Develop for XenServer

Class: LVHD

LVHD SR specific operations

Fields for class: LVHD

Field Type Qualifier Description
uuid string RO/runtime Unique identifier/object reference

RPCs associated with class: LVHD

RPC name: enable_thin_provisioning


Upgrades an LVHD SR to enable thin-provisioning. Future VDIs created in this SR will be thinly-provisioned, although existing VDIs will be left alone. Note that the SR must be attached to the SRmaster for upgrade to work.


string enable_thin_provisioning (session ref session_ref, host ref host, SR ref SR, int initial_allocation, int allocation_quantum)


Type Name Description
session ref session_ref Reference to a valid session
host ref host The LVHD Host to upgrade to being thin-provisioned.
SR ref SR The LVHD SR to upgrade to being thin-provisioned.
int initial_allocation The initial amount of space to allocate to a newly-created VDI in bytes
int allocation_quantum The amount of space to allocate to a VDI when it needs to be enlarged in bytes

Minimum Role: pool-admin

Return Type: string

Message from LVHD.enable_thin_provisioning extension

RPC name: get_by_uuid


Get a reference to the LVHD instance with the specified UUID.


LVHD ref get_by_uuid (session ref session_ref, string uuid)


Type Name Description
session ref session_ref Reference to a valid session
string uuid UUID of object to return

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: LVHD ref

reference to the object

RPC name: get_record


Get a record containing the current state of the given LVHD.


LVHD record get_record (session ref session_ref, LVHD ref self)


Type Name Description
session ref session_ref Reference to a valid session
LVHD ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: LVHD record

all fields from the object

RPC name: get_uuid


Get the uuid field of the given LVHD.


string get_uuid (session ref session_ref, LVHD ref self)


Type Name Description
session ref session_ref Reference to a valid session
LVHD ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: string

value of the field

Class: LVHD