Develop for XenServer

Class: Bond

A Network bond that combines physical network interfaces, also known as link aggregation

Fields for class: Bond

Field Type Qualifier Description
auto_update_mac bool RO/runtime true if the MAC was taken from the primary slave when the bond was created, and false if the client specified the MAC
links_up int RO/runtime Number of links up in this bond
master PIF ref RO/constructor The bonded interface
mode bond_mode RO/runtime The algorithm used to distribute traffic among the bonded NICs
other_config (string -> string) map RW additional configuration
primary_slave PIF ref RO/runtime The PIF of which the IP configuration and MAC were copied to the bond, and which will receive all configuration/VLANs/VIFs on the bond if the bond is destroyed
properties (string -> string) map RO/runtime Additional configuration properties specific to the bond mode.
slaves PIF ref set RO/runtime The interfaces which are part of this bond
uuid string RO/runtime Unique identifier/object reference

RPCs associated with class: Bond

RPC name: add_to_other_config


Add the given key-value pair to the other_config field of the given Bond.


void add_to_other_config (session ref session_ref, Bond ref self, string key, string value)


Type Name Description
session ref session_ref Reference to a valid session
Bond ref self reference to the object
string key Key to add
string value Value to add

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: create


Create an interface bond


Bond ref create (session ref session_ref, network ref network, PIF ref set members, string MAC, bond_mode mode, (string -> string) map properties)


Type Name Description
session ref session_ref Reference to a valid session
network ref network Network to add the bonded PIF to
PIF ref set members PIFs to add to this bond
string MAC The MAC address to use on the bond itself. If this parameter is the empty string then the bond will inherit its MAC address from the primary slave.
bond_mode mode Bonding mode to use for the new bond
(string -> string) map properties Additional configuration parameters specific to the bond mode

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: Bond ref

The reference of the created Bond object

RPC name: destroy


Destroy an interface bond


void destroy (session ref session_ref, Bond ref self)


Type Name Description
session ref session_ref Reference to a valid session
Bond ref self Bond to destroy

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: get_all


Return a list of all the Bonds known to the system.


Bond ref set get_all (session ref session_ref)


Type Name Description
session ref session_ref Reference to a valid session

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: Bond ref set

references to all objects

RPC name: get_all_records


Return a map of Bond references to Bond records for all Bonds known to the system.


(Bond ref -> Bond record) map get_all_records (session ref session_ref)


Type Name Description
session ref session_ref Reference to a valid session

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: (Bond ref -> Bond record) map

records of all objects

RPC name: get_auto_update_mac


Get the auto_update_mac field of the given Bond.


bool get_auto_update_mac (session ref session_ref, Bond ref self)


Type Name Description
session ref session_ref Reference to a valid session
Bond ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: bool

value of the field

RPC name: get_by_uuid


Get a reference to the Bond instance with the specified UUID.


Bond ref get_by_uuid (session ref session_ref, string uuid)


Type Name Description
session ref session_ref Reference to a valid session
string uuid UUID of object to return

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: Bond ref

reference to the object


Get the links_up field of the given Bond.


int get_links_up (session ref session_ref, Bond ref self)


Type Name Description
session ref session_ref Reference to a valid session
Bond ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: int

value of the field

RPC name: get_master


Get the master field of the given Bond.


PIF ref get_master (session ref session_ref, Bond ref self)


Type Name Description
session ref session_ref Reference to a valid session
Bond ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: PIF ref

value of the field

RPC name: get_mode


Get the mode field of the given Bond.


bond_mode get_mode (session ref session_ref, Bond ref self)


Type Name Description
session ref session_ref Reference to a valid session
Bond ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: bond_mode

value of the field

RPC name: get_other_config


Get the other_config field of the given Bond.


(string -> string) map get_other_config (session ref session_ref, Bond ref self)


Type Name Description
session ref session_ref Reference to a valid session
Bond ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: (string -> string) map

value of the field

RPC name: get_primary_slave


Get the primary_slave field of the given Bond.


PIF ref get_primary_slave (session ref session_ref, Bond ref self)


Type Name Description
session ref session_ref Reference to a valid session
Bond ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: PIF ref

value of the field

RPC name: get_properties


Get the properties field of the given Bond.


(string -> string) map get_properties (session ref session_ref, Bond ref self)


Type Name Description
session ref session_ref Reference to a valid session
Bond ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: (string -> string) map

value of the field

RPC name: get_record


Get a record containing the current state of the given Bond.


Bond record get_record (session ref session_ref, Bond ref self)


Type Name Description
session ref session_ref Reference to a valid session
Bond ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: Bond record

all fields from the object

RPC name: get_slaves


Get the slaves field of the given Bond.


PIF ref set get_slaves (session ref session_ref, Bond ref self)


Type Name Description
session ref session_ref Reference to a valid session
Bond ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: PIF ref set

value of the field

RPC name: get_uuid


Get the uuid field of the given Bond.


string get_uuid (session ref session_ref, Bond ref self)


Type Name Description
session ref session_ref Reference to a valid session
Bond ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: string

value of the field

RPC name: remove_from_other_config


Remove the given key and its corresponding value from the other_config field of the given Bond. If the key is not in that Map, then do nothing.


void remove_from_other_config (session ref session_ref, Bond ref self, string key)


Type Name Description
session ref session_ref Reference to a valid session
Bond ref self reference to the object
string key Key to remove

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: set_mode


Change the bond mode


void set_mode (session ref session_ref, Bond ref self, bond_mode value)


Type Name Description
session ref session_ref Reference to a valid session
Bond ref self The bond
bond_mode value The new bond mode

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: set_other_config


Set the other_config field of the given Bond.


void set_other_config (session ref session_ref, Bond ref self, (string -> string) map value)


Type Name Description
session ref session_ref Reference to a valid session
Bond ref self reference to the object
(string -> string) map value New value to set

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: set_property


Set the value of a property of the bond


void set_property (session ref session_ref, Bond ref self, string name, string value)


Type Name Description
session ref session_ref Reference to a valid session
Bond ref self The bond
string name The property name
string value The property value

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void