
The host record to remove |
Minimum Role: pool-operator
Return Type: void
RPC name: disable
Puts the host into a state in which no new VMs can be started. Currently active VMs on the host continue to execute.
void disable (session ref session_ref, host ref host)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
host |
The Host to disable |
Minimum Role: client-cert
Return Type: void
RPC name: disable_display
Disable console output to the physical display device next time this host boots
host_display disable_display (session ref session_ref, host ref host)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
host |
The host |
Minimum Role: pool-operator
Return Type: host_display
This host’s physical display usage
RPC name: disable_external_auth
This call disables external authentication on the local host
void disable_external_auth (session ref session_ref, host ref host, (string -> string) map config)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
host |
The host whose external authentication should be disabled |
(string -> string) map |
config |
Optional parameters as a list of key-values containing the configuration data |
Minimum Role: pool-admin
Return Type: void
RPC name: disable_local_storage_caching
Disable the use of a local SR for caching purposes
void disable_local_storage_caching (session ref session_ref, host ref host)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
host |
The host |
Minimum Role: pool-operator
Return Type: void
RPC name: dmesg
Get the host xen dmesg.
string dmesg (session ref session_ref, host ref host)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
host |
The Host to query |
Minimum Role: pool-operator
Return Type: string
dmesg string
RPC name: dmesg_clear
Get the host xen dmesg, and clear the buffer.
string dmesg_clear (session ref session_ref, host ref host)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
host |
The Host to query |
Minimum Role: pool-operator
Return Type: string
dmesg string
RPC name: emergency_clear_mandatory_guidance
Clear the pending mandatory guidance on this host
void emergency_clear_mandatory_guidance (session ref session_ref)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
Return Type: void
RPC name: emergency_disable_tls_verification
Disable TLS verification for this host only
void emergency_disable_tls_verification (session ref session_ref)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
Return Type: void
RPC name: emergency_ha_disable
This call disables HA on the local host. This should only be used with extreme care.
void emergency_ha_disable (session ref session_ref, bool soft)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
bool |
soft |
Disable HA temporarily, revert upon host reboot or further changes, idempotent |
Minimum Role: pool-operator
Return Type: void
RPC name: emergency_reenable_tls_verification
Reenable TLS verification for this host only
void emergency_reenable_tls_verification (session ref session_ref)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
Return Type: void
RPC name: emergency_reset_server_certificate
Delete the current TLS server certificate and replace by a new, self-signed one. This should only be used with extreme care.
void emergency_reset_server_certificate (session ref session_ref)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
Return Type: void
RPC name: enable
Puts the host into a state in which new VMs can be started.
void enable (session ref session_ref, host ref host)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
host |
The Host to enable |
Minimum Role: client-cert
Return Type: void
RPC name: enable_display
Enable console output to the physical display device next time this host boots
host_display enable_display (session ref session_ref, host ref host)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
host |
The host |
Minimum Role: pool-operator
Return Type: host_display
This host’s physical display usage
RPC name: enable_external_auth
This call enables external authentication on a host
void enable_external_auth (session ref session_ref, host ref host, (string -> string) map config, string service_name, string auth_type)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
host |
The host whose external authentication should be enabled |
(string -> string) map |
config |
A list of key-values containing the configuration data |
string |
service_name |
The name of the service |
string |
auth_type |
The type of authentication (e.g. AD for Active Directory) |
Minimum Role: pool-admin
Return Type: void
RPC name: enable_local_storage_caching
Enable the use of a local SR for caching purposes
void enable_local_storage_caching (session ref session_ref, host ref host, SR ref sr)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
host |
The host |
SR ref |
sr |
The SR to use as a local cache |
Minimum Role: pool-operator
Return Type: void
RPC name: evacuate
Migrate all VMs off of this host, where possible.
void evacuate (session ref session_ref, host ref host, network ref network, int evacuate_batch_size)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
host |
The host to evacuate |
network ref |
network |
Optional preferred network for migration |
int |
evacuate_batch_size |
The maximum number of VMs to be migrated per batch 0 will use the value evacuation-batch-size defined in xapi.conf |
Minimum Role: client-cert
Return Type: void
RPC name: forget_data_source_archives
Forget the recorded statistics related to the specified data source
void forget_data_source_archives (session ref session_ref, host ref host, string data_source)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
host |
The host |
string |
data_source |
The data source whose archives are to be forgotten |
Minimum Role: pool-operator
Return Type: void
RPC name: get_address
Get the address field of the given host.
string get_address (session ref session_ref, host ref self)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
self |
reference to the object |
Minimum Role: read-only
Return Type: string
value of the field
RPC name: get_all
Return a list of all the hosts known to the system.
host ref set get_all (session ref session_ref)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
Minimum Role: read-only
Return Type: host ref set
references to all objects
RPC name: get_all_records
Return a map of host references to host records for all hosts known to the system.
(host ref -> host record) map get_all_records (session ref session_ref)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
Minimum Role: read-only
Return Type: (host ref -> host record) map
records of all objects
RPC name: get_allowed_operations
Get the allowed_operations field of the given host.
host_allowed_operations set get_allowed_operations (session ref session_ref, host ref self)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
self |
reference to the object |
Minimum Role: read-only
Return Type: host_allowed_operations set
value of the field
RPC name: get_API_version_major
Get the API_version/major field of the given host.
int get_API_version_major (session ref session_ref, host ref self)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
self |
reference to the object |
Minimum Role: read-only
Return Type: int
value of the field
RPC name: get_API_version_minor
Get the API_version/minor field of the given host.
int get_API_version_minor (session ref session_ref, host ref self)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
self |
reference to the object |
Minimum Role: read-only
Return Type: int
value of the field
RPC name: get_API_version_vendor
Get the API_version/vendor field of the given host.
string get_API_version_vendor (session ref session_ref, host ref self)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
self |
reference to the object |
Minimum Role: read-only
Return Type: string
value of the field
RPC name: get_API_version_vendor_implementation
Get the API_version/vendor_implementation field of the given host.
(string -> string) map get_API_version_vendor_implementation (session ref session_ref, host ref self)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
self |
reference to the object |
Minimum Role: read-only
Return Type: (string -> string) map
value of the field
RPC name: get_bios_strings
Get the bios_strings field of the given host.
(string -> string) map get_bios_strings (session ref session_ref, host ref self)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
self |
reference to the object |
Minimum Role: read-only
Return Type: (string -> string) map
value of the field
RPC name: get_blobs
Get the blobs field of the given host.
(string -> blob ref) map get_blobs (session ref session_ref, host ref self)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
self |
reference to the object |
Minimum Role: read-only
Return Type: (string -> blob ref) map
value of the field
RPC name: get_by_name_label
Get all the host instances with the given label.
host ref set get_by_name_label (session ref session_ref, string label)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
string |
label |
label of object to return |
Minimum Role: read-only
Return Type: host ref set
references to objects with matching names
RPC name: get_by_uuid
Get a reference to the host instance with the specified UUID.
host ref get_by_uuid (session ref session_ref, string uuid)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
string |
uuid |
UUID of object to return |
Minimum Role: read-only
Return Type: host ref
reference to the object
RPC name: get_capabilities
Get the capabilities field of the given host.
string set get_capabilities (session ref session_ref, host ref self)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
self |
reference to the object |
Minimum Role: read-only
Return Type: string set
value of the field
RPC name: get_certificates
Get the certificates field of the given host.
Certificate ref set get_certificates (session ref session_ref, host ref self)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
self |
reference to the object |
Minimum Role: read-only
Return Type: Certificate ref set
value of the field
RPC name: get_chipset_info
Get the chipset_info field of the given host.
(string -> string) map get_chipset_info (session ref session_ref, host ref self)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
self |
reference to the object |
Minimum Role: read-only
Return Type: (string -> string) map
value of the field
RPC name: get_control_domain
Get the control_domain field of the given host.
VM ref get_control_domain (session ref session_ref, host ref self)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
self |
reference to the object |
Minimum Role: read-only
Return Type: VM ref
value of the field
RPC name: get_cpu_configuration
Get the cpu_configuration field of the given host.
(string -> string) map get_cpu_configuration (session ref session_ref, host ref self)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
self |
reference to the object |
Minimum Role: read-only
Return Type: (string -> string) map
value of the field
RPC name: get_cpu_info
Get the cpu_info field of the given host.
(string -> string) map get_cpu_info (session ref session_ref, host ref self)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
self |
reference to the object |
Minimum Role: read-only
Return Type: (string -> string) map
value of the field
RPC name: get_crash_dump_sr
Get the crash_dump_sr field of the given host.
SR ref get_crash_dump_sr (session ref session_ref, host ref self)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
self |
reference to the object |
Minimum Role: read-only
Return Type: SR ref
value of the field
RPC name: get_crashdumps
Get the crashdumps field of the given host.
host_crashdump ref set get_crashdumps (session ref session_ref, host ref self)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
self |
reference to the object |
Minimum Role: read-only
Return Type: host_crashdump ref set
value of the field
RPC name: get_current_operations
Get the current_operations field of the given host.
(string -> host_allowed_operations) map get_current_operations (session ref session_ref, host ref self)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
self |
reference to the object |
Minimum Role: read-only
Return Type: (string -> host_allowed_operations) map
value of the field
RPC name: get_data_sources
data_source record set get_data_sources (session ref session_ref, host ref host)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
host |
The host to interrogate |
Minimum Role: read-only
Return Type: data_source record set
A set of data sources
RPC name: get_display
Get the display field of the given host.
host_display get_display (session ref session_ref, host ref self)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
self |
reference to the object |
Minimum Role: read-only
Return Type: host_display
value of the field
RPC name: get_edition
Get the edition field of the given host.
string get_edition (session ref session_ref, host ref self)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
self |
reference to the object |
Minimum Role: read-only
Return Type: string
value of the field
RPC name: get_editions
Get the editions field of the given host.
string set get_editions (session ref session_ref, host ref self)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
self |
reference to the object |
Minimum Role: read-only
Return Type: string set
value of the field
RPC name: get_enabled
Get the enabled field of the given host.
bool get_enabled (session ref session_ref, host ref self)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
self |
reference to the object |
Minimum Role: read-only
Return Type: bool
value of the field
RPC name: get_external_auth_configuration
Get the external_auth_configuration field of the given host.
(string -> string) map get_external_auth_configuration (session ref session_ref, host ref self)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
self |
reference to the object |
Minimum Role: read-only
Return Type: (string -> string) map
value of the field
RPC name: get_external_auth_service_name
Get the external_auth_service_name field of the given host.
string get_external_auth_service_name (session ref session_ref, host ref self)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
self |
reference to the object |
Minimum Role: read-only
Return Type: string
value of the field
RPC name: get_external_auth_type
Get the external_auth_type field of the given host.
string get_external_auth_type (session ref session_ref, host ref self)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
self |
reference to the object |
Minimum Role: read-only
Return Type: string
value of the field
RPC name: get_features
Get the features field of the given host.
Feature ref set get_features (session ref session_ref, host ref self)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
self |
reference to the object |
Minimum Role: read-only
Return Type: Feature ref set
value of the field
RPC name: get_guest_VCPUs_params
Get the guest_VCPUs_params field of the given host.
(string -> string) map get_guest_VCPUs_params (session ref session_ref, host ref self)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
self |
reference to the object |
Minimum Role: read-only
Return Type: (string -> string) map
value of the field
RPC name: get_ha_network_peers
Get the ha_network_peers field of the given host.
string set get_ha_network_peers (session ref session_ref, host ref self)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
self |
reference to the object |
Minimum Role: read-only
Return Type: string set
value of the field
RPC name: get_ha_statefiles
Get the ha_statefiles field of the given host.
string set get_ha_statefiles (session ref session_ref, host ref self)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
self |
reference to the object |
Minimum Role: read-only
Return Type: string set
value of the field
RPC name: get_host_CPUs
Get the host_CPUs field of the given host.
host_cpu ref set get_host_CPUs (session ref session_ref, host ref self)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
self |
reference to the object |
Minimum Role: read-only
Return Type: host_cpu ref set
value of the field
RPC name: get_hostname
Get the hostname field of the given host.
string get_hostname (session ref session_ref, host ref self)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
self |
reference to the object |
Minimum Role: read-only
Return Type: string
value of the field
RPC name: get_https_only
Get the https_only field of the given host.
bool get_https_only (session ref session_ref, host ref self)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
self |
reference to the object |
Minimum Role: read-only
Return Type: bool
value of the field
RPC name: get_iscsi_iqn
Get the iscsi_iqn field of the given host.
string get_iscsi_iqn (session ref session_ref, host ref self)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
self |
reference to the object |
Minimum Role: read-only
Return Type: string
value of the field
RPC name: get_last_software_update
Get the last_software_update field of the given host.
datetime get_last_software_update (session ref session_ref, host ref self)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
self |
reference to the object |
Minimum Role: read-only
Return Type: datetime
value of the field
RPC name: get_last_update_hash
Get the last_update_hash field of the given host.
string get_last_update_hash (session ref session_ref, host ref self)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
self |
reference to the object |
Minimum Role: read-only
Return Type: string
value of the field
RPC name: get_latest_synced_updates_applied
Get the latest_synced_updates_applied field of the given host.
latest_synced_updates_applied_state get_latest_synced_updates_applied (session ref session_ref, host ref self)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
self |
reference to the object |
Minimum Role: read-only
Return Type: latest_synced_updates_applied_state
value of the field
RPC name: get_license_params
Get the license_params field of the given host.
(string -> string) map get_license_params (session ref session_ref, host ref self)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
self |
reference to the object |
Minimum Role: read-only
Return Type: (string -> string) map
value of the field
RPC name: get_license_server
Get the license_server field of the given host.
(string -> string) map get_license_server (session ref session_ref, host ref self)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
self |
reference to the object |
Minimum Role: read-only
Return Type: (string -> string) map
value of the field
RPC name: get_local_cache_sr
Get the local_cache_sr field of the given host.
SR ref get_local_cache_sr (session ref session_ref, host ref self)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
self |
reference to the object |
Minimum Role: read-only
Return Type: SR ref
value of the field
RPC name: get_log
Get the host’s log file
string get_log (session ref session_ref, host ref host)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
host |
The Host to query |
Minimum Role: read-only
Return Type: string
The contents of the host’s primary log file
RPC name: get_logging
Get the logging field of the given host.
(string -> string) map get_logging (session ref session_ref, host ref self)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
self |
reference to the object |
Minimum Role: read-only
Return Type: (string -> string) map
value of the field
RPC name: get_management_interface
Returns the management interface for the specified host
PIF ref get_management_interface (session ref session_ref, host ref host)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
host |
Which host’s management interface is required |
Minimum Role: pool-operator
Return Type: PIF ref
The management interface for the host
RPC name: get_memory_overhead
Get the memory/overhead field of the given host.
int get_memory_overhead (session ref session_ref, host ref self)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
self |
reference to the object |
Minimum Role: read-only
Return Type: int
value of the field
RPC name: get_metrics
Get the metrics field of the given host.
host_metrics ref get_metrics (session ref session_ref, host ref self)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
self |
reference to the object |
Minimum Role: read-only
Return Type: host_metrics ref
value of the field
RPC name: get_multipathing
Get the multipathing field of the given host.
bool get_multipathing (session ref session_ref, host ref self)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
self |
reference to the object |
Minimum Role: read-only
Return Type: bool
value of the field
RPC name: get_name_description
Get the name/description field of the given host.
string get_name_description (session ref session_ref, host ref self)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
self |
reference to the object |
Minimum Role: read-only
Return Type: string
value of the field
RPC name: get_name_label
Get the name/label field of the given host.
string get_name_label (session ref session_ref, host ref self)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
self |
reference to the object |
Minimum Role: read-only
Return Type: string
value of the field
RPC name: get_other_config
Get the other_config field of the given host.
(string -> string) map get_other_config (session ref session_ref, host ref self)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
self |
reference to the object |
Minimum Role: read-only
Return Type: (string -> string) map
value of the field
RPC name: get_patches
This message is deprecated.
Get the patches field of the given host.
host_patch ref set get_patches (session ref session_ref, host ref self)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
self |
reference to the object |
Minimum Role: read-only
Return Type: host_patch ref set
value of the field
RPC name: get_PBDs
Get the PBDs field of the given host.
PBD ref set get_PBDs (session ref session_ref, host ref self)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
self |
reference to the object |
Minimum Role: read-only
Return Type: PBD ref set
value of the field
RPC name: get_PCIs
Get the PCIs field of the given host.
PCI ref set get_PCIs (session ref session_ref, host ref self)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
self |
reference to the object |
Minimum Role: read-only
Return Type: PCI ref set
value of the field
RPC name: get_pending_guidances
Get the pending_guidances field of the given host.
update_guidances set get_pending_guidances (session ref session_ref, host ref self)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
self |
reference to the object |
Minimum Role: read-only
Return Type: update_guidances set
value of the field
RPC name: get_pending_guidances_full
Get the pending_guidances_full field of the given host.
update_guidances set get_pending_guidances_full (session ref session_ref, host ref self)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
self |
reference to the object |
Minimum Role: read-only
Return Type: update_guidances set
value of the field
RPC name: get_pending_guidances_recommended
Get the pending_guidances_recommended field of the given host.
update_guidances set get_pending_guidances_recommended (session ref session_ref, host ref self)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
self |
reference to the object |
Minimum Role: read-only
Return Type: update_guidances set
value of the field
RPC name: get_PGPUs
Get the PGPUs field of the given host.
PGPU ref set get_PGPUs (session ref session_ref, host ref self)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
self |
reference to the object |
Minimum Role: read-only
Return Type: PGPU ref set
value of the field
RPC name: get_PIFs
Get the PIFs field of the given host.
PIF ref set get_PIFs (session ref session_ref, host ref self)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
self |
reference to the object |
Minimum Role: read-only
Return Type: PIF ref set
value of the field
RPC name: get_power_on_config
Get the power_on_config field of the given host.
(string -> string) map get_power_on_config (session ref session_ref, host ref self)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
self |
reference to the object |
Minimum Role: read-only
Return Type: (string -> string) map
value of the field
RPC name: get_power_on_mode
Get the power_on_mode field of the given host.
string get_power_on_mode (session ref session_ref, host ref self)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
self |
reference to the object |
Minimum Role: read-only
Return Type: string
value of the field
RPC name: get_PUSBs
Get the PUSBs field of the given host.
PUSB ref set get_PUSBs (session ref session_ref, host ref self)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
self |
reference to the object |
Minimum Role: read-only
Return Type: PUSB ref set
value of the field
RPC name: get_record
Get a record containing the current state of the given host.
host record get_record (session ref session_ref, host ref self)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
self |
reference to the object |
Minimum Role: read-only
Return Type: host record
all fields from the object
RPC name: get_resident_VMs
Get the resident_VMs field of the given host.
VM ref set get_resident_VMs (session ref session_ref, host ref self)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
self |
reference to the object |
Minimum Role: read-only
Return Type: VM ref set
value of the field
RPC name: get_sched_gran
Gets xen’s sched-gran on a host
host_sched_gran get_sched_gran (session ref session_ref, host ref self)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
self |
The host |
Return Type: host_sched_gran
The host’s sched-gran
RPC name: get_sched_policy
Get the sched_policy field of the given host.
string get_sched_policy (session ref session_ref, host ref self)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
self |
reference to the object |
Minimum Role: read-only
Return Type: string
value of the field
RPC name: get_server_certificate
Get the installed server public TLS certificate.
string get_server_certificate (session ref session_ref, host ref host)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
host |
The host |
Minimum Role: read-only
Return Type: string
The installed server public TLS certificate, in PEM form.
RPC name: get_server_localtime
This call queries the host’s clock for the current time in the host’s local timezone
datetime get_server_localtime (session ref session_ref, host ref host)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
host |
The host whose clock should be queried |
Minimum Role: read-only
Return Type: datetime
The current local time
RPC name: get_servertime
This call queries the host’s clock for the current time
datetime get_servertime (session ref session_ref, host ref host)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
host |
The host whose clock should be queried |
Minimum Role: read-only
Return Type: datetime
The current time
RPC name: get_software_version
Get the software_version field of the given host.
(string -> string) map get_software_version (session ref session_ref, host ref self)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
self |
reference to the object |
Minimum Role: read-only
Return Type: (string -> string) map
value of the field
RPC name: get_ssl_legacy
This message is deprecated.
Get the ssl_legacy field of the given host.
bool get_ssl_legacy (session ref session_ref, host ref self)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
self |
reference to the object |
Minimum Role: read-only
Return Type: bool
value of the field
RPC name: get_supported_bootloaders
Get the supported_bootloaders field of the given host.
string set get_supported_bootloaders (session ref session_ref, host ref self)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
self |
reference to the object |
Minimum Role: read-only
Return Type: string set
value of the field
RPC name: get_suspend_image_sr
Get the suspend_image_sr field of the given host.
SR ref get_suspend_image_sr (session ref session_ref, host ref self)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
self |
reference to the object |
Minimum Role: read-only
Return Type: SR ref
value of the field
RPC name: get_system_status_capabilities
string get_system_status_capabilities (session ref session_ref, host ref host)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
host |
The host to interrogate |
Minimum Role: read-only
Return Type: string
An XML fragment containing the system status capabilities.
RPC name: get_tags
Get the tags field of the given host.
string set get_tags (session ref session_ref, host ref self)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
self |
reference to the object |
Minimum Role: read-only
Return Type: string set
value of the field
RPC name: get_tls_verification_enabled
Get the tls_verification_enabled field of the given host.
bool get_tls_verification_enabled (session ref session_ref, host ref self)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
self |
reference to the object |
Minimum Role: read-only
Return Type: bool
value of the field
RPC name: get_uefi_certificates
This message is deprecated.
Get the uefi_certificates field of the given host.
string get_uefi_certificates (session ref session_ref, host ref self)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
self |
reference to the object |
Minimum Role: read-only
Return Type: string
value of the field
RPC name: get_uncooperative_resident_VMs
This message is deprecated.
Return a set of VMs which are not co-operating with the host’s memory control system
VM ref set get_uncooperative_resident_VMs (session ref session_ref, host ref self)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
self |
The host to query |
Minimum Role: read-only
Return Type: VM ref set
VMs which are not co-operating
RPC name: get_updates
Get the updates field of the given host.
pool_update ref set get_updates (session ref session_ref, host ref self)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
self |
reference to the object |
Minimum Role: read-only
Return Type: pool_update ref set
value of the field
RPC name: get_updates_requiring_reboot
Get the updates_requiring_reboot field of the given host.
pool_update ref set get_updates_requiring_reboot (session ref session_ref, host ref self)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
self |
reference to the object |
Minimum Role: read-only
Return Type: pool_update ref set
value of the field
RPC name: get_uuid
Get the uuid field of the given host.
string get_uuid (session ref session_ref, host ref self)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
self |
reference to the object |
Minimum Role: read-only
Return Type: string
value of the field
RPC name: get_virtual_hardware_platform_versions
Get the virtual_hardware_platform_versions field of the given host.
int set get_virtual_hardware_platform_versions (session ref session_ref, host ref self)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
self |
reference to the object |
Minimum Role: read-only
Return Type: int set
value of the field
RPC name: get_vms_which_prevent_evacuation
Return a set of VMs which prevent the host being evacuated, with per-VM error codes
(VM ref -> string set) map get_vms_which_prevent_evacuation (session ref session_ref, host ref self)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
self |
The host to query |
Minimum Role: read-only
Return Type: (VM ref -> string set) map
VMs which block evacuation together with reasons
RPC name: has_extension
Return true if the extension is available on the host
bool has_extension (session ref session_ref, host ref host, string name)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
host |
The host |
string |
name |
The name of the API call |
Minimum Role: pool-admin
Return Type: bool
True if the extension exists, false otherwise
RPC name: install_server_certificate
Install the TLS server certificate.
void install_server_certificate (session ref session_ref, host ref host, string certificate, string private_key, string certificate_chain)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
host |
The host |
string |
certificate |
The server certificate, in PEM form |
string |
private_key |
The unencrypted private key used to sign the certificate, in PKCS#8 form |
string |
certificate_chain |
The certificate chain, in PEM form |
Minimum Role: pool-admin
Return Type: void
RPC name: license_add
Apply a new license to a host
void license_add (session ref session_ref, host ref host, string contents)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
host |
The host to upload the license to |
string |
contents |
The contents of the license file, base64 encoded |
Minimum Role: pool-operator
Return Type: void
RPC name: license_apply
This message is removed.
Apply a new license to a host
void license_apply (session ref session_ref, host ref host, string contents)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
host |
The host to upload the license to |
string |
contents |
The contents of the license file, base64 encoded |
Minimum Role: pool-operator
Return Type: void
RPC name: license_remove
Remove any license file from the specified host, and switch that host to the unlicensed edition
void license_remove (session ref session_ref, host ref host)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
host |
The host from which any license will be removed |
Minimum Role: pool-operator
Return Type: void
RPC name: list_methods
List all supported methods
string set list_methods (session ref session_ref)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
Minimum Role: read-only
Return Type: string set
The name of every supported method.
RPC name: local_management_reconfigure
Reconfigure the management network interface. Should only be used if Host.management_reconfigure is impossible because the network configuration is broken.
void local_management_reconfigure (session ref session_ref, string interface)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
string |
interface |
name of the interface to use as a management interface |
Minimum Role: pool-operator
Return Type: void
RPC name: management_disable
Disable the management network interface
void management_disable (session ref session_ref)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
Minimum Role: pool-operator
Return Type: void
RPC name: management_reconfigure
Reconfigure the management network interface
void management_reconfigure (session ref session_ref, PIF ref pif)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
PIF ref |
pif |
reference to a PIF object corresponding to the management interface |
Minimum Role: pool-operator
Return Type: void
RPC name: migrate_receive
Prepare to receive a VM, returning a token which can be passed to VM.migrate.
(string -> string) map migrate_receive (session ref session_ref, host ref host, network ref network, (string -> string) map options)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
host |
The target host |
network ref |
network |
The network through which migration traffic should be received. |
(string -> string) map |
options |
Extra configuration operations |
Minimum Role: vm-power-admin
Return Type: (string -> string) map
A value which should be passed to VM.migrate
RPC name: power_on
Attempt to power-on the host (if the capability exists).
void power_on (session ref session_ref, host ref host)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
host |
The Host to power on |
Minimum Role: pool-operator
Return Type: void
RPC name: query_data_source
Query the latest value of the specified data source
float query_data_source (session ref session_ref, host ref host, string data_source)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
host |
The host |
string |
data_source |
The data source to query |
Minimum Role: read-only
Return Type: float
The latest value, averaged over the last 5 seconds
RPC name: reboot
Reboot the host. (This function can only be called if there are no currently running VMs on the host and it is disabled.)
void reboot (session ref session_ref, host ref host)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
host |
The Host to reboot |
Minimum Role: pool-operator
Return Type: void
RPC name: record_data_source
Start recording the specified data source
void record_data_source (session ref session_ref, host ref host, string data_source)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
host |
The host |
string |
data_source |
The data source to record |
Minimum Role: pool-operator
Return Type: void
RPC name: refresh_pack_info
This message is deprecated.
Refresh the list of installed Supplemental Packs.
void refresh_pack_info (session ref session_ref, host ref host)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
host |
The Host to modify |
Minimum Role: pool-operator
Return Type: void
RPC name: refresh_server_certificate
Replace the internal self-signed host certficate with a new one.
void refresh_server_certificate (session ref session_ref, host ref host)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
host |
The host |
Minimum Role: pool-admin
Return Type: void
RPC name: remove_from_guest_VCPUs_params
Remove the given key and its corresponding value from the guest_VCPUs_params field of the given host. If the key is not in that Map, then do nothing.
void remove_from_guest_VCPUs_params (session ref session_ref, host ref self, string key)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
self |
reference to the object |
string |
key |
Key to remove |
Minimum Role: pool-operator
Return Type: void
RPC name: remove_from_license_server
Remove the given key and its corresponding value from the license_server field of the given host. If the key is not in that Map, then do nothing.
void remove_from_license_server (session ref session_ref, host ref self, string key)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
self |
reference to the object |
string |
key |
Key to remove |
Minimum Role: pool-operator
Return Type: void
RPC name: remove_from_logging
Remove the given key and its corresponding value from the logging field of the given host. If the key is not in that Map, then do nothing.
void remove_from_logging (session ref session_ref, host ref self, string key)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
self |
reference to the object |
string |
key |
Key to remove |
Minimum Role: pool-operator
Return Type: void
RPC name: remove_from_other_config
Remove the given key and its corresponding value from the other_config field of the given host. If the key is not in that Map, then do nothing.
void remove_from_other_config (session ref session_ref, host ref self, string key)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
self |
reference to the object |
string |
key |
Key to remove |
Minimum Role: pool-operator
Return Type: void
RPC name: remove_tags
Remove the given value from the tags field of the given host. If the value is not in that Set, then do nothing.
void remove_tags (session ref session_ref, host ref self, string value)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
self |
reference to the object |
string |
value |
Value to remove |
Minimum Role: vm-operator
Return Type: void
RPC name: rescan_drivers
Scan the host and update its driver information.
void rescan_drivers (session ref session_ref, host ref self)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
self |
The host to be rescanned |
Minimum Role: pool-admin
Return Type: void
RPC name: reset_cpu_features
This message is removed.
Remove the feature mask, such that after a reboot all features of the CPU are enabled.
void reset_cpu_features (session ref session_ref, host ref host)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
host |
The host |
Minimum Role: pool-operator
Return Type: void
RPC name: reset_server_certificate
Delete the current TLS server certificate and replace by a new, self-signed one. This should only be used with extreme care.
void reset_server_certificate (session ref session_ref, host ref host)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
host |
The host |
Minimum Role: pool-admin
Return Type: void
RPC name: restart_agent
Restarts the agent after a 10 second pause. WARNING: this is a dangerous operation. Any operations in progress will be aborted, and unrecoverable data loss may occur. The caller is responsible for ensuring that there are no operations in progress when this method is called.
void restart_agent (session ref session_ref, host ref host)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
host |
The Host on which you want to restart the agent |
Minimum Role: pool-operator
Return Type: void
RPC name: retrieve_wlb_evacuate_recommendations
Retrieves recommended host migrations to perform when evacuating the host from the wlb server. If a VM cannot be migrated from the host the reason is listed instead of a recommendation.
(VM ref -> string set) map retrieve_wlb_evacuate_recommendations (session ref session_ref, host ref self)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
self |
The host to query |
Minimum Role: read-only
Return Type: (VM ref -> string set) map
VMs and the reasons why they would block evacuation, or their target host recommended by the wlb server
RPC name: send_debug_keys
Inject the given string as debugging keys into Xen
void send_debug_keys (session ref session_ref, host ref host, string keys)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
host |
The host |
string |
keys |
The keys to send |
Minimum Role: pool-admin
Return Type: void
RPC name: set_address
Set the address field of the given host.
void set_address (session ref session_ref, host ref self, string value)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
self |
reference to the object |
string |
value |
New value to set |
Minimum Role: pool-operator
Return Type: void
RPC name: set_cpu_features
This message is removed.
Set the CPU features to be used after a reboot, if the given features string is valid.
void set_cpu_features (session ref session_ref, host ref host, string features)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
host |
The host |
string |
features |
The features string (32 hexadecimal digits) |
Minimum Role: pool-operator
Return Type: void
RPC name: set_crash_dump_sr
Set the crash_dump_sr field of the given host.
void set_crash_dump_sr (session ref session_ref, host ref self, SR ref value)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
self |
reference to the object |
SR ref |
value |
New value to set |
Minimum Role: pool-operator
Return Type: void
RPC name: set_display
Set the display field of the given host.
void set_display (session ref session_ref, host ref self, host_display value)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
self |
reference to the object |
host_display |
value |
New value to set |
Minimum Role: pool-operator
Return Type: void
RPC name: set_guest_VCPUs_params
Set the guest_VCPUs_params field of the given host.
void set_guest_VCPUs_params (session ref session_ref, host ref self, (string -> string) map value)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
self |
reference to the object |
(string -> string) map |
value |
New value to set |
Minimum Role: pool-operator
Return Type: void
RPC name: set_hostname
Set the hostname field of the given host.
void set_hostname (session ref session_ref, host ref self, string value)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
self |
reference to the object |
string |
value |
New value to set |
Minimum Role: pool-operator
Return Type: void
RPC name: set_hostname_live
Sets the host name to the specified string. Both the API and lower-level system hostname are changed immediately.
void set_hostname_live (session ref session_ref, host ref host, string hostname)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
host |
The host whose host name to set |
string |
hostname |
The new host name |
Minimum Role: pool-operator
Return Type: void
Possible Error Codes: HOST_NAME_INVALID
RPC name: set_https_only
updates the host firewall to open or close port 80 depending on the value
void set_https_only (session ref session_ref, host ref self, bool value)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
self |
The Host |
bool |
value |
true - http port 80 will be blocked, false - http port 80 will be open |
Minimum Role: pool-operator
Return Type: void
RPC name: set_iscsi_iqn
Sets the initiator IQN for the host
void set_iscsi_iqn (session ref session_ref, host ref host, string value)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
host |
The host |
string |
value |
The value to which the IQN should be set |
Minimum Role: pool-operator
Return Type: void
RPC name: set_license_server
Set the license_server field of the given host.
void set_license_server (session ref session_ref, host ref self, (string -> string) map value)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
self |
reference to the object |
(string -> string) map |
value |
New value to set |
Minimum Role: pool-operator
Return Type: void
RPC name: set_logging
Set the logging field of the given host.
void set_logging (session ref session_ref, host ref self, (string -> string) map value)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
self |
reference to the object |
(string -> string) map |
value |
New value to set |
Minimum Role: pool-operator
Return Type: void
RPC name: set_multipathing
Specifies whether multipathing is enabled
void set_multipathing (session ref session_ref, host ref host, bool value)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
host |
The host |
bool |
value |
Whether multipathing should be enabled |
Minimum Role: pool-operator
Return Type: void
RPC name: set_name_description
Set the name/description field of the given host.
void set_name_description (session ref session_ref, host ref self, string value)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
self |
reference to the object |
string |
value |
New value to set |
Minimum Role: pool-operator
Return Type: void
RPC name: set_name_label
Set the name/label field of the given host.
void set_name_label (session ref session_ref, host ref self, string value)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
self |
reference to the object |
string |
value |
New value to set |
Minimum Role: pool-operator
Return Type: void
RPC name: set_other_config
Set the other_config field of the given host.
void set_other_config (session ref session_ref, host ref self, (string -> string) map value)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
self |
reference to the object |
(string -> string) map |
value |
New value to set |
Minimum Role: pool-operator
Return Type: void
RPC name: set_power_on_mode
Set the power-on-mode, host, user and password
void set_power_on_mode (session ref session_ref, host ref self, string power_on_mode, (string -> string) map power_on_config)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
self |
The host |
string |
power_on_mode |
power-on-mode can be empty, wake-on-lan, IPMI or other |
(string -> string) map |
power_on_config |
Power on config |
Minimum Role: pool-operator
Return Type: void
RPC name: set_sched_gran
Sets xen’s sched-gran on a host. See:
void set_sched_gran (session ref session_ref, host ref self, host_sched_gran value)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
self |
The host |
host_sched_gran |
value |
The sched-gran to apply to a host |
Return Type: void
RPC name: set_ssl_legacy
Enable/disable SSLv3 for interoperability with older server versions. When this is set to a different value, the host immediately restarts its SSL/TLS listening service; typically this takes less than a second but existing connections to it will be broken. API login sessions will remain valid.
void set_ssl_legacy (session ref session_ref, host ref self, bool value)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
self |
The host |
bool |
value |
True to allow SSLv3 and ciphersuites as used in old XenServer versions |
Minimum Role: pool-operator
Return Type: void
RPC name: set_suspend_image_sr
Set the suspend_image_sr field of the given host.
void set_suspend_image_sr (session ref session_ref, host ref self, SR ref value)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
self |
reference to the object |
SR ref |
value |
New value to set |
Minimum Role: pool-operator
Return Type: void
RPC name: set_tags
Set the tags field of the given host.
void set_tags (session ref session_ref, host ref self, string set value)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
self |
reference to the object |
string set |
value |
New value to set |
Minimum Role: vm-operator
Return Type: void
RPC name: set_uefi_certificates
This message is deprecated.
Sets the UEFI certificates on a host
void set_uefi_certificates (session ref session_ref, host ref host, string value)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
host |
The host |
string |
value |
The certificates to apply to a host |
Return Type: void
RPC name: shutdown
Shutdown the host. (This function can only be called if there are no currently running VMs on the host and it is disabled.)
void shutdown (session ref session_ref, host ref host)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
host |
The Host to shutdown |
Minimum Role: pool-operator
Return Type: void
RPC name: shutdown_agent
Shuts the agent down after a 10 second pause. WARNING: this is a dangerous operation. Any operations in progress will be aborted, and unrecoverable data loss may occur. The caller is responsible for ensuring that there are no operations in progress when this method is called.
void shutdown_agent (session ref session_ref)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
Minimum Role: pool-operator
Return Type: void
RPC name: sync_data
This causes the synchronisation of the non-database data (messages, RRDs and so on) stored on the master to be synchronised with the host
void sync_data (session ref session_ref, host ref host)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
host |
The host to whom the data should be sent |
Minimum Role: pool-admin
Return Type: void
RPC name: syslog_reconfigure
Re-configure syslog logging
void syslog_reconfigure (session ref session_ref, host ref host)
Type | Name | Description |
session ref |
session_ref |
Reference to a valid session |
host ref |
host |
Tell the host to reread its Host.logging parameters and reconfigure itself accordingly |
Minimum Role: pool-operator
Return Type: void
In this article
- Fields for class: host
RPCs associated with class: host
- RPC name: add_tags
- RPC name: add_to_guest_VCPUs_params
- RPC name: add_to_license_server
- RPC name: add_to_logging
- RPC name: add_to_other_config
- RPC name: apply_edition
- RPC name: apply_recommended_guidances
- RPC name: apply_updates
- RPC name: assert_can_evacuate
- RPC name: backup_rrds
- RPC name: bugreport_upload
- RPC name: call_extension
- RPC name: call_plugin
- RPC name: compute_free_memory
- RPC name: compute_memory_overhead
- RPC name: create_new_blob
- RPC name: declare_dead
- RPC name: destroy
- RPC name: disable
- RPC name: disable_display
- RPC name: disable_external_auth
- RPC name: disable_local_storage_caching
- RPC name: dmesg
- RPC name: dmesg_clear
- RPC name: emergency_clear_mandatory_guidance
- RPC name: emergency_disable_tls_verification
- RPC name: emergency_ha_disable
- RPC name: emergency_reenable_tls_verification
- RPC name: emergency_reset_server_certificate
- RPC name: enable
- RPC name: enable_display
- RPC name: enable_external_auth
- RPC name: enable_local_storage_caching
- RPC name: evacuate
- RPC name: forget_data_source_archives
- RPC name: get_address
- RPC name: get_all
- RPC name: get_all_records
- RPC name: get_allowed_operations
- RPC name: get_API_version_major
- RPC name: get_API_version_minor
- RPC name: get_API_version_vendor
- RPC name: get_API_version_vendor_implementation
- RPC name: get_bios_strings
- RPC name: get_blobs
- RPC name: get_by_name_label
- RPC name: get_by_uuid
- RPC name: get_capabilities
- RPC name: get_certificates
- RPC name: get_chipset_info
- RPC name: get_control_domain
- RPC name: get_cpu_configuration
- RPC name: get_cpu_info
- RPC name: get_crash_dump_sr
- RPC name: get_crashdumps
- RPC name: get_current_operations
- RPC name: get_data_sources
- RPC name: get_display
- RPC name: get_edition
- RPC name: get_editions
- RPC name: get_enabled
- RPC name: get_external_auth_configuration
- RPC name: get_external_auth_service_name
- RPC name: get_external_auth_type
- RPC name: get_features
- RPC name: get_guest_VCPUs_params
- RPC name: get_ha_network_peers
- RPC name: get_ha_statefiles
- RPC name: get_host_CPUs
- RPC name: get_hostname
- RPC name: get_https_only
- RPC name: get_iscsi_iqn
- RPC name: get_last_software_update
- RPC name: get_last_update_hash
- RPC name: get_latest_synced_updates_applied
- RPC name: get_license_params
- RPC name: get_license_server
- RPC name: get_local_cache_sr
- RPC name: get_log
- RPC name: get_logging
- RPC name: get_management_interface
- RPC name: get_memory_overhead
- RPC name: get_metrics
- RPC name: get_multipathing
- RPC name: get_name_description
- RPC name: get_name_label
- RPC name: get_other_config
- RPC name: get_patches
- RPC name: get_PBDs
- RPC name: get_PCIs
- RPC name: get_pending_guidances
- RPC name: get_pending_guidances_full
- RPC name: get_pending_guidances_recommended
- RPC name: get_PGPUs
- RPC name: get_PIFs
- RPC name: get_power_on_config
- RPC name: get_power_on_mode
- RPC name: get_PUSBs
- RPC name: get_record
- RPC name: get_resident_VMs
- RPC name: get_sched_gran
- RPC name: get_sched_policy
- RPC name: get_server_certificate
- RPC name: get_server_localtime
- RPC name: get_servertime
- RPC name: get_software_version
- RPC name: get_ssl_legacy
- RPC name: get_supported_bootloaders
- RPC name: get_suspend_image_sr
- RPC name: get_system_status_capabilities
- RPC name: get_tags
- RPC name: get_tls_verification_enabled
- RPC name: get_uefi_certificates
- RPC name: get_uncooperative_resident_VMs
- RPC name: get_updates
- RPC name: get_updates_requiring_reboot
- RPC name: get_uuid
- RPC name: get_virtual_hardware_platform_versions
- RPC name: get_vms_which_prevent_evacuation
- RPC name: has_extension
- RPC name: install_server_certificate
- RPC name: license_add
- RPC name: license_apply
- RPC name: license_remove
- RPC name: list_methods
- RPC name: local_management_reconfigure
- RPC name: management_disable
- RPC name: management_reconfigure
- RPC name: migrate_receive
- RPC name: power_on
- RPC name: query_data_source
- RPC name: reboot
- RPC name: record_data_source
- RPC name: refresh_pack_info
- RPC name: refresh_server_certificate
- RPC name: remove_from_guest_VCPUs_params
- RPC name: remove_from_license_server
- RPC name: remove_from_logging
- RPC name: remove_from_other_config
- RPC name: remove_tags
- RPC name: rescan_drivers
- RPC name: reset_cpu_features
- RPC name: reset_server_certificate
- RPC name: restart_agent
- RPC name: retrieve_wlb_evacuate_recommendations
- RPC name: send_debug_keys
- RPC name: set_address
- RPC name: set_cpu_features
- RPC name: set_crash_dump_sr
- RPC name: set_display
- RPC name: set_guest_VCPUs_params
- RPC name: set_hostname
- RPC name: set_hostname_live
- RPC name: set_https_only
- RPC name: set_iscsi_iqn
- RPC name: set_license_server
- RPC name: set_logging
- RPC name: set_multipathing
- RPC name: set_name_description
- RPC name: set_name_label
- RPC name: set_other_config
- RPC name: set_power_on_mode
- RPC name: set_sched_gran
- RPC name: set_ssl_legacy
- RPC name: set_suspend_image_sr
- RPC name: set_tags
- RPC name: set_uefi_certificates
- RPC name: shutdown
- RPC name: shutdown_agent
- RPC name: sync_data
- RPC name: syslog_reconfigure