Develop for XenServer

API Reference - Types and Classes


The following classes are defined:

Name Description
auth Management of remote authentication services
blob A placeholder for a binary blob
Certificate Description
Cluster Cluster-wide Cluster metadata
Cluster_host Cluster member metadata
console A console
crashdump Deprecated. A VM crashdump
data_source Data sources for logging in RRDs
DR_task DR task
event Asynchronous event registration and handling
Feature A new piece of functionality
GPU_group A group of compatible GPUs across the resource pool
host A physical host
host_cpu Deprecated. A physical CPU
host_crashdump Represents a host crash dump
host_metrics The metrics associated with a host
host_patch Deprecated. Represents a patch stored on a server
LVHD LVHD SR specific operations
message An message for the attention of the administrator
network A virtual network
network_sriov network-sriov which connects logical pif and physical pif
PBD The physical block devices through which hosts access SRs
PCI A PCI device
PGPU A physical GPU (pGPU)
PIF A physical network interface (note separate VLANs are represented as several PIFs)
PIF_metrics The metrics associated with a physical network interface
pool Pool-wide information
pool_patch Deprecated. Pool-wide patches
pool_update Pool-wide updates to the host software
probe_result A set of properties that describe one result element of SR.probe. Result elements and properties can change dynamically based on changes to the the SR.probe input-parameters or the target.
PUSB A physical USB device
PVS_cache_storage Describes the storage that is available to a PVS site for caching purposes
PVS_proxy a proxy connects a VM/VIF with a PVS site
PVS_server individual machine serving provisioning (block) data
PVS_site machines serving blocks of data for provisioning VMs
role A set of permissions associated with a subject
SDN_controller Describes the SDN controller that is to connect with the pool
secret A secret
session A session
SM A storage manager plugin
SR A storage repository
sr_stat A set of high-level properties associated with an SR.
subject A user or group that can log in xapi
task A long-running asynchronous task
tunnel A tunnel for network traffic
USB_group A group of compatible USBs across the resource pool
user Deprecated. A user of the system
VBD A virtual block device
VBD_metrics Removed. The metrics associated with a virtual block device
VDI A virtual disk image
vdi_nbd_server_info Details for connecting to a VDI using the Network Block Device protocol
VGPU A virtual GPU (vGPU)
VGPU_type A type of virtual GPU
VIF A virtual network interface
VIF_metrics Removed. The metrics associated with a virtual network device
VLAN A VLAN mux/demux
VM A virtual machine (or ‘guest’).
VM_appliance VM appliance
VM_guest_metrics The metrics reported by the guest (as opposed to inferred from outside)
VM_metrics The metrics associated with a VM
VMPP Removed. VM Protection Policy
VMSS VM Snapshot Schedule
VTPM A virtual TPM device
VUSB Describes the vusb device

Relationships Between Classes

Fields that are bound together are shown in the following table:

object.field object.field relationship
VM.snapshot_of VM.snapshots one-to-many
VDI.snapshot_of VDI.snapshots one-to-many
VM.parent VM.children one-to-many
task.subtask_of task.subtasks one-to-many
PIF.bond_slave_of Bond.slaves one-to-many
Bond.master PIF.bond_master_of one-to-many
VLAN.tagged_PIF PIF.VLAN_slave_of one-to-many
tunnel.access_PIF PIF.tunnel_access_PIF_of one-to-many
tunnel.transport_PIF PIF.tunnel_transport_PIF_of one-to-many host.PBDs one-to-many
PBD.SR SR.PBDs one-to-many
VBD.VDI VDI.VBDs one-to-many
crashdump.VDI VDI.crash_dumps one-to-many
VBD.VM VM.VBDs one-to-many
crashdump.VM VM.crash_dumps one-to-many
VIF.VM VM.VIFs one-to-many network.VIFs one-to-many
Cluster_host.cluster Cluster.cluster_hosts one-to-many host.PIFs one-to-many network.PIFs one-to-many
VDI.SR SR.VDIs one-to-many
VTPM.VM VM.VTPMs one-to-many
console.VM VM.consoles one-to-many
VM.resident_on host.resident_VMs one-to-many host.host_CPUs one-to-many host.crashdumps one-to-many host.patches one-to-many
host_patch.pool_patch pool_patch.host_patches one-to-many
host.updates pool_update.hosts many-to-many
subject.roles subject.roles unknown type
role.subroles role.subroles many-to-many
VM.protection_policy VMPP.VMs one-to-many
VM.snapshot_schedule VMSS.VMs one-to-many
VM.appliance VM_appliance.VMs one-to-many
PGPU.GPU_group GPU_group.PGPUs one-to-many
VGPU.GPU_group GPU_group.VGPUs one-to-many
VGPU.type VGPU_type.VGPUs one-to-many
VGPU.VM VM.VGPUs one-to-many
VGPU.resident_on PGPU.resident_VGPUs one-to-many
PGPU.supported_VGPU_types VGPU_type.supported_on_PGPUs many-to-many
PGPU.enabled_VGPU_types VGPU_type.enabled_on_PGPUs many-to-many
GPU_group.supported_VGPU_types VGPU_type.supported_on_GPU_groups many-to-many
GPU_group.enabled_VGPU_types VGPU_type.enabled_on_GPU_groups many-to-many host.PCIs one-to-many host.PGPUs one-to-many
VDI.metadata_of_pool pool.metadata_VDIs one-to-many
SR.introduced_by DR_task.introduced_SRs one-to-many PVS_site.servers one-to-many PVS_site.proxies one-to-many PVS_site.cache_storage one-to-many host.PUSBs one-to-many
PUSB.USB_group USB_group.PUSBs one-to-many
VUSB.USB_group USB_group.VUSBs one-to-many
VUSB.VM VM.VUSBs one-to-many host.features one-to-many
network_sriov.physical_PIF PIF.sriov_physical_PIF_of one-to-many
network_sriov.logical_PIF PIF.sriov_logical_PIF_of one-to-many host.certificates one-to-many

The following figure represents bound fields (as specified above) diagramatically, using crow’s foot notation to specify one-to-one, one-to-many or many-to-many relationships:

Class relationships



The following primitive types are used to specify methods and fields in the API Reference:

Type Description
string text strings
int 64-bit integers
float IEEE double-precision floating-point numbers
bool boolean
datetime date and timestamp

Higher-order types

The following type constructors are used:

Type Description
c ref reference to an object of class c
t set a set of elements of type t
(a -> b) map a table mapping values of type a to values of type b

Enumeration types

The following enumeration types are used:

enum after_apply_guidance  
restartHost This patch requires the host to be restarted once applied.
restartHVM This patch requires HVM guests to be restarted once applied.
restartPV This patch requires PV guests to be restarted once applied.
restartXAPI This patch requires XAPI to be restarted once applied.
enum allocation_algorithm  
breadth_first vGPUs of a given type are allocated evenly across supporting pGPUs.
depth_first vGPUs of a given type are allocated on supporting pGPUs until they are full.
enum bond_mode  
active-backup Active/passive bonding: only one NIC is carrying traffic
balance-slb Source-level balancing
lacp Link aggregation control protocol
enum cls  
Host Host
Pool Pool
PVS_proxy PVS_proxy
enum cluster_host_operation  
destroy completely destroying a cluster host
disable disabling cluster membership on a particular host
enable enabling cluster membership on a particular host
enum cluster_operation  
add adding a new member to the cluster
destroy completely destroying a cluster
disable disabling any cluster member
enable enabling any cluster member
remove removing a member from the cluster
enum console_protocol  
rdp Remote Desktop Protocol
rfb Remote FrameBuffer protocol (as used in VNC)
vt100 VT100 terminal
enum domain_type  
hvm HVM; Fully Virtualised
pv PV: Paravirtualised
pv_in_pvh PV inside a PVH container
unspecified Not specified or unknown domain type
enum event_operation  
add An object has been created
del An object has been deleted
mod An object has been modified
enum host_allowed_operations  
evacuate Indicates this host is evacuating
power_on Indicates this host is in the process of being powered on
provision Indicates this host is able to provision another VM
reboot Indicates this host is in the process of rebooting
shutdown Indicates this host is in the process of shutting itself down
vm_migrate This host is the migration target of a VM
vm_resume This host is resuming a VM
vm_start This host is starting a VM
enum host_display  
disable_on_reboot The host will stop outputting its console to a physical display device on next boot
disabled This host is not outputting its console to a physical display device
enable_on_reboot The host will start outputting its console to a physical display device on next boot
enabled This host is outputting its console to a physical display device
enum ip_configuration_mode  
DHCP Acquire an IP address by DHCP
None Do not acquire an IP address
Static Static IP address configuration
enum ipv6_configuration_mode  
Autoconf Router assigned prefix delegation IPv6 allocation
DHCP Acquire an IPv6 address by DHCP
None Do not acquire an IPv6 address
Static Static IPv6 address configuration
enum livepatch_status  
ok There is no applicable live patch
ok_livepatch_complete An applicable live patch exists for every required component
ok_livepatch_incomplete An applicable live patch exists but it is not sufficient
enum network_default_locking_mode  
disabled Treat all VIFs on this network with locking_mode = ‘default’ as if they have locking_mode = ‘disabled’
unlocked Treat all VIFs on this network with locking_mode = ‘default’ as if they have locking_mode = ‘unlocked’
enum network_operations  
attaching Indicates this network is attaching to a VIF or PIF
enum network_purpose  
insecure_nbd Network Block Device service without integrity or confidentiality: NOT RECOMMENDED
nbd Network Block Device service using TLS
enum on_boot  
persist Standard behaviour.
reset When a VM containing this VDI is started, the contents of the VDI are reset to the state they were in when this flag was last set.
enum on_crash_behaviour  
coredump_and_destroy record a coredump and then destroy the VM state
coredump_and_restart record a coredump and then restart the VM
destroy destroy the VM state
preserve leave the crashed VM paused
rename_restart rename the crashed VM and start a new copy
restart restart the VM
enum on_normal_exit  
destroy destroy the VM state
restart restart the VM
enum pgpu_dom0_access  
disable_on_reboot On host reboot dom0 will be blocked from accessing this device
disabled dom0 cannot access this device
enable_on_reboot On host reboot dom0 will be allowed to access this device
enabled dom0 can access this device as normal
enum pif_igmp_status  
disabled IGMP Snooping is disabled in the corresponding backend bridge.’
enabled IGMP Snooping is enabled in the corresponding backend bridge.’
unknown IGMP snooping status is unknown. If this is a VLAN master, consult the underlying VLAN slave PIF.
enum pool_allowed_operations  
cluster_create Indicates this pool is in the process of creating a cluster
designate_new_master Indicates this pool is in the process of changing master
ha_disable Indicates this pool is in the process of disabling HA
ha_enable Indicates this pool is in the process of enabling HA
enum primary_address_type  
IPv4 Primary address is the IPv4 address
IPv6 Primary address is the IPv6 address
enum pvs_proxy_status  
caching The proxy is currently caching data
incompatible_protocol_version The PVS protocol in use is not compatible with the PVS proxy
incompatible_write_cache_mode The PVS device is configured to use an incompatible write-cache mode
initialised The proxy is setup but has not yet cached anything
stopped The proxy is not currently running
enum sdn_controller_protocol  
pssl Passive ssl connection
ssl Active ssl connection
enum sr_health  
healthy Storage is fully available
recovering Storage is busy recovering, for example, rebuilding mirrors.
enum sriov_configuration_mode  
modprobe Configure network sriov by modprobe, need reboot
sysfs Configure network sriov by sysfs, do not need reboot
unknown Unknown mode
enum storage_operations  
destroy Destroying the SR
forget Forgetting about SR
pbd_create Creating a PBD for this SR
pbd_destroy Destroying one of this SR’s PBDs
plug Plugging a PBD into this SR
scan Scanning backends for new or deleted VDIs
unplug Unplugging a PBD from this SR
update Refresh the fields on the SR
vdi_clone Cloneing a VDI
vdi_create Creating a new VDI
vdi_data_destroy Deleting the data of the VDI
vdi_destroy Destroying a VDI
vdi_disable_cbt Disabling changed block tracking for a VDI
vdi_enable_cbt Enabling changed block tracking for a VDI
vdi_introduce Introducing a new VDI
vdi_list_changed_blocks Exporting a bitmap that shows the changed blocks between two VDIs
vdi_mirror Mirroring a VDI
vdi_resize Resizing a VDI
vdi_set_on_boot Setting the on_boot field of the VDI
vdi_snapshot Snapshotting a VDI
enum task_allowed_operations  
cancel refers to the operation “cancel”
destroy refers to the operation “destroy”
enum task_status_type  
cancelled task has been cancelled
cancelling task is being cancelled
failure task has failed
pending task is in progress
success task was completed successfully
enum tristate_type  
no Known to be false
unspecified Unknown or unspecified
yes Known to be true
enum update_after_apply_guidance  
restartHost This update requires the host to be restarted once applied.
restartHVM This update requires HVM guests to be restarted once applied.
restartPV This update requires PV guests to be restarted once applied.
restartXAPI This update requires XAPI to be restarted once applied.
enum vbd_mode  
RO only read-only access will be allowed
RW read-write access will be allowed
enum vbd_operations  
attach Attempting to attach this VBD to a VM
eject Attempting to eject the media from this VBD
insert Attempting to insert new media into this VBD
pause Attempting to pause a block device backend
plug Attempting to hotplug this VBD
unpause Attempting to unpause a block device backend
unplug Attempting to hot unplug this VBD
unplug_force Attempting to forcibly unplug this VBD
enum vbd_type  
CD VBD will appear to guest as CD
Disk VBD will appear to guest as disk
Floppy VBD will appear as a floppy
enum vdi_operations  
blocked Operations on this VDI are temporarily blocked
clone Cloning the VDI
copy Copying the VDI
data_destroy Deleting the data of the VDI
destroy Destroying the VDI
disable_cbt Disabling changed block tracking for a VDI
enable_cbt Enabling changed block tracking for a VDI
force_unlock Forcibly unlocking the VDI
forget Forget about the VDI
generate_config Generating static configuration
list_changed_blocks Exporting a bitmap that shows the changed blocks between two VDIs
mirror Mirroring the VDI
resize Resizing the VDI
resize_online Resizing the VDI which may or may not be online
set_on_boot Setting the on_boot field of the VDI
snapshot Snapshotting the VDI
update Refreshing the fields of the VDI
enum vdi_type  
cbt_metadata Metadata about a snapshot VDI that has been deleted: the set of blocks that changed between some previous version of the disk and the version tracked by the snapshot.
crashdump a disk that stores VM crashdump information
ephemeral a disk that may be reformatted on upgrade
ha_statefile a disk used for HA storage heartbeating
metadata a disk used for HA Pool metadata
pvs_cache a disk that stores PVS cache data
redo_log a disk used for a general metadata redo-log
rrd a disk that stores SR-level RRDs
suspend a disk that stores a suspend image
system a disk that may be replaced on upgrade
user a disk that is always preserved on upgrade
enum vgpu_type_implementation  
gvt_g vGPU using Intel GVT-g
mxgpu vGPU using AMD MxGPU
nvidia vGPU using NVIDIA hardware
nvidia_sriov vGPU using NVIDIA hardware with SR-IOV
passthrough Pass through an entire physical GPU to a guest
enum vif_ipv4_configuration_mode  
None Follow the default IPv4 configuration of the guest (this is guest-dependent)
Static Static IPv4 address configuration
enum vif_ipv6_configuration_mode  
None Follow the default IPv6 configuration of the guest (this is guest-dependent)
Static Static IPv6 address configuration
enum vif_locking_mode  
disabled No traffic is permitted
locked Only traffic to a specific MAC and a list of IPv4 or IPv6 addresses is permitted
network_default No specific configuration set - default network policy applies
unlocked All traffic is permitted
enum vif_operations  
attach Attempting to attach this VIF to a VM
plug Attempting to hotplug this VIF
unplug Attempting to hot unplug this VIF
enum vm_appliance_operation  
clean_shutdown Clean shutdown
hard_shutdown Hard shutdown
shutdown Shutdown
start Start
enum vm_operations  
awaiting_memory_live Waiting for the memory settings to change
call_plugin refers to the operation “call_plugin”
changing_dynamic_range Changing the memory dynamic range
changing_memory_limits Changing the memory limits
changing_memory_live Changing the memory settings
changing_NVRAM Changing NVRAM for a halted VM.
changing_shadow_memory Changing the shadow memory for a halted VM.
changing_shadow_memory_live Changing the shadow memory for a running VM.
changing_static_range Changing the memory static range
changing_VCPUs Changing VCPU settings for a halted VM.
changing_VCPUs_live Changing VCPU settings for a running VM.
checkpoint refers to the operation “checkpoint”
clean_reboot refers to the operation “clean_reboot”
clean_shutdown refers to the operation “clean_shutdown”
clone refers to the operation “clone”
copy refers to the operation “copy”
create_template refers to the operation “create_template”
csvm refers to the operation “csvm”
data_source_op Add, remove, query or list data sources
destroy refers to the act of uninstalling the VM
export exporting a VM to a network stream
get_boot_record refers to the operation “get_boot_record”
hard_reboot refers to the operation “hard_reboot”
hard_shutdown refers to the operation “hard_shutdown”
import importing a VM from a network stream
make_into_template Turning this VM into a template
metadata_export exporting VM metadata to a network stream
migrate_send refers to the operation “migrate_send”
pause refers to the operation “pause”
pool_migrate refers to the operation “pool_migrate”
power_state_reset refers to the operation “power_state_reset”
provision refers to the operation “provision”
query_services refers to the operation “query_services”
resume refers to the operation “resume”
resume_on refers to the operation “resume_on”
revert refers to the operation “revert”
reverting Reverting the VM to a previous snapshotted state
send_sysrq refers to the operation “send_sysrq”
send_trigger refers to the operation “send_trigger”
shutdown refers to the operation “shutdown”
snapshot refers to the operation “snapshot”
snapshot_with_quiesce refers to the operation “snapshot_with_quiesce”
start refers to the operation “start”
start_on refers to the operation “start_on”
suspend refers to the operation “suspend”
unpause refers to the operation “unpause”
enum vm_power_state  
Halted VM is offline and not using any resources
Paused All resources have been allocated but the VM itself is paused and its vCPUs are not running
Running Running
Suspended VM state has been saved to disk and it is nolonger running. Note that disks remain in-use while the VM is suspended.
enum vmpp_archive_frequency  
always_after_backup Archive after backup
daily Daily archives
never Never archive
weekly Weekly backups
enum vmpp_archive_target_type  
cifs CIFS target config
nfs NFS target config
none No target config
enum vmpp_backup_frequency  
daily Daily backups
hourly Hourly backups
weekly Weekly backups
enum vmpp_backup_type  
checkpoint The backup is a checkpoint
snapshot The backup is a snapshot
enum vmss_frequency  
daily Daily snapshots
hourly Hourly snapshots
weekly Weekly snapshots
enum vmss_type  
checkpoint The snapshot is a checkpoint
snapshot The snapshot is a disk snapshot
snapshot_with_quiesce Support for VSS has been removed.
enum vusb_operations  
attach Attempting to attach this VUSB to a VM
plug Attempting to plug this VUSB into a VM
unplug Attempting to hot unplug this VUSB

Class: auth

Management of remote authentication services

Fields for class: auth

Class auth has no fields.

RPCs associated with class: auth

RPC name: get_group_membership


This calls queries the external directory service to obtain the transitively-closed set of groups that the the subject_identifier is member of.


string set get_group_membership (session ref session_id, string subject_identifier)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
string subject_identifier A string containing the subject_identifier, unique in the external directory service

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: string set

set of subject_identifiers that provides the group membership of subject_identifier passed as argument, it contains, recursively, all groups a subject_identifier is member of.

RPC name: get_subject_identifier


This call queries the external directory service to obtain the subject_identifier as a string from the human-readable subject_name


string get_subject_identifier (session ref session_id, string subject_name)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
string subject_name The human-readable subject_name, such as a user name or a groupname

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: string

the subject_identifier obtained from the external directory service

RPC name: get_subject_information_from_identifier


This call queries the external directory service to obtain the user information (for example, username, organization) from the specified subject_identifier


(string -> string) map get_subject_information_from_identifier (session ref session_id, string subject_identifier)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
string subject_identifier A string containing the subject_identifier, unique in the external directory service

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: (string -> string) map

key-value pairs containing at least a key called subject_name

Class: blob

A placeholder for a binary blob

Fields for class: blob

Field Type Qualifier Description
last_updated datetime RO/constructor Time at which the data in the blob was last updated
mime_type string RO/constructor The mime type associated with this object. Defaults to ‘application/octet-stream’ if the empty string is supplied
name_description string RW a notes field containing human-readable description
name_label string RW a human-readable name
public bool RW True if the blob is publicly accessible
size int RO/runtime Size of the binary data, in bytes
uuid string RO/runtime Unique identifier/object reference

RPCs associated with class: blob

RPC name: create


Create a placeholder for a binary blob


blob ref create (session ref session_id, string mime_type, bool public)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
string mime_type The mime-type of the blob. Defaults to ‘application/octet-stream’ if the empty string is supplied
bool public True if the blob should be publicly available

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: blob ref

The reference to the created blob

RPC name: destroy



void destroy (session ref session_id, blob ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
blob ref self The reference of the blob to destroy

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: get_all


Return a list of all the blobs known to the system.


blob ref set get_all (session ref session_id)

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: blob ref set

references to all objects

RPC name: get_all_records


Return a map of blob references to blob records for all blobs known to the system.


(blob ref -> blob record) map get_all_records (session ref session_id)

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: (blob ref -> blob record) map

records of all objects

RPC name: get_by_name_label


Get all the blob instances with the given label.


blob ref set get_by_name_label (session ref session_id, string label)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
string label label of object to return

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: blob ref set

references to objects with matching names

RPC name: get_by_uuid


Get a reference to the blob instance with the specified UUID.


blob ref get_by_uuid (session ref session_id, string uuid)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
string uuid UUID of object to return

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: blob ref

reference to the object

RPC name: get_last_updated


Get the last_updated field of the given blob.


datetime get_last_updated (session ref session_id, blob ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
blob ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: datetime

value of the field

RPC name: get_mime_type


Get the mime_type field of the given blob.


string get_mime_type (session ref session_id, blob ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
blob ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: string

value of the field

RPC name: get_name_description


Get the name/description field of the given blob.


string get_name_description (session ref session_id, blob ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
blob ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: string

value of the field

RPC name: get_name_label


Get the name/label field of the given blob.


string get_name_label (session ref session_id, blob ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
blob ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: string

value of the field

RPC name: get_public


Get the public field of the given blob.


bool get_public (session ref session_id, blob ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
blob ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: bool

value of the field

RPC name: get_record


Get a record containing the current state of the given blob.


blob record get_record (session ref session_id, blob ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
blob ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: blob record

all fields from the object

RPC name: get_size


Get the size field of the given blob.


int get_size (session ref session_id, blob ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
blob ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: int

value of the field

RPC name: get_uuid


Get the uuid field of the given blob.


string get_uuid (session ref session_id, blob ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
blob ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: string

value of the field

RPC name: set_name_description


Set the name/description field of the given blob.


void set_name_description (session ref session_id, blob ref self, string value)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
blob ref self reference to the object
string value New value to set

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: set_name_label


Set the name/label field of the given blob.


void set_name_label (session ref session_id, blob ref self, string value)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
blob ref self reference to the object
string value New value to set

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: set_public


Set the public field of the given blob.


void set_public (session ref session_id, blob ref self, bool value)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
blob ref self reference to the object
bool value New value to set

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

Class: Bond

Fields for class: Bond

Field Type Qualifier Description
auto_update_mac bool RO/runtime true if the MAC was taken from the primary slave when the bond was created, and false if the client specified the MAC
links_up int RO/runtime Number of links up in this bond
master PIF ref RO/constructor The bonded interface
mode bond_mode RO/runtime The algorithm used to distribute traffic among the bonded NICs
other_config (string -> string) map RW additional configuration
primary_slave PIF ref RO/runtime The PIF of which the IP configuration and MAC were copied to the bond, and which will receive all configuration/VLANs/VIFs on the bond if the bond is destroyed
properties (string -> string) map RO/runtime Additional configuration properties specific to the bond mode.
slaves PIF ref set RO/runtime The interfaces which are part of this bond
uuid string RO/runtime Unique identifier/object reference

RPCs associated with class: Bond

RPC name: add_to_other_config


Add the given key-value pair to the other_config field of the given Bond.


void add_to_other_config (session ref session_id, Bond ref self, string key, string value)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
Bond ref self reference to the object
string key Key to add
string value Value to add

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: create


Create an interface bond


Bond ref create (session ref session_id, network ref network, PIF ref set members, string MAC, bond_mode mode, (string -> string) map properties)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
network ref network Network to add the bonded PIF to
PIF ref set members PIFs to add to this bond
string MAC The MAC address to use on the bond itself. If this parameter is the empty string then the bond will inherit its MAC address from the primary slave.
bond_mode mode Bonding mode to use for the new bond
(string -> string) map properties Additional configuration parameters specific to the bond mode

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: Bond ref

The reference of the created Bond object

RPC name: destroy


Destroy an interface bond


void destroy (session ref session_id, Bond ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
Bond ref self Bond to destroy

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: get_all


Return a list of all the Bonds known to the system.


Bond ref set get_all (session ref session_id)

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: Bond ref set

references to all objects

RPC name: get_all_records


Return a map of Bond references to Bond records for all Bonds known to the system.


(Bond ref -> Bond record) map get_all_records (session ref session_id)

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: (Bond ref -> Bond record) map

records of all objects

RPC name: get_auto_update_mac


Get the auto_update_mac field of the given Bond.


bool get_auto_update_mac (session ref session_id, Bond ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
Bond ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: bool

value of the field

RPC name: get_by_uuid


Get a reference to the Bond instance with the specified UUID.


Bond ref get_by_uuid (session ref session_id, string uuid)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
string uuid UUID of object to return

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: Bond ref

reference to the object


Get the links_up field of the given Bond.


int get_links_up (session ref session_id, Bond ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
Bond ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: int

value of the field

RPC name: get_master


Get the master field of the given Bond.


PIF ref get_master (session ref session_id, Bond ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
Bond ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: PIF ref

value of the field

RPC name: get_mode


Get the mode field of the given Bond.


bond_mode get_mode (session ref session_id, Bond ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
Bond ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: bond_mode

value of the field

RPC name: get_other_config


Get the other_config field of the given Bond.


(string -> string) map get_other_config (session ref session_id, Bond ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
Bond ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: (string -> string) map

value of the field

RPC name: get_primary_slave


Get the primary_slave field of the given Bond.


PIF ref get_primary_slave (session ref session_id, Bond ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
Bond ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: PIF ref

value of the field

RPC name: get_properties


Get the properties field of the given Bond.


(string -> string) map get_properties (session ref session_id, Bond ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
Bond ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: (string -> string) map

value of the field

RPC name: get_record


Get a record containing the current state of the given Bond.


Bond record get_record (session ref session_id, Bond ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
Bond ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: Bond record

all fields from the object

RPC name: get_slaves


Get the slaves field of the given Bond.


PIF ref set get_slaves (session ref session_id, Bond ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
Bond ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: PIF ref set

value of the field

RPC name: get_uuid


Get the uuid field of the given Bond.


string get_uuid (session ref session_id, Bond ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
Bond ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: string

value of the field

RPC name: remove_from_other_config


Remove the given key and its corresponding value from the other_config field of the given Bond. If the key is not in that Map, then do nothing.


void remove_from_other_config (session ref session_id, Bond ref self, string key)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
Bond ref self reference to the object
string key Key to remove

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: set_mode


Change the bond mode


void set_mode (session ref session_id, Bond ref self, bond_mode value)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
Bond ref self The bond
bond_mode value The new bond mode

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: set_other_config


Set the other_config field of the given Bond.


void set_other_config (session ref session_id, Bond ref self, (string -> string) map value)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
Bond ref self reference to the object
(string -> string) map value New value to set

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: set_property


Set the value of a property of the bond


void set_property (session ref session_id, Bond ref self, string name, string value)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
Bond ref self The bond
string name The property name
string value The property value

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

Class: Certificate


Fields for class: Certificate

Field Type Qualifier Description
fingerprint string RO/constructor The certificate’s fingerprint / hash
host host ref RO/constructor The host where the certificate is installed
not_after datetime RO/constructor Date before which the certificate is valid
not_before datetime RO/constructor Date after which the certificate is valid
uuid string RO/runtime Unique identifier/object reference

RPCs associated with class: Certificate

RPC name: get_all


Return a list of all the Certificates known to the system.


Certificate ref set get_all (session ref session_id)

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: Certificate ref set

references to all objects

RPC name: get_all_records


Return a map of Certificate references to Certificate records for all Certificates known to the system.


(Certificate ref -> Certificate record) map get_all_records (session ref session_id)

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: (Certificate ref -> Certificate record) map

records of all objects

RPC name: get_by_uuid


Get a reference to the Certificate instance with the specified UUID.


Certificate ref get_by_uuid (session ref session_id, string uuid)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
string uuid UUID of object to return

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: Certificate ref

reference to the object

RPC name: get_fingerprint


Get the fingerprint field of the given Certificate.


string get_fingerprint (session ref session_id, Certificate ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
Certificate ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: string

value of the field

RPC name: get_host


Get the host field of the given Certificate.


host ref get_host (session ref session_id, Certificate ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
Certificate ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: host ref

value of the field

RPC name: get_not_after


Get the not_after field of the given Certificate.


datetime get_not_after (session ref session_id, Certificate ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
Certificate ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: datetime

value of the field

RPC name: get_not_before


Get the not_before field of the given Certificate.


datetime get_not_before (session ref session_id, Certificate ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
Certificate ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: datetime

value of the field

RPC name: get_record


Get a record containing the current state of the given Certificate.


Certificate record get_record (session ref session_id, Certificate ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
Certificate ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: Certificate record

all fields from the object

RPC name: get_uuid


Get the uuid field of the given Certificate.


string get_uuid (session ref session_id, Certificate ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
Certificate ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: string

value of the field

Class: Cluster

Cluster-wide Cluster metadata

Fields for class: Cluster

Field Type Qualifier Description
allowed_operations cluster_operation set RO/runtime list of the operations allowed in this state. This list is advisory only and the server state may have changed by the time this field is read by a client.
cluster_config (string -> string) map RO/constructor Contains read-only settings for the cluster, such as timeouts and other options. It can only be set at cluster create time
cluster_hosts Cluster_host ref set RO/runtime A list of the cluster_host objects associated with the Cluster
cluster_stack string RO/constructor Simply the string ‘corosync’. No other cluster stacks are currently supported
cluster_token string RO/constructor The secret key used by xapi-clusterd when it talks to itself on other hosts
current_operations (string -> cluster_operation) map RO/runtime links each of the running tasks using this object (by reference) to a current_operation enum which describes the nature of the task.
other_config (string -> string) map RW Additional configuration
pending_forget string set RO/runtime Internal field used by Host.destroy to store the IP of cluster members marked as permanently dead but not yet removed
pool_auto_join bool RO/constructor True if automatically joining new pool members to the cluster. This will be true in the first release
token_timeout float RO/constructor The corosync token timeout in seconds
token_timeout_coefficient float RO/constructor The corosync token timeout coefficient in seconds
uuid string RO/runtime Unique identifier/object reference

RPCs associated with class: Cluster

RPC name: add_to_other_config


Add the given key-value pair to the other_config field of the given Cluster.


void add_to_other_config (session ref session_id, Cluster ref self, string key, string value)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
Cluster ref self reference to the object
string key Key to add
string value Value to add

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: create


Creates a Cluster object and one Cluster_host object as its first member


Cluster ref create (session ref session_id, PIF ref PIF, string cluster_stack, bool pool_auto_join, float token_timeout, float token_timeout_coefficient)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
PIF ref PIF The PIF to connect the cluster’s first cluster_host to
string cluster_stack simply the string ‘corosync’. No other cluster stacks are currently supported
bool pool_auto_join true if xapi is automatically joining new pool members to the cluster
float token_timeout Corosync token timeout in seconds
float token_timeout_coefficient Corosync token timeout coefficient in seconds

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: Cluster ref

the new Cluster


RPC name: destroy


Destroys a Cluster object and the one remaining Cluster_host member


void destroy (session ref session_id, Cluster ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
Cluster ref self the Cluster to destroy

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void


RPC name: get_all


Return a list of all the Clusters known to the system.


Cluster ref set get_all (session ref session_id)

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: Cluster ref set

references to all objects

RPC name: get_all_records


Return a map of Cluster references to Cluster records for all Clusters known to the system.


(Cluster ref -> Cluster record) map get_all_records (session ref session_id)

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: (Cluster ref -> Cluster record) map

records of all objects

RPC name: get_allowed_operations


Get the allowed_operations field of the given Cluster.


cluster_operation set get_allowed_operations (session ref session_id, Cluster ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
Cluster ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: cluster_operation set

value of the field

RPC name: get_by_uuid


Get a reference to the Cluster instance with the specified UUID.


Cluster ref get_by_uuid (session ref session_id, string uuid)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
string uuid UUID of object to return

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: Cluster ref

reference to the object

RPC name: get_cluster_config


Get the cluster_config field of the given Cluster.


(string -> string) map get_cluster_config (session ref session_id, Cluster ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
Cluster ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: (string -> string) map

value of the field

RPC name: get_cluster_hosts


Get the cluster_hosts field of the given Cluster.


Cluster_host ref set get_cluster_hosts (session ref session_id, Cluster ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
Cluster ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: Cluster_host ref set

value of the field

RPC name: get_cluster_stack


Get the cluster_stack field of the given Cluster.


string get_cluster_stack (session ref session_id, Cluster ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
Cluster ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: string

value of the field

RPC name: get_cluster_token


Get the cluster_token field of the given Cluster.


string get_cluster_token (session ref session_id, Cluster ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
Cluster ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: string

value of the field

RPC name: get_current_operations


Get the current_operations field of the given Cluster.


(string -> cluster_operation) map get_current_operations (session ref session_id, Cluster ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
Cluster ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: (string -> cluster_operation) map

value of the field

RPC name: get_network


Returns the network used by the cluster for inter-host communication, i.e. the network shared by all cluster host PIFs


network ref get_network (session ref session_id, Cluster ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
Cluster ref self the Cluster with the network

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: network ref

network of cluster

RPC name: get_other_config


Get the other_config field of the given Cluster.


(string -> string) map get_other_config (session ref session_id, Cluster ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
Cluster ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: (string -> string) map

value of the field

RPC name: get_pending_forget


Get the pending_forget field of the given Cluster.


string set get_pending_forget (session ref session_id, Cluster ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
Cluster ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: string set

value of the field

RPC name: get_pool_auto_join


Get the pool_auto_join field of the given Cluster.


bool get_pool_auto_join (session ref session_id, Cluster ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
Cluster ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: bool

value of the field

RPC name: get_record


Get a record containing the current state of the given Cluster.


Cluster record get_record (session ref session_id, Cluster ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
Cluster ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: Cluster record

all fields from the object

RPC name: get_token_timeout


Get the token_timeout field of the given Cluster.


float get_token_timeout (session ref session_id, Cluster ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
Cluster ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: float

value of the field

RPC name: get_token_timeout_coefficient


Get the token_timeout_coefficient field of the given Cluster.


float get_token_timeout_coefficient (session ref session_id, Cluster ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
Cluster ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: float

value of the field

RPC name: get_uuid


Get the uuid field of the given Cluster.


string get_uuid (session ref session_id, Cluster ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
Cluster ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: string

value of the field

RPC name: pool_create


Attempt to create a Cluster from the entire pool


Cluster ref pool_create (session ref session_id, network ref network, string cluster_stack, float token_timeout, float token_timeout_coefficient)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
network ref network the single network on which corosync carries out its inter-host communications
string cluster_stack simply the string ‘corosync’. No other cluster stacks are currently supported
float token_timeout Corosync token timeout in seconds
float token_timeout_coefficient Corosync token timeout coefficient in seconds

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: Cluster ref

the new Cluster

RPC name: pool_destroy


Attempt to destroy the Cluster_host objects for all hosts in the pool and then destroy the Cluster.


void pool_destroy (session ref session_id, Cluster ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
Cluster ref self The cluster to destroy.

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void


RPC name: pool_force_destroy


Attempt to force destroy the Cluster_host objects, and then destroy the Cluster.


void pool_force_destroy (session ref session_id, Cluster ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
Cluster ref self The cluster to force destroy.

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void


RPC name: pool_resync


Resynchronise the cluster_host objects across the pool. Creates them where they need creating and then plugs them


void pool_resync (session ref session_id, Cluster ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
Cluster ref self The cluster to resync

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: remove_from_other_config


Remove the given key and its corresponding value from the other_config field of the given Cluster. If the key is not in that Map, then do nothing.


void remove_from_other_config (session ref session_id, Cluster ref self, string key)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
Cluster ref self reference to the object
string key Key to remove

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: set_other_config


Set the other_config field of the given Cluster.


void set_other_config (session ref session_id, Cluster ref self, (string -> string) map value)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
Cluster ref self reference to the object
(string -> string) map value New value to set

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

Class: Cluster_host

Cluster member metadata

Fields for class: Cluster_host

Field Type Qualifier Description
allowed_operations cluster_host_operation set RO/runtime list of the operations allowed in this state. This list is advisory only and the server state may have changed by the time this field is read by a client.
cluster Cluster ref RO/constructor Reference to the Cluster object
current_operations (string -> cluster_host_operation) map RO/runtime links each of the running tasks using this object (by reference) to a current_operation enum which describes the nature of the task.
enabled bool RO/constructor Whether the cluster host believes that clustering should be enabled on this host
host host ref RO/constructor Reference to the Host object
joined bool RO/constructor Whether the cluster host has joined the cluster
other_config (string -> string) map RO/constructor Additional configuration
PIF PIF ref RO/constructor Reference to the PIF object
uuid string RO/runtime Unique identifier/object reference

RPCs associated with class: Cluster_host

RPC name: create


Add a new host to an existing cluster.


Cluster_host ref create (session ref session_id, Cluster ref cluster, host ref host, PIF ref pif)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
Cluster ref cluster Cluster to join
host ref host new cluster member
PIF ref pif Network interface to use for communication

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: Cluster_host ref

the newly created cluster_host object


RPC name: destroy


Remove a host from an existing cluster.


void destroy (session ref session_id, Cluster_host ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
Cluster_host ref self the cluster_host to remove from the cluster

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void


RPC name: disable


Disable cluster membership for an enabled cluster host.


void disable (session ref session_id, Cluster_host ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
Cluster_host ref self the cluster_host to disable

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

Possible Error Codes: CLUSTER_STACK_IN_USE

RPC name: enable


Enable cluster membership for a disabled cluster host.


void enable (session ref session_id, Cluster_host ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
Cluster_host ref self the cluster_host to enable

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void


RPC name: force_destroy


Remove a host from an existing cluster forcefully.


void force_destroy (session ref session_id, Cluster_host ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
Cluster_host ref self the cluster_host to remove from the cluster

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

Possible Error Codes: CLUSTER_STACK_IN_USE

RPC name: get_all


Return a list of all the Cluster_hosts known to the system.


Cluster_host ref set get_all (session ref session_id)

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: Cluster_host ref set

references to all objects

RPC name: get_all_records


Return a map of Cluster_host references to Cluster_host records for all Cluster_hosts known to the system.


(Cluster_host ref -> Cluster_host record) map get_all_records (session ref session_id)

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: (Cluster_host ref -> Cluster_host record) map

records of all objects

RPC name: get_allowed_operations


Get the allowed_operations field of the given Cluster_host.


cluster_host_operation set get_allowed_operations (session ref session_id, Cluster_host ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
Cluster_host ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: cluster_host_operation set

value of the field

RPC name: get_by_uuid


Get a reference to the Cluster_host instance with the specified UUID.


Cluster_host ref get_by_uuid (session ref session_id, string uuid)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
string uuid UUID of object to return

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: Cluster_host ref

reference to the object

RPC name: get_cluster


Get the cluster field of the given Cluster_host.


Cluster ref get_cluster (session ref session_id, Cluster_host ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
Cluster_host ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: Cluster ref

value of the field

RPC name: get_current_operations


Get the current_operations field of the given Cluster_host.


(string -> cluster_host_operation) map get_current_operations (session ref session_id, Cluster_host ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
Cluster_host ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: (string -> cluster_host_operation) map

value of the field

RPC name: get_enabled


Get the enabled field of the given Cluster_host.


bool get_enabled (session ref session_id, Cluster_host ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
Cluster_host ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: bool

value of the field

RPC name: get_host


Get the host field of the given Cluster_host.


host ref get_host (session ref session_id, Cluster_host ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
Cluster_host ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: host ref

value of the field

RPC name: get_joined


Get the joined field of the given Cluster_host.


bool get_joined (session ref session_id, Cluster_host ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
Cluster_host ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: bool

value of the field

RPC name: get_other_config


Get the other_config field of the given Cluster_host.


(string -> string) map get_other_config (session ref session_id, Cluster_host ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
Cluster_host ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: (string -> string) map

value of the field

RPC name: get_PIF


Get the PIF field of the given Cluster_host.


PIF ref get_PIF (session ref session_id, Cluster_host ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
Cluster_host ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: PIF ref

value of the field

RPC name: get_record


Get a record containing the current state of the given Cluster_host.


Cluster_host record get_record (session ref session_id, Cluster_host ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
Cluster_host ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: Cluster_host record

all fields from the object

RPC name: get_uuid


Get the uuid field of the given Cluster_host.


string get_uuid (session ref session_id, Cluster_host ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
Cluster_host ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: string

value of the field

Class: console

A console

Fields for class: console

Field Type Qualifier Description
location string RO/runtime URI for the console service
other_config (string -> string) map RW additional configuration
protocol console_protocol RO/runtime the protocol used by this console
uuid string RO/runtime Unique identifier/object reference
VM VM ref RO/runtime VM to which this console is attached

RPCs associated with class: console

RPC name: add_to_other_config


Add the given key-value pair to the other_config field of the given console.


void add_to_other_config (session ref session_id, console ref self, string key, string value)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
console ref self reference to the object
string key Key to add
string value Value to add

Minimum Role: vm-admin

Return Type: void

RPC name: create


Create a new console instance, and return its handle.


console ref create (session ref session_id, console record args)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
console record args All constructor arguments

Minimum Role: vm-admin

Return Type: console ref

reference to the newly created object

RPC name: destroy


Destroy the specified console instance.


void destroy (session ref session_id, console ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
console ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: vm-admin

Return Type: void

RPC name: get_all


Return a list of all the consoles known to the system.


console ref set get_all (session ref session_id)

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: console ref set

references to all objects

RPC name: get_all_records


Return a map of console references to console records for all consoles known to the system.


(console ref -> console record) map get_all_records (session ref session_id)

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: (console ref -> console record) map

records of all objects

RPC name: get_by_uuid


Get a reference to the console instance with the specified UUID.


console ref get_by_uuid (session ref session_id, string uuid)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
string uuid UUID of object to return

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: console ref

reference to the object

RPC name: get_location


Get the location field of the given console.


string get_location (session ref session_id, console ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
console ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: string

value of the field

RPC name: get_other_config


Get the other_config field of the given console.


(string -> string) map get_other_config (session ref session_id, console ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
console ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: (string -> string) map

value of the field

RPC name: get_protocol


Get the protocol field of the given console.


console_protocol get_protocol (session ref session_id, console ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
console ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: console_protocol

value of the field

RPC name: get_record


Get a record containing the current state of the given console.


console record get_record (session ref session_id, console ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
console ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: console record

all fields from the object

RPC name: get_uuid


Get the uuid field of the given console.


string get_uuid (session ref session_id, console ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
console ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: string

value of the field

RPC name: get_VM


Get the VM field of the given console.


VM ref get_VM (session ref session_id, console ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
console ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: VM ref

value of the field

RPC name: remove_from_other_config


Remove the given key and its corresponding value from the other_config field of the given console. If the key is not in that Map, then do nothing.


void remove_from_other_config (session ref session_id, console ref self, string key)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
console ref self reference to the object
string key Key to remove

Minimum Role: vm-admin

Return Type: void

RPC name: set_other_config


Set the other_config field of the given console.


void set_other_config (session ref session_id, console ref self, (string -> string) map value)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
console ref self reference to the object
(string -> string) map value New value to set

Minimum Role: vm-admin

Return Type: void

Class: crashdump

This class is deprecated.

A VM crashdump

Fields for class: crashdump

Field Type Qualifier Description
other_config (string -> string) map RW Deprecated. additional configuration
uuid string RO/runtime Deprecated. Unique identifier/object reference
VDI VDI ref RO/constructor Deprecated. the virtual disk
VM VM ref RO/constructor Deprecated. the virtual machine

RPCs associated with class: crashdump

RPC name: add_to_other_config

This message is deprecated.


Add the given key-value pair to the other_config field of the given crashdump.


void add_to_other_config (session ref session_id, crashdump ref self, string key, string value)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
crashdump ref self reference to the object
string key Key to add
string value Value to add

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: destroy

This message is deprecated.


Destroy the specified crashdump


void destroy (session ref session_id, crashdump ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
crashdump ref self The crashdump to destroy

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: get_all

This message is deprecated.


Return a list of all the crashdumps known to the system.


crashdump ref set get_all (session ref session_id)

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: crashdump ref set

references to all objects

RPC name: get_all_records

This message is deprecated.


Return a map of crashdump references to crashdump records for all crashdumps known to the system.


(crashdump ref -> crashdump record) map get_all_records (session ref session_id)

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: (crashdump ref -> crashdump record) map

records of all objects

RPC name: get_by_uuid

This message is deprecated.


Get a reference to the crashdump instance with the specified UUID.


crashdump ref get_by_uuid (session ref session_id, string uuid)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
string uuid UUID of object to return

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: crashdump ref

reference to the object

RPC name: get_other_config

This message is deprecated.


Get the other_config field of the given crashdump.


(string -> string) map get_other_config (session ref session_id, crashdump ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
crashdump ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: (string -> string) map

value of the field

RPC name: get_record

This message is deprecated.


Get a record containing the current state of the given crashdump.


crashdump record get_record (session ref session_id, crashdump ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
crashdump ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: crashdump record

all fields from the object

RPC name: get_uuid

This message is deprecated.


Get the uuid field of the given crashdump.


string get_uuid (session ref session_id, crashdump ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
crashdump ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: string

value of the field

RPC name: get_VDI

This message is deprecated.


Get the VDI field of the given crashdump.


VDI ref get_VDI (session ref session_id, crashdump ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
crashdump ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: VDI ref

value of the field

RPC name: get_VM

This message is deprecated.


Get the VM field of the given crashdump.


VM ref get_VM (session ref session_id, crashdump ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
crashdump ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: VM ref

value of the field

RPC name: remove_from_other_config

This message is deprecated.


Remove the given key and its corresponding value from the other_config field of the given crashdump. If the key is not in that Map, then do nothing.


void remove_from_other_config (session ref session_id, crashdump ref self, string key)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
crashdump ref self reference to the object
string key Key to remove

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: set_other_config

This message is deprecated.


Set the other_config field of the given crashdump.


void set_other_config (session ref session_id, crashdump ref self, (string -> string) map value)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
crashdump ref self reference to the object
(string -> string) map value New value to set

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

Class: data_source

Data sources for logging in RRDs

Fields for class: data_source

Field Type Qualifier Description
enabled bool RO/runtime true if the data source is being logged
max float RO/runtime the maximum value of the data source
min float RO/runtime the minimum value of the data source
name_description string RO/runtime a notes field containing human-readable description
name_label string RO/runtime a human-readable name
standard bool RO/runtime true if the data source is enabled by default. Non-default data sources cannot be disabled
units string RO/runtime the units of the value
value float RO/runtime current value of the data source

RPCs associated with class: data_source

Class data_source has no additional RPCs associated with it.

Class: DR_task

DR task

Fields for class: DR_task

Field Type Qualifier Description
introduced_SRs SR ref set RO/runtime All SRs introduced by this appliance
uuid string RO/runtime Unique identifier/object reference

RPCs associated with class: DR_task

RPC name: create


Create a disaster recovery task which will query the supplied list of devices


DR_task ref create (session ref session_id, string type, (string -> string) map device_config, string set whitelist)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
string type The SR driver type of the SRs to introduce
(string -> string) map device_config The device configuration of the SRs to introduce
string set whitelist The devices to use for disaster recovery

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: DR_task ref

The reference to the created task

RPC name: destroy


Destroy the disaster recovery task, detaching and forgetting any SRs introduced which are no longer required


void destroy (session ref session_id, DR_task ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
DR_task ref self The disaster recovery task to destroy

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: get_all


Return a list of all the DR_tasks known to the system.


DR_task ref set get_all (session ref session_id)

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: DR_task ref set

references to all objects

RPC name: get_all_records


Return a map of DR_task references to DR_task records for all DR_tasks known to the system.


(DR_task ref -> DR_task record) map get_all_records (session ref session_id)

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: (DR_task ref -> DR_task record) map

records of all objects

RPC name: get_by_uuid


Get a reference to the DR_task instance with the specified UUID.


DR_task ref get_by_uuid (session ref session_id, string uuid)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
string uuid UUID of object to return

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: DR_task ref

reference to the object

RPC name: get_introduced_SRs


Get the introduced_SRs field of the given DR_task.


SR ref set get_introduced_SRs (session ref session_id, DR_task ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
DR_task ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: SR ref set

value of the field

RPC name: get_record


Get a record containing the current state of the given DR_task.


DR_task record get_record (session ref session_id, DR_task ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
DR_task ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: DR_task record

all fields from the object

RPC name: get_uuid


Get the uuid field of the given DR_task.


string get_uuid (session ref session_id, DR_task ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
DR_task ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: string

value of the field

Class: event

Asynchronous event registration and handling

Fields for class: event

Field Type Qualifier Description
class string RO/constructor The name of the class of the object that changed
id int RO/constructor An ID, monotonically increasing, and local to the current session
obj_uuid string RO/constructor Deprecated. The uuid of the object that changed
operation event_operation RO/constructor The operation that was performed
ref string RO/constructor A reference to the object that changed
timestamp datetime RO/constructor Deprecated. The time at which the event occurred
snapshot <object record> RO/runtime The record of the database object that was added, changed or deleted

RPCs associated with class: event

RPC name: from


Blocking call which returns a new token and a (possibly empty) batch of events. The returned token can be used in subsequent calls to this function.


<event batch> from (session ref session_id, string set classes, string token, float timeout)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
string set classes register for events for the indicated classes
string token A token representing the point from which to generate database events. The empty string represents the beginning.
float timeout Return after this many seconds if no events match

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: an event batch

a structure consisting of a token (‘token’), a map of valid references per object type (‘valid_ref_counts’), and a set of event records (‘events’).


RPC name: get_current_id


Return the ID of the next event to be generated by the system


int get_current_id (session ref session_id)

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: int

the event ID

RPC name: inject


Injects an artificial event on the given object and returns the corresponding ID in the form of a token, which can be used as a point of reference for database events. For example, to check whether an object has reached the right state before attempting an operation, one can inject an artificial event on the object and wait until the token returned by consecutive event.from calls is lexicographically greater than the one returned by event.inject.


string inject (session ref session_id, string class, string ref)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
string class class of the object
string ref A reference to the object that will be changed.

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: string

the event ID in the form of a token

RPC name: next

This message is deprecated.


Blocking call which returns a (possibly empty) batch of events. This method is only recommended for legacy use. New development should use event.from which supercedes this method.


event record set next (session ref session_id)

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: event record set

A set of events


RPC name: register

This message is deprecated.


Registers this session with the event system for a set of given classes. This method is only recommended for legacy use in conjunction with


void register (session ref session_id, string set classes)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
string set classes the classes for which the session will register with the event system; specifying * as the desired class will register for all classes

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: void

RPC name: unregister

This message is deprecated.


Removes this session’s registration with the event system for a set of given classes. This method is only recommended for legacy use in conjunction with


void unregister (session ref session_id, string set classes)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
string set classes the classes for which the session’s registration with the event system will be removed

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: void

Class: Feature

A new piece of functionality

Fields for class: Feature

Field Type Qualifier Description
enabled bool RO/runtime Indicates whether the feature is enabled
experimental bool RO/constructor Indicates whether the feature is experimental (as opposed to stable and fully supported)
host host ref RO/runtime The host where this feature is available
name_description string RO/constructor a notes field containing human-readable description
name_label string RO/constructor a human-readable name
uuid string RO/runtime Unique identifier/object reference
version string RO/constructor The version of this feature

RPCs associated with class: Feature

RPC name: get_all


Return a list of all the Features known to the system.


Feature ref set get_all (session ref session_id)

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: Feature ref set

references to all objects

RPC name: get_all_records


Return a map of Feature references to Feature records for all Features known to the system.


(Feature ref -> Feature record) map get_all_records (session ref session_id)

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: (Feature ref -> Feature record) map

records of all objects

RPC name: get_by_name_label


Get all the Feature instances with the given label.


Feature ref set get_by_name_label (session ref session_id, string label)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
string label label of object to return

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: Feature ref set

references to objects with matching names

RPC name: get_by_uuid


Get a reference to the Feature instance with the specified UUID.


Feature ref get_by_uuid (session ref session_id, string uuid)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
string uuid UUID of object to return

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: Feature ref

reference to the object

RPC name: get_enabled


Get the enabled field of the given Feature.


bool get_enabled (session ref session_id, Feature ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
Feature ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: bool

value of the field

RPC name: get_experimental


Get the experimental field of the given Feature.


bool get_experimental (session ref session_id, Feature ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
Feature ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: bool

value of the field

RPC name: get_host


Get the host field of the given Feature.


host ref get_host (session ref session_id, Feature ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
Feature ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: host ref

value of the field

RPC name: get_name_description


Get the name/description field of the given Feature.


string get_name_description (session ref session_id, Feature ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
Feature ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: string

value of the field

RPC name: get_name_label


Get the name/label field of the given Feature.


string get_name_label (session ref session_id, Feature ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
Feature ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: string

value of the field

RPC name: get_record


Get a record containing the current state of the given Feature.


Feature record get_record (session ref session_id, Feature ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
Feature ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: Feature record

all fields from the object

RPC name: get_uuid


Get the uuid field of the given Feature.


string get_uuid (session ref session_id, Feature ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
Feature ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: string

value of the field

RPC name: get_version


Get the version field of the given Feature.


string get_version (session ref session_id, Feature ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
Feature ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: string

value of the field

Class: GPU_group

A group of compatible GPUs across the resource pool

Fields for class: GPU_group

Field Type Qualifier Description
allocation_algorithm allocation_algorithm RW Current allocation of vGPUs to pGPUs for this group
enabled_VGPU_types VGPU_type ref set RO/runtime vGPU types supported on at least one of the pGPUs in this group
GPU_types string set RO/runtime List of GPU types (vendor+device ID) that can be in this group
name_description string RW a notes field containing human-readable description
name_label string RW a human-readable name
other_config (string -> string) map RW Additional configuration
PGPUs PGPU ref set RO/runtime List of pGPUs in the group
supported_VGPU_types VGPU_type ref set RO/runtime vGPU types supported on at least one of the pGPUs in this group
uuid string RO/runtime Unique identifier/object reference
VGPUs VGPU ref set RO/runtime List of vGPUs using the group

RPCs associated with class: GPU_group

RPC name: add_to_other_config


Add the given key-value pair to the other_config field of the given GPU_group.


void add_to_other_config (session ref session_id, GPU_group ref self, string key, string value)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
GPU_group ref self reference to the object
string key Key to add
string value Value to add

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: create



GPU_group ref create (session ref session_id, string name_label, string name_description, (string -> string) map other_config)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
string name_label  
string name_description  
(string -> string) map other_config  

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: GPU_group ref

RPC name: destroy



void destroy (session ref session_id, GPU_group ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
GPU_group ref self The GPU group to destroy

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: get_all


Return a list of all the GPU_groups known to the system.


GPU_group ref set get_all (session ref session_id)

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: GPU_group ref set

references to all objects

RPC name: get_all_records


Return a map of GPU_group references to GPU_group records for all GPU_groups known to the system.


(GPU_group ref -> GPU_group record) map get_all_records (session ref session_id)

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: (GPU_group ref -> GPU_group record) map

records of all objects

RPC name: get_allocation_algorithm


Get the allocation_algorithm field of the given GPU_group.


allocation_algorithm get_allocation_algorithm (session ref session_id, GPU_group ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
GPU_group ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: allocation_algorithm

value of the field

RPC name: get_by_name_label


Get all the GPU_group instances with the given label.


GPU_group ref set get_by_name_label (session ref session_id, string label)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
string label label of object to return

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: GPU_group ref set

references to objects with matching names

RPC name: get_by_uuid


Get a reference to the GPU_group instance with the specified UUID.


GPU_group ref get_by_uuid (session ref session_id, string uuid)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
string uuid UUID of object to return

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: GPU_group ref

reference to the object

RPC name: get_enabled_VGPU_types


Get the enabled_VGPU_types field of the given GPU_group.


VGPU_type ref set get_enabled_VGPU_types (session ref session_id, GPU_group ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
GPU_group ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: VGPU_type ref set

value of the field

RPC name: get_GPU_types


Get the GPU_types field of the given GPU_group.


string set get_GPU_types (session ref session_id, GPU_group ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
GPU_group ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: string set

value of the field

RPC name: get_name_description


Get the name/description field of the given GPU_group.


string get_name_description (session ref session_id, GPU_group ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
GPU_group ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: string

value of the field

RPC name: get_name_label


Get the name/label field of the given GPU_group.


string get_name_label (session ref session_id, GPU_group ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
GPU_group ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: string

value of the field

RPC name: get_other_config


Get the other_config field of the given GPU_group.


(string -> string) map get_other_config (session ref session_id, GPU_group ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
GPU_group ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: (string -> string) map

value of the field

RPC name: get_PGPUs


Get the PGPUs field of the given GPU_group.


PGPU ref set get_PGPUs (session ref session_id, GPU_group ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
GPU_group ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: PGPU ref set

value of the field

RPC name: get_record


Get a record containing the current state of the given GPU_group.


GPU_group record get_record (session ref session_id, GPU_group ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
GPU_group ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: GPU_group record

all fields from the object

RPC name: get_remaining_capacity



int get_remaining_capacity (session ref session_id, GPU_group ref self, VGPU_type ref vgpu_type)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
GPU_group ref self The GPU group to query
VGPU_type ref vgpu_type The VGPU_type for which the remaining capacity will be calculated

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: int

The number of VGPUs of the given type which can still be started on the PGPUs in the group

RPC name: get_supported_VGPU_types


Get the supported_VGPU_types field of the given GPU_group.


VGPU_type ref set get_supported_VGPU_types (session ref session_id, GPU_group ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
GPU_group ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: VGPU_type ref set

value of the field

RPC name: get_uuid


Get the uuid field of the given GPU_group.


string get_uuid (session ref session_id, GPU_group ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
GPU_group ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: string

value of the field

RPC name: get_VGPUs


Get the VGPUs field of the given GPU_group.


VGPU ref set get_VGPUs (session ref session_id, GPU_group ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
GPU_group ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: VGPU ref set

value of the field

RPC name: remove_from_other_config


Remove the given key and its corresponding value from the other_config field of the given GPU_group. If the key is not in that Map, then do nothing.


void remove_from_other_config (session ref session_id, GPU_group ref self, string key)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
GPU_group ref self reference to the object
string key Key to remove

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: set_allocation_algorithm


Set the allocation_algorithm field of the given GPU_group.


void set_allocation_algorithm (session ref session_id, GPU_group ref self, allocation_algorithm value)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
GPU_group ref self reference to the object
allocation_algorithm value New value to set

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: set_name_description


Set the name/description field of the given GPU_group.


void set_name_description (session ref session_id, GPU_group ref self, string value)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
GPU_group ref self reference to the object
string value New value to set

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: set_name_label


Set the name/label field of the given GPU_group.


void set_name_label (session ref session_id, GPU_group ref self, string value)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
GPU_group ref self reference to the object
string value New value to set

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: set_other_config


Set the other_config field of the given GPU_group.


void set_other_config (session ref session_id, GPU_group ref self, (string -> string) map value)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
GPU_group ref self reference to the object
(string -> string) map value New value to set

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

Class: host

A physical host

Fields for class: host

Field Type Qualifier Description
address string RW The address by which this host can be contacted from any other host in the pool
allowed_operations host_allowed_operations set RO/runtime list of the operations allowed in this state. This list is advisory only and the server state may have changed by the time this field is read by a client.
API_version_major int RO/runtime major version number
API_version_minor int RO/runtime minor version number
API_version_vendor string RO/runtime identification of vendor
API_version_vendor_implementation (string -> string) map RO/runtime details of vendor implementation
bios_strings (string -> string) map RO/runtime BIOS strings
blobs (string -> blob ref) map RO/runtime Binary blobs associated with this host
capabilities string set RO/constructor Xen capabilities
certificates Certificate ref set RO/runtime List of certificates installed in the host
chipset_info (string -> string) map RO/runtime Information about chipset features
control_domain VM ref RO/runtime The control domain (domain 0)
cpu_configuration (string -> string) map RO/runtime The CPU configuration on this host. May contain keys such as “nr_nodes”, “sockets_per_node”, “cores_per_socket”, or “threads_per_core”
cpu_info (string -> string) map RO/runtime Details about the physical CPUs on this host
crash_dump_sr SR ref RW The SR in which VDIs for crash dumps are created
crashdumps host_crashdump ref set RO/runtime Set of host crash dumps
current_operations (string -> host_allowed_operations) map RO/runtime links each of the running tasks using this object (by reference) to a current_operation enum which describes the nature of the task.
display host_display RW indicates whether the host is configured to output its console to a physical display device
edition string RO/runtime Product edition
editions string set RO/runtime List of all available product editions
enabled bool RO/runtime True if the host is currently enabled
external_auth_configuration (string -> string) map RO/runtime configuration specific to external authentication service
external_auth_service_name string RO/runtime name of external authentication service configured; empty if none configured.
external_auth_type string RO/runtime type of external authentication service configured; empty if none configured.
features Feature ref set RO/runtime List of features available on this host
guest_VCPUs_params (string -> string) map RW VCPUs params to apply to all resident guests
ha_network_peers string set RO/runtime The set of hosts visible via the network from this host
ha_statefiles string set RO/runtime The set of statefiles accessible from this host
host_CPUs host_cpu ref set RO/runtime The physical CPUs on this host
hostname string RW The hostname of this host
iscsi_iqn string RO/constructor The initiator IQN for the host
license_params (string -> string) map RO/runtime State of the current license
license_server (string -> string) map RW Contact information of the license server
local_cache_sr SR ref RO/constructor The SR that is used as a local cache
logging (string -> string) map RW logging configuration
memory_overhead int RO/runtime Virtualization memory overhead (bytes).
metrics host_metrics ref RO/runtime metrics associated with this host
multipathing bool RO/constructor Specifies whether multipathing is enabled
name_description string RW a notes field containing human-readable description
name_label string RW a human-readable name
other_config (string -> string) map RW additional configuration
patches host_patch ref set RO/runtime Deprecated. Set of host patches
PBDs PBD ref set RO/runtime physical blockdevices
PCIs PCI ref set RO/runtime List of PCI devices in the host
PGPUs PGPU ref set RO/runtime List of physical GPUs in the host
PIFs PIF ref set RO/runtime physical network interfaces
power_on_config (string -> string) map RO/runtime The power on config
power_on_mode string RO/runtime The power on mode
PUSBs PUSB ref set RO/runtime List of physical USBs in the host
resident_VMs VM ref set RO/runtime list of VMs currently resident on host
sched_policy string RO/runtime Scheduler policy currently in force on this host
software_version (string -> string) map RO/constructor version strings
ssl_legacy bool RO/constructor Deprecated. Allow SSLv3 protocol and ciphersuites as used by older server versions. This controls both incoming and outgoing connections. When this is set to a different value, the host immediately restarts its SSL/TLS listening service; typically this takes less than a second but existing connections to it will be broken. API login sessions will remain valid.
supported_bootloaders string set RO/runtime a list of the bootloaders installed on the machine
suspend_image_sr SR ref RW The SR in which VDIs for suspend images are created
tags string set RW user-specified tags for categorization purposes
uefi_certificates string RO/constructor The UEFI certificates allowing Secure Boot
updates pool_update ref set RO/runtime Set of updates
updates_requiring_reboot pool_update ref set RO/runtime List of updates which require reboot
uuid string RO/runtime Unique identifier/object reference
virtual_hardware_platform_versions int set RO/runtime The set of versions of the virtual hardware platform that the host can offer to its guests

RPCs associated with class: host

RPC name: add_tags


Add the given value to the tags field of the given host. If the value is already in that Set, then do nothing.


void add_tags (session ref session_id, host ref self, string value)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref self reference to the object
string value New value to add

Minimum Role: vm-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: add_to_guest_VCPUs_params


Add the given key-value pair to the guest_VCPUs_params field of the given host.


void add_to_guest_VCPUs_params (session ref session_id, host ref self, string key, string value)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref self reference to the object
string key Key to add
string value Value to add

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: add_to_license_server


Add the given key-value pair to the license_server field of the given host.


void add_to_license_server (session ref session_id, host ref self, string key, string value)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref self reference to the object
string key Key to add
string value Value to add

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: add_to_logging


Add the given key-value pair to the logging field of the given host.


void add_to_logging (session ref session_id, host ref self, string key, string value)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref self reference to the object
string key Key to add
string value Value to add

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: add_to_other_config


Add the given key-value pair to the other_config field of the given host.


void add_to_other_config (session ref session_id, host ref self, string key, string value)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref self reference to the object
string key Key to add
string value Value to add

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: apply_edition


Change to another edition, or reactivate the current edition after a license has expired. This may be subject to the successful checkout of an appropriate license.


void apply_edition (session ref session_id, host ref host, string edition, bool force)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref host The host
string edition The requested edition
bool force Update the license params even if the apply call fails

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: assert_can_evacuate


Check this host can be evacuated.


void assert_can_evacuate (session ref session_id, host ref host)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref host The host to evacuate

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: backup_rrds


This causes the RRDs to be backed up to the master


void backup_rrds (session ref session_id, host ref host, float delay)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref host Schedule a backup of the RRDs of this host
float delay Delay in seconds from when the call is received to perform the backup

Minimum Role: pool-admin

Return Type: void

RPC name: bugreport_upload


Run xen-bugtool --yestoall and upload the output to support


void bugreport_upload (session ref session_id, host ref host, string url, (string -> string) map options)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref host The host on which to run xen-bugtool
string url The URL to upload to
(string -> string) map options Extra configuration operations

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: call_extension


Call an API extension on this host


string call_extension (session ref session_id, host ref host, string call)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref host The host
string call Rpc call for the extension

Minimum Role: pool-admin

Return Type: string

Result from the extension

RPC name: call_plugin


Call an API plugin on this host


string call_plugin (session ref session_id, host ref host, string plugin, string fn, (string -> string) map args)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref host The host
string plugin The name of the plugin
string fn The name of the function within the plugin
(string -> string) map args Arguments for the function

Minimum Role: pool-admin

Return Type: string

Result from the plugin

RPC name: compute_free_memory


Computes the amount of free memory on the host.


int compute_free_memory (session ref session_id, host ref host)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref host The host to send the request to

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: int

the amount of free memory on the host.

RPC name: compute_memory_overhead


Computes the virtualization memory overhead of a host.


int compute_memory_overhead (session ref session_id, host ref host)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref host The host for which to compute the memory overhead

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: int

the virtualization memory overhead of the host.

RPC name: create_new_blob


Create a placeholder for a named binary blob of data that is associated with this host


blob ref create_new_blob (session ref session_id, host ref host, string name, string mime_type, bool public)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref host The host
string name The name associated with the blob
string mime_type The mime type for the data. Empty string translates to application/octet-stream
bool public True if the blob should be publicly available

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: blob ref

The reference of the blob, needed for populating its data

RPC name: declare_dead


Declare that a host is dead. This is a dangerous operation, and should only be called if the administrator is absolutely sure the host is definitely dead


void declare_dead (session ref session_id, host ref host)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref host The Host to declare is dead

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: destroy


Destroy specified host record in database


void destroy (session ref session_id, host ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref self The host record to remove

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: disable


Puts the host into a state in which no new VMs can be started. Currently active VMs on the host continue to execute.


void disable (session ref session_id, host ref host)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref host The Host to disable

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: disable_display


Disable console output to the physical display device next time this host boots


host_display disable_display (session ref session_id, host ref host)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref host The host

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: host_display

This host’s physical display usage

RPC name: disable_external_auth


This call disables external authentication on the local host


void disable_external_auth (session ref session_id, host ref host, (string -> string) map config)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref host The host whose external authentication should be disabled
(string -> string) map config Optional parameters as a list of key-values containing the configuration data

Minimum Role: pool-admin

Return Type: void

RPC name: disable_local_storage_caching


Disable the use of a local SR for caching purposes


void disable_local_storage_caching (session ref session_id, host ref host)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref host The host

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: dmesg


Get the host xen dmesg.


string dmesg (session ref session_id, host ref host)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref host The Host to query

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: string

dmesg string

RPC name: dmesg_clear


Get the host xen dmesg, and clear the buffer.


string dmesg_clear (session ref session_id, host ref host)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref host The Host to query

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: string

dmesg string

RPC name: emergency_ha_disable


This call disables HA on the local host. This should only be used with extreme care.


void emergency_ha_disable (session ref session_id, bool soft)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
bool soft Disable HA temporarily, revert upon host reboot or further changes, idempotent

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: emergency_reset_server_certificate


Delete the current TLS server certificate and replace by a new, self-signed one. This should only be used with extreme care.


void emergency_reset_server_certificate (session ref session_id)

Return Type: void

RPC name: enable


Puts the host into a state in which new VMs can be started.


void enable (session ref session_id, host ref host)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref host The Host to enable

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: enable_display


Enable console output to the physical display device next time this host boots


host_display enable_display (session ref session_id, host ref host)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref host The host

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: host_display

This host’s physical display usage

RPC name: enable_external_auth


This call enables external authentication on a host


void enable_external_auth (session ref session_id, host ref host, (string -> string) map config, string service_name, string auth_type)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref host The host whose external authentication should be enabled
(string -> string) map config A list of key-values containing the configuration data
string service_name The name of the service
string auth_type The type of authentication (e.g. AD for Active Directory)

Minimum Role: pool-admin

Return Type: void

RPC name: enable_local_storage_caching


Enable the use of a local SR for caching purposes


void enable_local_storage_caching (session ref session_id, host ref host, SR ref sr)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref host The host
SR ref sr The SR to use as a local cache

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: evacuate


Migrate all VMs off of this host, where possible.


void evacuate (session ref session_id, host ref host)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref host The host to evacuate

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: forget_data_source_archives


Forget the recorded statistics related to the specified data source


void forget_data_source_archives (session ref session_id, host ref host, string data_source)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref host The host
string data_source The data source whose archives are to be forgotten

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: get_address


Get the address field of the given host.


string get_address (session ref session_id, host ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: string

value of the field

RPC name: get_all


Return a list of all the hosts known to the system.


host ref set get_all (session ref session_id)

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: host ref set

references to all objects

RPC name: get_all_records


Return a map of host references to host records for all hosts known to the system.


(host ref -> host record) map get_all_records (session ref session_id)

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: (host ref -> host record) map

records of all objects

RPC name: get_allowed_operations


Get the allowed_operations field of the given host.


host_allowed_operations set get_allowed_operations (session ref session_id, host ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: host_allowed_operations set

value of the field

RPC name: get_API_version_major


Get the API_version/major field of the given host.


int get_API_version_major (session ref session_id, host ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: int

value of the field

RPC name: get_API_version_minor


Get the API_version/minor field of the given host.


int get_API_version_minor (session ref session_id, host ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: int

value of the field

RPC name: get_API_version_vendor


Get the API_version/vendor field of the given host.


string get_API_version_vendor (session ref session_id, host ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: string

value of the field

RPC name: get_API_version_vendor_implementation


Get the API_version/vendor_implementation field of the given host.


(string -> string) map get_API_version_vendor_implementation (session ref session_id, host ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: (string -> string) map

value of the field

RPC name: get_bios_strings


Get the bios_strings field of the given host.


(string -> string) map get_bios_strings (session ref session_id, host ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: (string -> string) map

value of the field

RPC name: get_blobs


Get the blobs field of the given host.


(string -> blob ref) map get_blobs (session ref session_id, host ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: (string -> blob ref) map

value of the field

RPC name: get_by_name_label


Get all the host instances with the given label.


host ref set get_by_name_label (session ref session_id, string label)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
string label label of object to return

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: host ref set

references to objects with matching names

RPC name: get_by_uuid


Get a reference to the host instance with the specified UUID.


host ref get_by_uuid (session ref session_id, string uuid)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
string uuid UUID of object to return

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: host ref

reference to the object

RPC name: get_capabilities


Get the capabilities field of the given host.


string set get_capabilities (session ref session_id, host ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: string set

value of the field

RPC name: get_certificates


Get the certificates field of the given host.


Certificate ref set get_certificates (session ref session_id, host ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: Certificate ref set

value of the field

RPC name: get_chipset_info


Get the chipset_info field of the given host.


(string -> string) map get_chipset_info (session ref session_id, host ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: (string -> string) map

value of the field

RPC name: get_control_domain


Get the control_domain field of the given host.


VM ref get_control_domain (session ref session_id, host ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: VM ref

value of the field

RPC name: get_cpu_configuration


Get the cpu_configuration field of the given host.


(string -> string) map get_cpu_configuration (session ref session_id, host ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: (string -> string) map

value of the field

RPC name: get_cpu_info


Get the cpu_info field of the given host.


(string -> string) map get_cpu_info (session ref session_id, host ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: (string -> string) map

value of the field

RPC name: get_crash_dump_sr


Get the crash_dump_sr field of the given host.


SR ref get_crash_dump_sr (session ref session_id, host ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: SR ref

value of the field

RPC name: get_crashdumps


Get the crashdumps field of the given host.


host_crashdump ref set get_crashdumps (session ref session_id, host ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: host_crashdump ref set

value of the field

RPC name: get_current_operations


Get the current_operations field of the given host.


(string -> host_allowed_operations) map get_current_operations (session ref session_id, host ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: (string -> host_allowed_operations) map

value of the field

RPC name: get_data_sources



data_source record set get_data_sources (session ref session_id, host ref host)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref host The host to interrogate

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: data_source record set

A set of data sources

RPC name: get_display


Get the display field of the given host.


host_display get_display (session ref session_id, host ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: host_display

value of the field

RPC name: get_edition


Get the edition field of the given host.


string get_edition (session ref session_id, host ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: string

value of the field

RPC name: get_editions


Get the editions field of the given host.


string set get_editions (session ref session_id, host ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: string set

value of the field

RPC name: get_enabled


Get the enabled field of the given host.


bool get_enabled (session ref session_id, host ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: bool

value of the field

RPC name: get_external_auth_configuration


Get the external_auth_configuration field of the given host.


(string -> string) map get_external_auth_configuration (session ref session_id, host ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: (string -> string) map

value of the field

RPC name: get_external_auth_service_name


Get the external_auth_service_name field of the given host.


string get_external_auth_service_name (session ref session_id, host ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: string

value of the field

RPC name: get_external_auth_type


Get the external_auth_type field of the given host.


string get_external_auth_type (session ref session_id, host ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: string

value of the field

RPC name: get_features


Get the features field of the given host.


Feature ref set get_features (session ref session_id, host ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: Feature ref set

value of the field

RPC name: get_guest_VCPUs_params


Get the guest_VCPUs_params field of the given host.


(string -> string) map get_guest_VCPUs_params (session ref session_id, host ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: (string -> string) map

value of the field

RPC name: get_ha_network_peers


Get the ha_network_peers field of the given host.


string set get_ha_network_peers (session ref session_id, host ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: string set

value of the field

RPC name: get_ha_statefiles


Get the ha_statefiles field of the given host.


string set get_ha_statefiles (session ref session_id, host ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: string set

value of the field

RPC name: get_host_CPUs


Get the host_CPUs field of the given host.


host_cpu ref set get_host_CPUs (session ref session_id, host ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: host_cpu ref set

value of the field

RPC name: get_hostname


Get the hostname field of the given host.


string get_hostname (session ref session_id, host ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: string

value of the field

RPC name: get_iscsi_iqn


Get the iscsi_iqn field of the given host.


string get_iscsi_iqn (session ref session_id, host ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: string

value of the field

RPC name: get_license_params


Get the license_params field of the given host.


(string -> string) map get_license_params (session ref session_id, host ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: (string -> string) map

value of the field

RPC name: get_license_server


Get the license_server field of the given host.


(string -> string) map get_license_server (session ref session_id, host ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: (string -> string) map

value of the field

RPC name: get_local_cache_sr


Get the local_cache_sr field of the given host.


SR ref get_local_cache_sr (session ref session_id, host ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: SR ref

value of the field

RPC name: get_log


Get the host’s log file


string get_log (session ref session_id, host ref host)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref host The Host to query

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: string

The contents of the host’s primary log file

RPC name: get_logging


Get the logging field of the given host.


(string -> string) map get_logging (session ref session_id, host ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: (string -> string) map

value of the field

RPC name: get_management_interface


Returns the management interface for the specified host


PIF ref get_management_interface (session ref session_id, host ref host)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref host Which host’s management interface is required

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: PIF ref

The management interface for the host

RPC name: get_memory_overhead


Get the memory/overhead field of the given host.


int get_memory_overhead (session ref session_id, host ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: int

value of the field

RPC name: get_metrics


Get the metrics field of the given host.


host_metrics ref get_metrics (session ref session_id, host ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: host_metrics ref

value of the field

RPC name: get_multipathing


Get the multipathing field of the given host.


bool get_multipathing (session ref session_id, host ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: bool

value of the field

RPC name: get_name_description


Get the name/description field of the given host.


string get_name_description (session ref session_id, host ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: string

value of the field

RPC name: get_name_label


Get the name/label field of the given host.


string get_name_label (session ref session_id, host ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: string

value of the field

RPC name: get_other_config


Get the other_config field of the given host.


(string -> string) map get_other_config (session ref session_id, host ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: (string -> string) map

value of the field

RPC name: get_patches

This message is deprecated.


Get the patches field of the given host.


host_patch ref set get_patches (session ref session_id, host ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: host_patch ref set

value of the field

RPC name: get_PBDs


Get the PBDs field of the given host.


PBD ref set get_PBDs (session ref session_id, host ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: PBD ref set

value of the field

RPC name: get_PCIs


Get the PCIs field of the given host.


PCI ref set get_PCIs (session ref session_id, host ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: PCI ref set

value of the field

RPC name: get_PGPUs


Get the PGPUs field of the given host.


PGPU ref set get_PGPUs (session ref session_id, host ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: PGPU ref set

value of the field

RPC name: get_PIFs


Get the PIFs field of the given host.


PIF ref set get_PIFs (session ref session_id, host ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: PIF ref set

value of the field

RPC name: get_power_on_config


Get the power_on_config field of the given host.


(string -> string) map get_power_on_config (session ref session_id, host ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: (string -> string) map

value of the field

RPC name: get_power_on_mode


Get the power_on_mode field of the given host.


string get_power_on_mode (session ref session_id, host ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: string

value of the field

RPC name: get_PUSBs


Get the PUSBs field of the given host.


PUSB ref set get_PUSBs (session ref session_id, host ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: PUSB ref set

value of the field

RPC name: get_record


Get a record containing the current state of the given host.


host record get_record (session ref session_id, host ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: host record

all fields from the object

RPC name: get_resident_VMs


Get the resident_VMs field of the given host.


VM ref set get_resident_VMs (session ref session_id, host ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: VM ref set

value of the field

RPC name: get_sched_policy


Get the sched_policy field of the given host.


string get_sched_policy (session ref session_id, host ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: string

value of the field

RPC name: get_server_certificate


Get the installed server public TLS certificate.


string get_server_certificate (session ref session_id, host ref host)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref host The host

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: string

The installed server public TLS certificate, in PEM form.

RPC name: get_server_localtime


This call queries the host’s clock for the current time in the host’s local timezone


datetime get_server_localtime (session ref session_id, host ref host)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref host The host whose clock should be queried

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: datetime

The current local time

RPC name: get_servertime


This call queries the host’s clock for the current time


datetime get_servertime (session ref session_id, host ref host)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref host The host whose clock should be queried

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: datetime

The current time

RPC name: get_software_version


Get the software_version field of the given host.


(string -> string) map get_software_version (session ref session_id, host ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: (string -> string) map

value of the field

RPC name: get_ssl_legacy

This message is deprecated.


Get the ssl_legacy field of the given host.


bool get_ssl_legacy (session ref session_id, host ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: bool

value of the field

RPC name: get_supported_bootloaders


Get the supported_bootloaders field of the given host.


string set get_supported_bootloaders (session ref session_id, host ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: string set

value of the field

RPC name: get_suspend_image_sr


Get the suspend_image_sr field of the given host.


SR ref get_suspend_image_sr (session ref session_id, host ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: SR ref

value of the field

RPC name: get_system_status_capabilities



string get_system_status_capabilities (session ref session_id, host ref host)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref host The host to interrogate

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: string

An XML fragment containing the system status capabilities.

RPC name: get_tags


Get the tags field of the given host.


string set get_tags (session ref session_id, host ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: string set

value of the field

RPC name: get_uefi_certificates


Get the uefi_certificates field of the given host.


string get_uefi_certificates (session ref session_id, host ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: string

value of the field

RPC name: get_uncooperative_resident_VMs

This message is deprecated.


Return a set of VMs which are not co-operating with the host’s memory control system


VM ref set get_uncooperative_resident_VMs (session ref session_id, host ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref self The host to query

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: VM ref set

VMs which are not co-operating

RPC name: get_updates


Get the updates field of the given host.


pool_update ref set get_updates (session ref session_id, host ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: pool_update ref set

value of the field

RPC name: get_updates_requiring_reboot


Get the updates_requiring_reboot field of the given host.


pool_update ref set get_updates_requiring_reboot (session ref session_id, host ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: pool_update ref set

value of the field

RPC name: get_uuid


Get the uuid field of the given host.


string get_uuid (session ref session_id, host ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: string

value of the field

RPC name: get_virtual_hardware_platform_versions


Get the virtual_hardware_platform_versions field of the given host.


int set get_virtual_hardware_platform_versions (session ref session_id, host ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: int set

value of the field

RPC name: get_vms_which_prevent_evacuation


Return a set of VMs which prevent the host being evacuated, with per-VM error codes


(VM ref -> string set) map get_vms_which_prevent_evacuation (session ref session_id, host ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref self The host to query

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: (VM ref -> string set) map

VMs which block evacuation together with reasons

RPC name: has_extension


Return true if the extension is available on the host


bool has_extension (session ref session_id, host ref host, string name)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref host The host
string name The name of the API call

Minimum Role: pool-admin

Return Type: bool

True if the extension exists, false otherwise

RPC name: install_server_certificate


Install the TLS server certificate.


void install_server_certificate (session ref session_id, host ref host, string certificate, string private_key, string certificate_chain)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref host The host
string certificate The server certificate, in PEM form
string private_key The unencrypted private key used to sign the certificate, in PKCS#8 form
string certificate_chain The certificate chain, in PEM form

Minimum Role: pool-admin

Return Type: void

RPC name: license_add


Apply a new license to a host


void license_add (session ref session_id, host ref host, string contents)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref host The host to upload the license to
string contents The contents of the license file, base64 encoded

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void


RPC name: license_apply

This message is removed.


Apply a new license to a host


void license_apply (session ref session_id, host ref host, string contents)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref host The host to upload the license to
string contents The contents of the license file, base64 encoded

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void


RPC name: license_remove


Remove any license file from the specified host, and switch that host to the unlicensed edition


void license_remove (session ref session_id, host ref host)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref host The host from which any license will be removed

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: list_methods


List all supported methods


string set list_methods (session ref session_id)

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: string set

The name of every supported method.

RPC name: local_management_reconfigure


Reconfigure the management network interface. Should only be used if Host.management_reconfigure is impossible because the network configuration is broken.


void local_management_reconfigure (session ref session_id, string interface)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
string interface name of the interface to use as a management interface

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: management_disable


Disable the management network interface


void management_disable (session ref session_id)

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: management_reconfigure


Reconfigure the management network interface


void management_reconfigure (session ref session_id, PIF ref pif)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
PIF ref pif reference to a PIF object corresponding to the management interface

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: migrate_receive


Prepare to receive a VM, returning a token which can be passed to VM.migrate.


(string -> string) map migrate_receive (session ref session_id, host ref host, network ref network, (string -> string) map options)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref host The target host
network ref network The network through which migration traffic should be received.
(string -> string) map options Extra configuration operations

Minimum Role: vm-power-admin

Return Type: (string -> string) map

A value which should be passed to VM.migrate

RPC name: power_on


Attempt to power-on the host (if the capability exists).


void power_on (session ref session_id, host ref host)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref host The Host to power on

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: query_data_source


Query the latest value of the specified data source


float query_data_source (session ref session_id, host ref host, string data_source)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref host The host
string data_source The data source to query

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: float

The latest value, averaged over the last 5 seconds

RPC name: reboot


Reboot the host. (This function can only be called if there are no currently running VMs on the host and it is disabled.)


void reboot (session ref session_id, host ref host)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref host The Host to reboot

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: record_data_source


Start recording the specified data source


void record_data_source (session ref session_id, host ref host, string data_source)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref host The host
string data_source The data source to record

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: refresh_pack_info

This message is deprecated.


Refresh the list of installed Supplemental Packs.


void refresh_pack_info (session ref session_id, host ref host)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref host The Host to modify

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: remove_from_guest_VCPUs_params


Remove the given key and its corresponding value from the guest_VCPUs_params field of the given host. If the key is not in that Map, then do nothing.


void remove_from_guest_VCPUs_params (session ref session_id, host ref self, string key)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref self reference to the object
string key Key to remove

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: remove_from_license_server


Remove the given key and its corresponding value from the license_server field of the given host. If the key is not in that Map, then do nothing.


void remove_from_license_server (session ref session_id, host ref self, string key)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref self reference to the object
string key Key to remove

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: remove_from_logging


Remove the given key and its corresponding value from the logging field of the given host. If the key is not in that Map, then do nothing.


void remove_from_logging (session ref session_id, host ref self, string key)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref self reference to the object
string key Key to remove

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: remove_from_other_config


Remove the given key and its corresponding value from the other_config field of the given host. If the key is not in that Map, then do nothing.


void remove_from_other_config (session ref session_id, host ref self, string key)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref self reference to the object
string key Key to remove

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: remove_tags


Remove the given value from the tags field of the given host. If the value is not in that Set, then do nothing.


void remove_tags (session ref session_id, host ref self, string value)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref self reference to the object
string value Value to remove

Minimum Role: vm-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: reset_cpu_features

This message is removed.


Remove the feature mask, such that after a reboot all features of the CPU are enabled.


void reset_cpu_features (session ref session_id, host ref host)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref host The host

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: restart_agent


Restarts the agent after a 10 second pause. WARNING: this is a dangerous operation. Any operations in progress will be aborted, and unrecoverable data loss may occur. The caller is responsible for ensuring that there are no operations in progress when this method is called.


void restart_agent (session ref session_id, host ref host)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref host The Host on which you want to restart the agent

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: retrieve_wlb_evacuate_recommendations


Retrieves recommended host migrations to perform when evacuating the host from the wlb server. If a VM cannot be migrated from the host the reason is listed instead of a recommendation.


(VM ref -> string set) map retrieve_wlb_evacuate_recommendations (session ref session_id, host ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref self The host to query

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: (VM ref -> string set) map

VMs and the reasons why they would block evacuation, or their target host recommended by the wlb server

RPC name: send_debug_keys


Inject the given string as debugging keys into Xen


void send_debug_keys (session ref session_id, host ref host, string keys)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref host The host
string keys The keys to send

Minimum Role: pool-admin

Return Type: void

RPC name: set_address


Set the address field of the given host.


void set_address (session ref session_id, host ref self, string value)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref self reference to the object
string value New value to set

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: set_cpu_features

This message is removed.


Set the CPU features to be used after a reboot, if the given features string is valid.


void set_cpu_features (session ref session_id, host ref host, string features)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref host The host
string features The features string (32 hexadecimal digits)

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: set_crash_dump_sr


Set the crash_dump_sr field of the given host.


void set_crash_dump_sr (session ref session_id, host ref self, SR ref value)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref self reference to the object
SR ref value New value to set

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: set_display


Set the display field of the given host.


void set_display (session ref session_id, host ref self, host_display value)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref self reference to the object
host_display value New value to set

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: set_guest_VCPUs_params


Set the guest_VCPUs_params field of the given host.


void set_guest_VCPUs_params (session ref session_id, host ref self, (string -> string) map value)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref self reference to the object
(string -> string) map value New value to set

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: set_hostname


Set the hostname field of the given host.


void set_hostname (session ref session_id, host ref self, string value)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref self reference to the object
string value New value to set

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: set_hostname_live


Sets the host name to the specified string. Both the API and lower-level system hostname are changed immediately.


void set_hostname_live (session ref session_id, host ref host, string hostname)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref host The host whose host name to set
string hostname The new host name

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

Possible Error Codes: HOST_NAME_INVALID

RPC name: set_iscsi_iqn


Sets the initiator IQN for the host


void set_iscsi_iqn (session ref session_id, host ref host, string value)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref host The host
string value The value to which the IQN should be set

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: set_license_server


Set the license_server field of the given host.


void set_license_server (session ref session_id, host ref self, (string -> string) map value)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref self reference to the object
(string -> string) map value New value to set

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: set_logging


Set the logging field of the given host.


void set_logging (session ref session_id, host ref self, (string -> string) map value)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref self reference to the object
(string -> string) map value New value to set

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: set_multipathing


Specifies whether multipathing is enabled


void set_multipathing (session ref session_id, host ref host, bool value)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref host The host
bool value Whether multipathing should be enabled

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: set_name_description


Set the name/description field of the given host.


void set_name_description (session ref session_id, host ref self, string value)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref self reference to the object
string value New value to set

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: set_name_label


Set the name/label field of the given host.


void set_name_label (session ref session_id, host ref self, string value)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref self reference to the object
string value New value to set

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: set_other_config


Set the other_config field of the given host.


void set_other_config (session ref session_id, host ref self, (string -> string) map value)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref self reference to the object
(string -> string) map value New value to set

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: set_power_on_mode


Set the power-on-mode, host, user and password


void set_power_on_mode (session ref session_id, host ref self, string power_on_mode, (string -> string) map power_on_config)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref self The host
string power_on_mode power-on-mode can be empty, wake-on-lan, DRAC or other
(string -> string) map power_on_config Power on config

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: set_ssl_legacy


Enable/disable SSLv3 for interoperability with older server versions. When this is set to a different value, the host immediately restarts its SSL/TLS listening service; typically this takes less than a second but existing connections to it will be broken. API login sessions will remain valid.


void set_ssl_legacy (session ref session_id, host ref self, bool value)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref self The host
bool value True to allow SSLv3 and ciphersuites as used in old XenServer versions

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: set_suspend_image_sr


Set the suspend_image_sr field of the given host.


void set_suspend_image_sr (session ref session_id, host ref self, SR ref value)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref self reference to the object
SR ref value New value to set

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: set_tags


Set the tags field of the given host.


void set_tags (session ref session_id, host ref self, string set value)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref self reference to the object
string set value New value to set

Minimum Role: vm-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: set_uefi_certificates


Sets the UEFI certificates on a host


void set_uefi_certificates (session ref session_id, host ref host, string value)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref host The host
string value The certificates to apply to a host

Return Type: void

RPC name: shutdown


Shutdown the host. (This function can only be called if there are no currently running VMs on the host and it is disabled.)


void shutdown (session ref session_id, host ref host)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref host The Host to shutdown

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: shutdown_agent


Shuts the agent down after a 10 second pause. WARNING: this is a dangerous operation. Any operations in progress will be aborted, and unrecoverable data loss may occur. The caller is responsible for ensuring that there are no operations in progress when this method is called.


void shutdown_agent (session ref session_id)

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: sync_data


This causes the synchronisation of the non-database data (messages, RRDs and so on) stored on the master to be synchronised with the host


void sync_data (session ref session_id, host ref host)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref host The host to whom the data should be sent

Minimum Role: pool-admin

Return Type: void

RPC name: syslog_reconfigure


Re-configure syslog logging


void syslog_reconfigure (session ref session_id, host ref host)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref host Tell the host to reread its Host.logging parameters and reconfigure itself accordingly

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

Class: host_cpu

This class is deprecated.

A physical CPU

Fields for class: host_cpu

Field Type Qualifier Description
family int RO/runtime Deprecated. the family (number) of the physical CPU
features string RO/runtime Deprecated. the physical CPU feature bitmap
flags string RO/runtime Deprecated. the flags of the physical CPU (a decoded version of the features field)
host host ref RO/runtime Deprecated. the host the CPU is in
model int RO/runtime Deprecated. the model number of the physical CPU
modelname string RO/runtime Deprecated. the model name of the physical CPU
number int RO/runtime Deprecated. the number of the physical CPU within the host
other_config (string -> string) map RW Deprecated. additional configuration
speed int RO/runtime Deprecated. the speed of the physical CPU
stepping string RO/runtime Deprecated. the stepping of the physical CPU
utilisation float RO/runtime Deprecated. the current CPU utilisation
uuid string RO/runtime Deprecated. Unique identifier/object reference
vendor string RO/runtime Deprecated. the vendor of the physical CPU

RPCs associated with class: host_cpu

RPC name: add_to_other_config

This message is deprecated.


Add the given key-value pair to the other_config field of the given host_cpu.


void add_to_other_config (session ref session_id, host_cpu ref self, string key, string value)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host_cpu ref self reference to the object
string key Key to add
string value Value to add

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: get_all

This message is deprecated.


Return a list of all the host_cpus known to the system.


host_cpu ref set get_all (session ref session_id)

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: host_cpu ref set

references to all objects

RPC name: get_all_records

This message is deprecated.


Return a map of host_cpu references to host_cpu records for all host_cpus known to the system.


(host_cpu ref -> host_cpu record) map get_all_records (session ref session_id)

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: (host_cpu ref -> host_cpu record) map

records of all objects

RPC name: get_by_uuid

This message is deprecated.


Get a reference to the host_cpu instance with the specified UUID.


host_cpu ref get_by_uuid (session ref session_id, string uuid)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
string uuid UUID of object to return

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: host_cpu ref

reference to the object

RPC name: get_family

This message is deprecated.


Get the family field of the given host_cpu.


int get_family (session ref session_id, host_cpu ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host_cpu ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: int

value of the field

RPC name: get_features

This message is deprecated.


Get the features field of the given host_cpu.


string get_features (session ref session_id, host_cpu ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host_cpu ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: string

value of the field

RPC name: get_flags

This message is deprecated.


Get the flags field of the given host_cpu.


string get_flags (session ref session_id, host_cpu ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host_cpu ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: string

value of the field

RPC name: get_host

This message is deprecated.


Get the host field of the given host_cpu.


host ref get_host (session ref session_id, host_cpu ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host_cpu ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: host ref

value of the field

RPC name: get_model

This message is deprecated.


Get the model field of the given host_cpu.


int get_model (session ref session_id, host_cpu ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host_cpu ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: int

value of the field

RPC name: get_modelname

This message is deprecated.


Get the modelname field of the given host_cpu.


string get_modelname (session ref session_id, host_cpu ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host_cpu ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: string

value of the field

RPC name: get_number

This message is deprecated.


Get the number field of the given host_cpu.


int get_number (session ref session_id, host_cpu ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host_cpu ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: int

value of the field

RPC name: get_other_config

This message is deprecated.


Get the other_config field of the given host_cpu.


(string -> string) map get_other_config (session ref session_id, host_cpu ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host_cpu ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: (string -> string) map

value of the field

RPC name: get_record

This message is deprecated.


Get a record containing the current state of the given host_cpu.


host_cpu record get_record (session ref session_id, host_cpu ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host_cpu ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: host_cpu record

all fields from the object

RPC name: get_speed

This message is deprecated.


Get the speed field of the given host_cpu.


int get_speed (session ref session_id, host_cpu ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host_cpu ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: int

value of the field

RPC name: get_stepping

This message is deprecated.


Get the stepping field of the given host_cpu.


string get_stepping (session ref session_id, host_cpu ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host_cpu ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: string

value of the field

RPC name: get_utilisation

This message is deprecated.


Get the utilisation field of the given host_cpu.


float get_utilisation (session ref session_id, host_cpu ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host_cpu ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: float

value of the field

RPC name: get_uuid

This message is deprecated.


Get the uuid field of the given host_cpu.


string get_uuid (session ref session_id, host_cpu ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host_cpu ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: string

value of the field

RPC name: get_vendor

This message is deprecated.


Get the vendor field of the given host_cpu.


string get_vendor (session ref session_id, host_cpu ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host_cpu ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: string

value of the field

RPC name: remove_from_other_config

This message is deprecated.


Remove the given key and its corresponding value from the other_config field of the given host_cpu. If the key is not in that Map, then do nothing.


void remove_from_other_config (session ref session_id, host_cpu ref self, string key)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host_cpu ref self reference to the object
string key Key to remove

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: set_other_config

This message is deprecated.


Set the other_config field of the given host_cpu.


void set_other_config (session ref session_id, host_cpu ref self, (string -> string) map value)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host_cpu ref self reference to the object
(string -> string) map value New value to set

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

Class: host_crashdump

Represents a host crash dump

Fields for class: host_crashdump

Field Type Qualifier Description
host host ref RO/constructor Host the crashdump relates to
other_config (string -> string) map RW additional configuration
size int RO/runtime Size of the crashdump
timestamp datetime RO/runtime Time the crash happened
uuid string RO/runtime Unique identifier/object reference

RPCs associated with class: host_crashdump

RPC name: add_to_other_config


Add the given key-value pair to the other_config field of the given host_crashdump.


void add_to_other_config (session ref session_id, host_crashdump ref self, string key, string value)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host_crashdump ref self reference to the object
string key Key to add
string value Value to add

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: destroy


Destroy specified host crash dump, removing it from the disk.


void destroy (session ref session_id, host_crashdump ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host_crashdump ref self The host crashdump to destroy

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: get_all


Return a list of all the host_crashdumps known to the system.


host_crashdump ref set get_all (session ref session_id)

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: host_crashdump ref set

references to all objects

RPC name: get_all_records


Return a map of host_crashdump references to host_crashdump records for all host_crashdumps known to the system.


(host_crashdump ref -> host_crashdump record) map get_all_records (session ref session_id)

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: (host_crashdump ref -> host_crashdump record) map

records of all objects

RPC name: get_by_uuid


Get a reference to the host_crashdump instance with the specified UUID.


host_crashdump ref get_by_uuid (session ref session_id, string uuid)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
string uuid UUID of object to return

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: host_crashdump ref

reference to the object

RPC name: get_host


Get the host field of the given host_crashdump.


host ref get_host (session ref session_id, host_crashdump ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host_crashdump ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: host ref

value of the field

RPC name: get_other_config


Get the other_config field of the given host_crashdump.


(string -> string) map get_other_config (session ref session_id, host_crashdump ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host_crashdump ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: (string -> string) map

value of the field

RPC name: get_record


Get a record containing the current state of the given host_crashdump.


host_crashdump record get_record (session ref session_id, host_crashdump ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host_crashdump ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: host_crashdump record

all fields from the object

RPC name: get_size


Get the size field of the given host_crashdump.


int get_size (session ref session_id, host_crashdump ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host_crashdump ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: int

value of the field

RPC name: get_timestamp


Get the timestamp field of the given host_crashdump.


datetime get_timestamp (session ref session_id, host_crashdump ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host_crashdump ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: datetime

value of the field

RPC name: get_uuid


Get the uuid field of the given host_crashdump.


string get_uuid (session ref session_id, host_crashdump ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host_crashdump ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: string

value of the field

RPC name: remove_from_other_config


Remove the given key and its corresponding value from the other_config field of the given host_crashdump. If the key is not in that Map, then do nothing.


void remove_from_other_config (session ref session_id, host_crashdump ref self, string key)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host_crashdump ref self reference to the object
string key Key to remove

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: set_other_config


Set the other_config field of the given host_crashdump.


void set_other_config (session ref session_id, host_crashdump ref self, (string -> string) map value)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host_crashdump ref self reference to the object
(string -> string) map value New value to set

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: upload


Upload the specified host crash dump to a specified URL


void upload (session ref session_id, host_crashdump ref self, string url, (string -> string) map options)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host_crashdump ref self The host crashdump to upload
string url The URL to upload to
(string -> string) map options Extra configuration operations

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

Class: host_metrics

The metrics associated with a host

Fields for class: host_metrics

Field Type Qualifier Description
last_updated datetime RO/runtime Time at which this information was last updated
live bool RO/runtime Pool master thinks this host is live
memory_free int RO/runtime Removed. Free host memory (bytes)
memory_total int RO/runtime Total host memory (bytes)
other_config (string -> string) map RW additional configuration
uuid string RO/runtime Unique identifier/object reference

RPCs associated with class: host_metrics

RPC name: add_to_other_config


Add the given key-value pair to the other_config field of the given host_metrics.


void add_to_other_config (session ref session_id, host_metrics ref self, string key, string value)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host_metrics ref self reference to the object
string key Key to add
string value Value to add

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: get_all


Return a list of all the host_metrics instances known to the system.


host_metrics ref set get_all (session ref session_id)

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: host_metrics ref set

references to all objects

RPC name: get_all_records


Return a map of host_metrics references to host_metrics records for all host_metrics instances known to the system.


(host_metrics ref -> host_metrics record) map get_all_records (session ref session_id)

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: (host_metrics ref -> host_metrics record) map

records of all objects

RPC name: get_by_uuid


Get a reference to the host_metrics instance with the specified UUID.


host_metrics ref get_by_uuid (session ref session_id, string uuid)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
string uuid UUID of object to return

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: host_metrics ref

reference to the object

RPC name: get_last_updated


Get the last_updated field of the given host_metrics.


datetime get_last_updated (session ref session_id, host_metrics ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host_metrics ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: datetime

value of the field

RPC name: get_live


Get the live field of the given host_metrics.


bool get_live (session ref session_id, host_metrics ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host_metrics ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: bool

value of the field

RPC name: get_memory_free

This message is removed.


Get the memory/free field of the given host_metrics.


int get_memory_free (session ref session_id, host_metrics ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host_metrics ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: int

value of the field

RPC name: get_memory_total


Get the memory/total field of the given host_metrics.


int get_memory_total (session ref session_id, host_metrics ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host_metrics ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: int

value of the field

RPC name: get_other_config


Get the other_config field of the given host_metrics.


(string -> string) map get_other_config (session ref session_id, host_metrics ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host_metrics ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: (string -> string) map

value of the field

RPC name: get_record


Get a record containing the current state of the given host_metrics.


host_metrics record get_record (session ref session_id, host_metrics ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host_metrics ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: host_metrics record

all fields from the object

RPC name: get_uuid


Get the uuid field of the given host_metrics.


string get_uuid (session ref session_id, host_metrics ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host_metrics ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: string

value of the field

RPC name: remove_from_other_config


Remove the given key and its corresponding value from the other_config field of the given host_metrics. If the key is not in that Map, then do nothing.


void remove_from_other_config (session ref session_id, host_metrics ref self, string key)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host_metrics ref self reference to the object
string key Key to remove

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: set_other_config


Set the other_config field of the given host_metrics.


void set_other_config (session ref session_id, host_metrics ref self, (string -> string) map value)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host_metrics ref self reference to the object
(string -> string) map value New value to set

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

Class: host_patch

This class is deprecated.

Represents a patch stored on a server

Fields for class: host_patch

Field Type Qualifier Description
applied bool RO/runtime Deprecated. True if the patch has been applied
host host ref RO/constructor Deprecated. Host the patch relates to
name_description string RO/constructor Deprecated. a notes field containing human-readable description
name_label string RO/constructor Deprecated. a human-readable name
other_config (string -> string) map RW Deprecated. additional configuration
pool_patch pool_patch ref RO/constructor Deprecated. The patch applied
size int RO/runtime Deprecated. Size of the patch
timestamp_applied datetime RO/runtime Deprecated. Time the patch was applied
uuid string RO/runtime Deprecated. Unique identifier/object reference
version string RO/constructor Deprecated. Patch version number

RPCs associated with class: host_patch

RPC name: add_to_other_config

This message is deprecated.


Add the given key-value pair to the other_config field of the given host_patch.


void add_to_other_config (session ref session_id, host_patch ref self, string key, string value)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host_patch ref self reference to the object
string key Key to add
string value Value to add

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: apply

This message is deprecated.


Apply the selected patch and return its output


string apply (session ref session_id, host_patch ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host_patch ref self The patch to apply

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: string

the output of the patch application process

RPC name: destroy

This message is deprecated.


Destroy the specified host patch, removing it from the disk. This does NOT reverse the patch


void destroy (session ref session_id, host_patch ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host_patch ref self The patch to destroy

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: get_all

This message is deprecated.


Return a list of all the host_patchs known to the system.


host_patch ref set get_all (session ref session_id)

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: host_patch ref set

references to all objects

RPC name: get_all_records

This message is deprecated.


Return a map of host_patch references to host_patch records for all host_patchs known to the system.


(host_patch ref -> host_patch record) map get_all_records (session ref session_id)

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: (host_patch ref -> host_patch record) map

records of all objects

RPC name: get_applied

This message is deprecated.


Get the applied field of the given host_patch.


bool get_applied (session ref session_id, host_patch ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host_patch ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: bool

value of the field

RPC name: get_by_name_label

This message is deprecated.


Get all the host_patch instances with the given label.


host_patch ref set get_by_name_label (session ref session_id, string label)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
string label label of object to return

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: host_patch ref set

references to objects with matching names

RPC name: get_by_uuid

This message is deprecated.


Get a reference to the host_patch instance with the specified UUID.


host_patch ref get_by_uuid (session ref session_id, string uuid)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
string uuid UUID of object to return

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: host_patch ref

reference to the object

RPC name: get_host

This message is deprecated.


Get the host field of the given host_patch.


host ref get_host (session ref session_id, host_patch ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host_patch ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: host ref

value of the field

RPC name: get_name_description

This message is deprecated.


Get the name/description field of the given host_patch.


string get_name_description (session ref session_id, host_patch ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host_patch ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: string

value of the field

RPC name: get_name_label

This message is deprecated.


Get the name/label field of the given host_patch.


string get_name_label (session ref session_id, host_patch ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host_patch ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: string

value of the field

RPC name: get_other_config

This message is deprecated.


Get the other_config field of the given host_patch.


(string -> string) map get_other_config (session ref session_id, host_patch ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host_patch ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: (string -> string) map

value of the field

RPC name: get_pool_patch

This message is deprecated.


Get the pool_patch field of the given host_patch.


pool_patch ref get_pool_patch (session ref session_id, host_patch ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host_patch ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: pool_patch ref

value of the field

RPC name: get_record

This message is deprecated.


Get a record containing the current state of the given host_patch.


host_patch record get_record (session ref session_id, host_patch ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host_patch ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: host_patch record

all fields from the object

RPC name: get_size

This message is deprecated.


Get the size field of the given host_patch.


int get_size (session ref session_id, host_patch ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host_patch ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: int

value of the field

RPC name: get_timestamp_applied

This message is deprecated.


Get the timestamp_applied field of the given host_patch.


datetime get_timestamp_applied (session ref session_id, host_patch ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host_patch ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: datetime

value of the field

RPC name: get_uuid

This message is deprecated.


Get the uuid field of the given host_patch.


string get_uuid (session ref session_id, host_patch ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host_patch ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: string

value of the field

RPC name: get_version

This message is deprecated.


Get the version field of the given host_patch.


string get_version (session ref session_id, host_patch ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host_patch ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: string

value of the field

RPC name: remove_from_other_config

This message is deprecated.


Remove the given key and its corresponding value from the other_config field of the given host_patch. If the key is not in that Map, then do nothing.


void remove_from_other_config (session ref session_id, host_patch ref self, string key)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host_patch ref self reference to the object
string key Key to remove

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: set_other_config

This message is deprecated.


Set the other_config field of the given host_patch.


void set_other_config (session ref session_id, host_patch ref self, (string -> string) map value)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host_patch ref self reference to the object
(string -> string) map value New value to set

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

Class: LVHD

LVHD SR specific operations

Fields for class: LVHD

Field Type Qualifier Description
uuid string RO/runtime Unique identifier/object reference

RPCs associated with class: LVHD

RPC name: enable_thin_provisioning


Upgrades an LVHD SR to enable thin-provisioning. Future VDIs created in this SR will be thinly-provisioned, although existing VDIs will be left alone. Note that the SR must be attached to the SRmaster for upgrade to work.


string enable_thin_provisioning (session ref session_id, host ref host, SR ref SR, int initial_allocation, int allocation_quantum)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
host ref host The LVHD Host to upgrade to being thin-provisioned.
SR ref SR The LVHD SR to upgrade to being thin-provisioned.
int initial_allocation The initial amount of space to allocate to a newly-created VDI in bytes
int allocation_quantum The amount of space to allocate to a VDI when it needs to be enlarged in bytes

Minimum Role: pool-admin

Return Type: string

Message from LVHD.enable_thin_provisioning extension

RPC name: get_by_uuid


Get a reference to the LVHD instance with the specified UUID.


LVHD ref get_by_uuid (session ref session_id, string uuid)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
string uuid UUID of object to return

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: LVHD ref

reference to the object

RPC name: get_record


Get a record containing the current state of the given LVHD.


LVHD record get_record (session ref session_id, LVHD ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
LVHD ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: LVHD record

all fields from the object

RPC name: get_uuid


Get the uuid field of the given LVHD.


string get_uuid (session ref session_id, LVHD ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
LVHD ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: string

value of the field

Class: message

An message for the attention of the administrator

Fields for class: message

Field Type Qualifier Description
body string RO/runtime The body of the message
cls cls RO/runtime The class of the object this message is associated with
name string RO/runtime The name of the message
obj_uuid string RO/runtime The uuid of the object this message is associated with
priority int RO/runtime The message priority, 0 being low priority
timestamp datetime RO/runtime The time at which the message was created
uuid string RO/runtime Unique identifier/object reference

RPCs associated with class: message

RPC name: create



message ref create (session ref session_id, string name, int priority, cls cls, string obj_uuid, string body)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
string name The name of the message
int priority The priority of the message
cls cls The class of object this message is associated with
string obj_uuid The uuid of the object this message is associated with
string body The body of the message

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: message ref

The reference of the created message

RPC name: destroy



void destroy (session ref session_id, message ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
message ref self The reference of the message to destroy

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: get



(message ref -> message record) map get (session ref session_id, cls cls, string obj_uuid, datetime since)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
cls cls The class of object
string obj_uuid The uuid of the object
datetime since The cutoff time

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: (message ref -> message record) map

The relevant messages

RPC name: get_all



message ref set get_all (session ref session_id)

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: message ref set

The references to the messages

RPC name: get_all_records



(message ref -> message record) map get_all_records (session ref session_id)

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: (message ref -> message record) map

The messages

RPC name: get_all_records_where



(message ref -> message record) map get_all_records_where (session ref session_id, string expr)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
string expr The expression to match (not currently used)

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: (message ref -> message record) map

The messages

RPC name: get_by_uuid



message ref get_by_uuid (session ref session_id, string uuid)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
string uuid The uuid of the message

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: message ref

The message reference

RPC name: get_record



message record get_record (session ref session_id, message ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
message ref self The reference to the message

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: message record

The message record

RPC name: get_since



(message ref -> message record) map get_since (session ref session_id, datetime since)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
datetime since The cutoff time

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: (message ref -> message record) map

The relevant messages

Class: network

A virtual network

Fields for class: network

Field Type Qualifier Description
allowed_operations network_operations set RO/runtime list of the operations allowed in this state. This list is advisory only and the server state may have changed by the time this field is read by a client.
assigned_ips (VIF ref -> string) map RO/runtime The IP addresses assigned to VIFs on networks that have active xapi-managed DHCP
blobs (string -> blob ref) map RO/runtime Binary blobs associated with this network
bridge string RO/constructor name of the bridge corresponding to this network on the local host
current_operations (string -> network_operations) map RO/runtime links each of the running tasks using this object (by reference) to a current_operation enum which describes the nature of the task.
default_locking_mode network_default_locking_mode RO/runtime The network will use this value to determine the behaviour of all VIFs where locking_mode = default
managed bool RO/constructor true if the bridge is managed by xapi
MTU int RW MTU in octets
name_description string RW a notes field containing human-readable description
name_label string RW a human-readable name
other_config (string -> string) map RW additional configuration
PIFs PIF ref set RO/runtime list of connected pifs
purpose network_purpose set RO/runtime Set of purposes for which the server will use this network
tags string set RW user-specified tags for categorization purposes
uuid string RO/runtime Unique identifier/object reference
VIFs VIF ref set RO/runtime list of connected vifs

RPCs associated with class: network

RPC name: add_purpose


Give a network a new purpose (if not present already)


void add_purpose (session ref session_id, network ref self, network_purpose value)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
network ref self The network
network_purpose value The purpose to add

Minimum Role: pool-admin

Return Type: void


RPC name: add_tags


Add the given value to the tags field of the given network. If the value is already in that Set, then do nothing.


void add_tags (session ref session_id, network ref self, string value)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
network ref self reference to the object
string value New value to add

Minimum Role: vm-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: add_to_other_config


Add the given key-value pair to the other_config field of the given network.


void add_to_other_config (session ref session_id, network ref self, string key, string value)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
network ref self reference to the object
string key Key to add
string value Value to add

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: create


Create a new network instance, and return its handle.


network ref create (session ref session_id, network record args)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
network record args All constructor arguments

Minimum Role: vm-admin

Return Type: network ref

reference to the newly created object

RPC name: create_new_blob


Create a placeholder for a named binary blob of data that is associated with this pool


blob ref create_new_blob (session ref session_id, network ref network, string name, string mime_type, bool public)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
network ref network The network
string name The name associated with the blob
string mime_type The mime type for the data. Empty string translates to application/octet-stream
bool public True if the blob should be publicly available

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: blob ref

The reference of the blob, needed for populating its data

RPC name: destroy


Destroy the specified network instance.


void destroy (session ref session_id, network ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
network ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: vm-admin

Return Type: void

RPC name: get_all


Return a list of all the networks known to the system.


network ref set get_all (session ref session_id)

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: network ref set

references to all objects

RPC name: get_all_records


Return a map of network references to network records for all networks known to the system.


(network ref -> network record) map get_all_records (session ref session_id)

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: (network ref -> network record) map

records of all objects

RPC name: get_allowed_operations


Get the allowed_operations field of the given network.


network_operations set get_allowed_operations (session ref session_id, network ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
network ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: network_operations set

value of the field

RPC name: get_assigned_ips


Get the assigned_ips field of the given network.


(VIF ref -> string) map get_assigned_ips (session ref session_id, network ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
network ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: (VIF ref -> string) map

value of the field

RPC name: get_blobs


Get the blobs field of the given network.


(string -> blob ref) map get_blobs (session ref session_id, network ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
network ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: (string -> blob ref) map

value of the field

RPC name: get_bridge


Get the bridge field of the given network.


string get_bridge (session ref session_id, network ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
network ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: string

value of the field

RPC name: get_by_name_label


Get all the network instances with the given label.


network ref set get_by_name_label (session ref session_id, string label)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
string label label of object to return

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: network ref set

references to objects with matching names

RPC name: get_by_uuid


Get a reference to the network instance with the specified UUID.


network ref get_by_uuid (session ref session_id, string uuid)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
string uuid UUID of object to return

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: network ref

reference to the object

RPC name: get_current_operations


Get the current_operations field of the given network.


(string -> network_operations) map get_current_operations (session ref session_id, network ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
network ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: (string -> network_operations) map

value of the field

RPC name: get_default_locking_mode


Get the default_locking_mode field of the given network.


network_default_locking_mode get_default_locking_mode (session ref session_id, network ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
network ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: network_default_locking_mode

value of the field

RPC name: get_managed


Get the managed field of the given network.


bool get_managed (session ref session_id, network ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
network ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: bool

value of the field

RPC name: get_MTU


Get the MTU field of the given network.


int get_MTU (session ref session_id, network ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
network ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: int

value of the field

RPC name: get_name_description


Get the name/description field of the given network.


string get_name_description (session ref session_id, network ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
network ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: string

value of the field

RPC name: get_name_label


Get the name/label field of the given network.


string get_name_label (session ref session_id, network ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
network ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: string

value of the field

RPC name: get_other_config


Get the other_config field of the given network.


(string -> string) map get_other_config (session ref session_id, network ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
network ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: (string -> string) map

value of the field

RPC name: get_PIFs


Get the PIFs field of the given network.


PIF ref set get_PIFs (session ref session_id, network ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
network ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: PIF ref set

value of the field

RPC name: get_purpose


Get the purpose field of the given network.


network_purpose set get_purpose (session ref session_id, network ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
network ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: network_purpose set

value of the field

RPC name: get_record


Get a record containing the current state of the given network.


network record get_record (session ref session_id, network ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
network ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: network record

all fields from the object

RPC name: get_tags


Get the tags field of the given network.


string set get_tags (session ref session_id, network ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
network ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: string set

value of the field

RPC name: get_uuid


Get the uuid field of the given network.


string get_uuid (session ref session_id, network ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
network ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: string

value of the field

RPC name: get_VIFs


Get the VIFs field of the given network.


VIF ref set get_VIFs (session ref session_id, network ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
network ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: VIF ref set

value of the field

RPC name: remove_from_other_config


Remove the given key and its corresponding value from the other_config field of the given network. If the key is not in that Map, then do nothing.


void remove_from_other_config (session ref session_id, network ref self, string key)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
network ref self reference to the object
string key Key to remove

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: remove_purpose


Remove a purpose from a network (if present)


void remove_purpose (session ref session_id, network ref self, network_purpose value)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
network ref self The network
network_purpose value The purpose to remove

Minimum Role: pool-admin

Return Type: void

RPC name: remove_tags


Remove the given value from the tags field of the given network. If the value is not in that Set, then do nothing.


void remove_tags (session ref session_id, network ref self, string value)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
network ref self reference to the object
string value Value to remove

Minimum Role: vm-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: set_default_locking_mode


Set the default locking mode for VIFs attached to this network


void set_default_locking_mode (session ref session_id, network ref network, network_default_locking_mode value)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
network ref network The network
network_default_locking_mode value The default locking mode for VIFs attached to this network.

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: set_MTU


Set the MTU field of the given network.


void set_MTU (session ref session_id, network ref self, int value)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
network ref self reference to the object
int value New value to set

Minimum Role: vm-admin

Return Type: void

RPC name: set_name_description


Set the name/description field of the given network.


void set_name_description (session ref session_id, network ref self, string value)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
network ref self reference to the object
string value New value to set

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: set_name_label


Set the name/label field of the given network.


void set_name_label (session ref session_id, network ref self, string value)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
network ref self reference to the object
string value New value to set

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: set_other_config


Set the other_config field of the given network.


void set_other_config (session ref session_id, network ref self, (string -> string) map value)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
network ref self reference to the object
(string -> string) map value New value to set

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: set_tags


Set the tags field of the given network.


void set_tags (session ref session_id, network ref self, string set value)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
network ref self reference to the object
string set value New value to set

Minimum Role: vm-operator

Return Type: void

Class: network_sriov

network-sriov which connects logical pif and physical pif

Fields for class: network_sriov

Field Type Qualifier Description
configuration_mode sriov_configuration_mode RO/runtime The mode for configure network sriov
logical_PIF PIF ref RO/constructor The logical PIF to connect to the SR-IOV network after enable SR-IOV on the physical PIF
physical_PIF PIF ref RO/constructor The PIF that has SR-IOV enabled
requires_reboot bool RO/runtime Indicates whether the host need to be rebooted before SR-IOV is enabled on the physical PIF
uuid string RO/runtime Unique identifier/object reference

RPCs associated with class: network_sriov

RPC name: create


Enable SR-IOV on the specific PIF. It will create a network-sriov based on the specific PIF and automatically create a logical PIF to connect the specific network.


network_sriov ref create (session ref session_id, PIF ref pif, network ref network)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
PIF ref pif PIF on which to enable SR-IOV
network ref network Network to connect SR-IOV virtual functions with VM VIFs

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: network_sriov ref

The reference of the created network_sriov object

RPC name: destroy


Disable SR-IOV on the specific PIF. It will destroy the network-sriov and the logical PIF accordingly.


void destroy (session ref session_id, network_sriov ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
network_sriov ref self SRIOV to destroy

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: get_all


Return a list of all the network_sriovs known to the system.


network_sriov ref set get_all (session ref session_id)

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: network_sriov ref set

references to all objects

RPC name: get_all_records


Return a map of network_sriov references to network_sriov records for all network_sriovs known to the system.


(network_sriov ref -> network_sriov record) map get_all_records (session ref session_id)

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: (network_sriov ref -> network_sriov record) map

records of all objects

RPC name: get_by_uuid


Get a reference to the network_sriov instance with the specified UUID.


network_sriov ref get_by_uuid (session ref session_id, string uuid)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
string uuid UUID of object to return

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: network_sriov ref

reference to the object

RPC name: get_configuration_mode


Get the configuration_mode field of the given network_sriov.


sriov_configuration_mode get_configuration_mode (session ref session_id, network_sriov ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
network_sriov ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: sriov_configuration_mode

value of the field

RPC name: get_logical_PIF


Get the logical_PIF field of the given network_sriov.


PIF ref get_logical_PIF (session ref session_id, network_sriov ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
network_sriov ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: PIF ref

value of the field

RPC name: get_physical_PIF


Get the physical_PIF field of the given network_sriov.


PIF ref get_physical_PIF (session ref session_id, network_sriov ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
network_sriov ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: PIF ref

value of the field

RPC name: get_record


Get a record containing the current state of the given network_sriov.


network_sriov record get_record (session ref session_id, network_sriov ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
network_sriov ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: network_sriov record

all fields from the object

RPC name: get_remaining_capacity


Get the number of free SR-IOV VFs on the associated PIF


int get_remaining_capacity (session ref session_id, network_sriov ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
network_sriov ref self the NETWORK_SRIOV object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: int

The number of free SR-IOV VFs on the associated PIF

RPC name: get_requires_reboot


Get the requires_reboot field of the given network_sriov.


bool get_requires_reboot (session ref session_id, network_sriov ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
network_sriov ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: bool

value of the field

RPC name: get_uuid


Get the uuid field of the given network_sriov.


string get_uuid (session ref session_id, network_sriov ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
network_sriov ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: string

value of the field

Class: PBD

The physical block devices through which hosts access SRs

Fields for class: PBD

Field Type Qualifier Description
currently_attached bool RO/runtime is the SR currently attached on this host?
device_config (string -> string) map RO/constructor a config string to string map that is provided to the host’s SR-backend-driver
host host ref RO/constructor physical machine on which the pbd is available
other_config (string -> string) map RW additional configuration
SR SR ref RO/constructor the storage repository that the pbd realises
uuid string RO/runtime Unique identifier/object reference

RPCs associated with class: PBD

RPC name: add_to_other_config


Add the given key-value pair to the other_config field of the given PBD.


void add_to_other_config (session ref session_id, PBD ref self, string key, string value)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
PBD ref self reference to the object
string key Key to add
string value Value to add

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: create


Create a new PBD instance, and return its handle.


PBD ref create (session ref session_id, PBD record args)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
PBD record args All constructor arguments

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: PBD ref

reference to the newly created object

RPC name: destroy


Destroy the specified PBD instance.


void destroy (session ref session_id, PBD ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
PBD ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: get_all


Return a list of all the PBDs known to the system.


PBD ref set get_all (session ref session_id)

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: PBD ref set

references to all objects

RPC name: get_all_records


Return a map of PBD references to PBD records for all PBDs known to the system.


(PBD ref -> PBD record) map get_all_records (session ref session_id)

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: (PBD ref -> PBD record) map

records of all objects

RPC name: get_by_uuid


Get a reference to the PBD instance with the specified UUID.


PBD ref get_by_uuid (session ref session_id, string uuid)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
string uuid UUID of object to return

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: PBD ref

reference to the object

RPC name: get_currently_attached


Get the currently_attached field of the given PBD.


bool get_currently_attached (session ref session_id, PBD ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
PBD ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: bool

value of the field

RPC name: get_device_config


Get the device_config field of the given PBD.


(string -> string) map get_device_config (session ref session_id, PBD ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
PBD ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: (string -> string) map

value of the field

RPC name: get_host


Get the host field of the given PBD.


host ref get_host (session ref session_id, PBD ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
PBD ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: host ref

value of the field

RPC name: get_other_config


Get the other_config field of the given PBD.


(string -> string) map get_other_config (session ref session_id, PBD ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
PBD ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: (string -> string) map

value of the field

RPC name: get_record


Get a record containing the current state of the given PBD.


PBD record get_record (session ref session_id, PBD ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
PBD ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: PBD record

all fields from the object

RPC name: get_SR


Get the SR field of the given PBD.


SR ref get_SR (session ref session_id, PBD ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
PBD ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: SR ref

value of the field

RPC name: get_uuid


Get the uuid field of the given PBD.


string get_uuid (session ref session_id, PBD ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
PBD ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: string

value of the field

RPC name: plug


Activate the specified PBD, causing the referenced SR to be attached and scanned


void plug (session ref session_id, PBD ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
PBD ref self The PBD to activate

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

Possible Error Codes: SR_UNKNOWN_DRIVER

RPC name: remove_from_other_config


Remove the given key and its corresponding value from the other_config field of the given PBD. If the key is not in that Map, then do nothing.


void remove_from_other_config (session ref session_id, PBD ref self, string key)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
PBD ref self reference to the object
string key Key to remove

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: set_device_config


Sets the PBD’s device_config field


void set_device_config (session ref session_id, PBD ref self, (string -> string) map value)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
PBD ref self The PBD to modify
(string -> string) map value The new value of the PBD’s device_config

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: set_other_config


Set the other_config field of the given PBD.


void set_other_config (session ref session_id, PBD ref self, (string -> string) map value)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
PBD ref self reference to the object
(string -> string) map value New value to set

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: unplug


Deactivate the specified PBD, causing the referenced SR to be detached and nolonger scanned


void unplug (session ref session_id, PBD ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
PBD ref self The PBD to deactivate

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

Class: PCI

A PCI device

Fields for class: PCI

Field Type Qualifier Description
class_name string RO/constructor PCI class name
dependencies PCI ref set RO/runtime List of dependent PCI devices
device_name string RO/constructor Device name
driver_name string RO/constructor Driver name
host host ref RO/constructor Physical machine that owns the PCI device
other_config (string -> string) map RW Additional configuration
pci_id string RO/constructor PCI ID of the physical device
subsystem_device_name string RO/constructor Subsystem device name
subsystem_vendor_name string RO/constructor Subsystem vendor name
uuid string RO/runtime Unique identifier/object reference
vendor_name string RO/constructor Vendor name

RPCs associated with class: PCI

RPC name: add_to_other_config


Add the given key-value pair to the other_config field of the given PCI.


void add_to_other_config (session ref session_id, PCI ref self, string key, string value)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
PCI ref self reference to the object
string key Key to add
string value Value to add

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: get_all


Return a list of all the PCIs known to the system.


PCI ref set get_all (session ref session_id)

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: PCI ref set

references to all objects

RPC name: get_all_records


Return a map of PCI references to PCI records for all PCIs known to the system.


(PCI ref -> PCI record) map get_all_records (session ref session_id)

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: (PCI ref -> PCI record) map

records of all objects

RPC name: get_by_uuid


Get a reference to the PCI instance with the specified UUID.


PCI ref get_by_uuid (session ref session_id, string uuid)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
string uuid UUID of object to return

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: PCI ref

reference to the object

RPC name: get_class_name


Get the class_name field of the given PCI.


string get_class_name (session ref session_id, PCI ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
PCI ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: string

value of the field

RPC name: get_dependencies


Get the dependencies field of the given PCI.


PCI ref set get_dependencies (session ref session_id, PCI ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
PCI ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: PCI ref set

value of the field

RPC name: get_device_name


Get the device_name field of the given PCI.


string get_device_name (session ref session_id, PCI ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
PCI ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: string

value of the field

RPC name: get_driver_name


Get the driver_name field of the given PCI.


string get_driver_name (session ref session_id, PCI ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
PCI ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: string

value of the field

RPC name: get_host


Get the host field of the given PCI.


host ref get_host (session ref session_id, PCI ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
PCI ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: host ref

value of the field

RPC name: get_other_config


Get the other_config field of the given PCI.


(string -> string) map get_other_config (session ref session_id, PCI ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
PCI ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: (string -> string) map

value of the field

RPC name: get_pci_id


Get the pci_id field of the given PCI.


string get_pci_id (session ref session_id, PCI ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
PCI ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: string

value of the field

RPC name: get_record


Get a record containing the current state of the given PCI.


PCI record get_record (session ref session_id, PCI ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
PCI ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: PCI record

all fields from the object

RPC name: get_subsystem_device_name


Get the subsystem_device_name field of the given PCI.


string get_subsystem_device_name (session ref session_id, PCI ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
PCI ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: string

value of the field

RPC name: get_subsystem_vendor_name


Get the subsystem_vendor_name field of the given PCI.


string get_subsystem_vendor_name (session ref session_id, PCI ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
PCI ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: string

value of the field

RPC name: get_uuid


Get the uuid field of the given PCI.


string get_uuid (session ref session_id, PCI ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
PCI ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: string

value of the field

RPC name: get_vendor_name


Get the vendor_name field of the given PCI.


string get_vendor_name (session ref session_id, PCI ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
PCI ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: string

value of the field

RPC name: remove_from_other_config


Remove the given key and its corresponding value from the other_config field of the given PCI. If the key is not in that Map, then do nothing.


void remove_from_other_config (session ref session_id, PCI ref self, string key)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
PCI ref self reference to the object
string key Key to remove

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: set_other_config


Set the other_config field of the given PCI.


void set_other_config (session ref session_id, PCI ref self, (string -> string) map value)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
PCI ref self reference to the object
(string -> string) map value New value to set

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

Class: PGPU

A physical GPU (pGPU)

Fields for class: PGPU

Field Type Qualifier Description
compatibility_metadata (string -> string) map RO/runtime PGPU metadata to determine whether a VGPU can migrate between two PGPUs
dom0_access pgpu_dom0_access RO/runtime The accessibility of this device from dom0
enabled_VGPU_types VGPU_type ref set RO/runtime List of VGPU types which have been enabled for this PGPU
GPU_group GPU_group ref RO/constructor GPU group the pGPU is contained in
host host ref RO/runtime Host that owns the GPU
is_system_display_device bool RO/runtime Is this device the system display device
other_config (string -> string) map RW Additional configuration
PCI PCI ref RO/constructor Link to underlying PCI device
resident_VGPUs VGPU ref set RO/runtime List of VGPUs running on this PGPU
supported_VGPU_max_capacities (VGPU_type ref -> int) map RO/runtime A map relating each VGPU type supported on this GPU to the maximum number of VGPUs of that type which can run simultaneously on this GPU
supported_VGPU_types VGPU_type ref set RO/runtime List of VGPU types supported by the underlying hardware
uuid string RO/runtime Unique identifier/object reference

RPCs associated with class: PGPU

RPC name: add_enabled_VGPU_types



void add_enabled_VGPU_types (session ref session_id, PGPU ref self, VGPU_type ref value)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
PGPU ref self The PGPU to which we are adding an enabled VGPU type
VGPU_type ref value The VGPU type to enable

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: add_to_other_config


Add the given key-value pair to the other_config field of the given PGPU.


void add_to_other_config (session ref session_id, PGPU ref self, string key, string value)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
PGPU ref self reference to the object
string key Key to add
string value Value to add

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: disable_dom0_access



pgpu_dom0_access disable_dom0_access (session ref session_id, PGPU ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
PGPU ref self The PGPU to which dom0 will be denied access

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: pgpu_dom0_access

The accessibility of this PGPU from dom0

RPC name: enable_dom0_access



pgpu_dom0_access enable_dom0_access (session ref session_id, PGPU ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
PGPU ref self The PGPU to which dom0 will be granted access

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: pgpu_dom0_access

The accessibility of this PGPU from dom0

RPC name: get_all


Return a list of all the PGPUs known to the system.


PGPU ref set get_all (session ref session_id)

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: PGPU ref set

references to all objects

RPC name: get_all_records


Return a map of PGPU references to PGPU records for all PGPUs known to the system.


(PGPU ref -> PGPU record) map get_all_records (session ref session_id)

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: (PGPU ref -> PGPU record) map

records of all objects

RPC name: get_by_uuid


Get a reference to the PGPU instance with the specified UUID.


PGPU ref get_by_uuid (session ref session_id, string uuid)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
string uuid UUID of object to return

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: PGPU ref

reference to the object

RPC name: get_compatibility_metadata


Get the compatibility_metadata field of the given PGPU.


(string -> string) map get_compatibility_metadata (session ref session_id, PGPU ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
PGPU ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: (string -> string) map

value of the field

RPC name: get_dom0_access


Get the dom0_access field of the given PGPU.


pgpu_dom0_access get_dom0_access (session ref session_id, PGPU ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
PGPU ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: pgpu_dom0_access

value of the field

RPC name: get_enabled_VGPU_types


Get the enabled_VGPU_types field of the given PGPU.


VGPU_type ref set get_enabled_VGPU_types (session ref session_id, PGPU ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
PGPU ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: VGPU_type ref set

value of the field

RPC name: get_GPU_group


Get the GPU_group field of the given PGPU.


GPU_group ref get_GPU_group (session ref session_id, PGPU ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
PGPU ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: GPU_group ref

value of the field

RPC name: get_host


Get the host field of the given PGPU.


host ref get_host (session ref session_id, PGPU ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
PGPU ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: host ref

value of the field

RPC name: get_is_system_display_device


Get the is_system_display_device field of the given PGPU.


bool get_is_system_display_device (session ref session_id, PGPU ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
PGPU ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: bool

value of the field

RPC name: get_other_config


Get the other_config field of the given PGPU.


(string -> string) map get_other_config (session ref session_id, PGPU ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
PGPU ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: (string -> string) map

value of the field

RPC name: get_PCI


Get the PCI field of the given PGPU.


PCI ref get_PCI (session ref session_id, PGPU ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
PGPU ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: PCI ref

value of the field

RPC name: get_record


Get a record containing the current state of the given PGPU.


PGPU record get_record (session ref session_id, PGPU ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
PGPU ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: PGPU record

all fields from the object

RPC name: get_remaining_capacity



int get_remaining_capacity (session ref session_id, PGPU ref self, VGPU_type ref vgpu_type)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
PGPU ref self The PGPU to query
VGPU_type ref vgpu_type The VGPU type for which we want to find the number of VGPUs which can still be started on this PGPU

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: int

The number of VGPUs of the specified type which can still be started on this PGPU

RPC name: get_resident_VGPUs


Get the resident_VGPUs field of the given PGPU.


VGPU ref set get_resident_VGPUs (session ref session_id, PGPU ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
PGPU ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: VGPU ref set

value of the field

RPC name: get_supported_VGPU_max_capacities


Get the supported_VGPU_max_capacities field of the given PGPU.


(VGPU_type ref -> int) map get_supported_VGPU_max_capacities (session ref session_id, PGPU ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
PGPU ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: (VGPU_type ref -> int) map

value of the field

RPC name: get_supported_VGPU_types


Get the supported_VGPU_types field of the given PGPU.


VGPU_type ref set get_supported_VGPU_types (session ref session_id, PGPU ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
PGPU ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: VGPU_type ref set

value of the field

RPC name: get_uuid


Get the uuid field of the given PGPU.


string get_uuid (session ref session_id, PGPU ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
PGPU ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: string

value of the field

RPC name: remove_enabled_VGPU_types



void remove_enabled_VGPU_types (session ref session_id, PGPU ref self, VGPU_type ref value)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
PGPU ref self The PGPU from which we are removing an enabled VGPU type
VGPU_type ref value The VGPU type to disable

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: remove_from_other_config


Remove the given key and its corresponding value from the other_config field of the given PGPU. If the key is not in that Map, then do nothing.


void remove_from_other_config (session ref session_id, PGPU ref self, string key)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
PGPU ref self reference to the object
string key Key to remove

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: set_enabled_VGPU_types



void set_enabled_VGPU_types (session ref session_id, PGPU ref self, VGPU_type ref set value)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
PGPU ref self The PGPU on which we are enabling a set of VGPU types
VGPU_type ref set value The VGPU types to enable

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: set_GPU_group



void set_GPU_group (session ref session_id, PGPU ref self, GPU_group ref value)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
PGPU ref self The PGPU to move to a new group
GPU_group ref value The group to which the PGPU will be moved

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: set_other_config


Set the other_config field of the given PGPU.


void set_other_config (session ref session_id, PGPU ref self, (string -> string) map value)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
PGPU ref self reference to the object
(string -> string) map value New value to set

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

Class: PIF

A physical network interface (note separate VLANs are represented as several PIFs)

Fields for class: PIF

Field Type Qualifier Description
bond_master_of Bond ref set RO/runtime Indicates this PIF represents the results of a bond
bond_slave_of Bond ref RO/runtime Indicates which bond this interface is part of
capabilities string set RO/runtime Additional capabilities on the interface.
currently_attached bool RO/runtime true if this interface is online
device string RO/constructor machine-readable name of the interface (e.g. eth0)
disallow_unplug bool RO/runtime Prevent this PIF from being unplugged; set this to notify the management tool-stack that the PIF has a special use and should not be unplugged under any circumstances (e.g. because you’re running storage traffic over it)
DNS string RO/runtime Comma separated list of the IP addresses of the DNS servers to use
gateway string RO/runtime IP gateway
host host ref RO/constructor physical machine to which this pif is connected
igmp_snooping_status pif_igmp_status RO/runtime The IGMP snooping status of the corresponding network bridge
IP string RO/runtime IP address
ip_configuration_mode ip_configuration_mode RO/runtime Sets if and how this interface gets an IP address
IPv6 string set RO/runtime IPv6 address
ipv6_configuration_mode ipv6_configuration_mode RO/runtime Sets if and how this interface gets an IPv6 address
ipv6_gateway string RO/runtime IPv6 gateway
MAC string RO/constructor ethernet MAC address of physical interface
managed bool RO/constructor Indicates whether the interface is managed by xapi. If it is not, then xapi will not configure the interface, the commands PIF.plug/unplug/reconfigure_ip(v6) cannot be used, nor can the interface be bonded or have VLANs based on top through xapi.
management bool RO/runtime Indicates whether the control software is listening for connections on this interface
metrics PIF_metrics ref RO/runtime metrics associated with this PIF
MTU int RO/constructor MTU in octets
netmask string RO/runtime IP netmask
network network ref RO/constructor virtual network to which this pif is connected
other_config (string -> string) map RW Additional configuration
PCI PCI ref RO/runtime Link to underlying PCI device
physical bool RO/runtime true if this represents a physical network interface
primary_address_type primary_address_type RO/runtime Which protocol should define the primary address of this interface
properties (string -> string) map RO/runtime Additional configuration properties for the interface.
sriov_logical_PIF_of network_sriov ref set RO/runtime Indicates which network_sriov this interface is logical of
sriov_physical_PIF_of network_sriov ref set RO/runtime Indicates which network_sriov this interface is physical of
tunnel_access_PIF_of tunnel ref set RO/runtime Indicates to which tunnel this PIF gives access
tunnel_transport_PIF_of tunnel ref set RO/runtime Indicates to which tunnel this PIF provides transport
uuid string RO/runtime Unique identifier/object reference
VLAN int RO/constructor VLAN tag for all traffic passing through this interface
VLAN_master_of VLAN ref RO/runtime Indicates wich VLAN this interface receives untagged traffic from
VLAN_slave_of VLAN ref set RO/runtime Indicates which VLANs this interface transmits tagged traffic to

RPCs associated with class: PIF

RPC name: add_to_other_config


Add the given key-value pair to the other_config field of the given PIF.


void add_to_other_config (session ref session_id, PIF ref self, string key, string value)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
PIF ref self reference to the object
string key Key to add
string value Value to add

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: create_VLAN

This message is deprecated.


Create a VLAN interface from an existing physical interface. This call is deprecated: use VLAN.create instead


PIF ref create_VLAN (session ref session_id, string device, network ref network, host ref host, int VLAN)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
string device physical interface on which to create the VLAN interface
network ref network network to which this interface should be connected
host ref host physical machine to which this PIF is connected
int VLAN VLAN tag for the new interface

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: PIF ref

The reference of the created PIF object

Possible Error Codes: VLAN_TAG_INVALID

RPC name: db_forget


Destroy a PIF database record.


void db_forget (session ref session_id, PIF ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
PIF ref self The ref of the PIF whose database record should be destroyed

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

RPC name: db_introduce


Create a new PIF record in the database only


PIF ref db_introduce (session ref session_id, string device, network ref network, host ref host, string MAC, int MTU, int VLAN, bool physical, ip_configuration_mode ip_configuration_mode, string IP, string netmask, string gateway, string DNS, Bond ref bond_slave_of, VLAN ref VLAN_master_of, bool management, (string -> string) map other_config, bool disallow_unplug, ipv6_configuration_mode ipv6_configuration_mode, string set IPv6, string ipv6_gateway, primary_address_type primary_address_type, bool managed, (string -> string) map properties)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
string device  
network ref network  
host ref host  
string MAC  
int MTU  
int VLAN  
bool physical  
ip_configuration_mode ip_configuration_mode  
string IP  
string netmask  
string gateway  
string DNS  
Bond ref bond_slave_of  
VLAN ref VLAN_master_of  
bool management  
(string -> string) map other_config  
bool disallow_unplug  
ipv6_configuration_mode ipv6_configuration_mode  
string set IPv6  
string ipv6_gateway  
primary_address_type primary_address_type  
bool managed  
(string -> string) map properties  

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: PIF ref

The ref of the newly created PIF record.

RPC name: destroy

This message is deprecated.


Destroy the PIF object (provided it is a VLAN interface). This call is deprecated: use VLAN.destroy or Bond.destroy instead


void destroy (session ref session_id, PIF ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
PIF ref self the PIF object to destroy

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void

Possible Error Codes: PIF_IS_PHYSICAL

RPC name: forget


Destroy the PIF object matching a particular network interface


void forget (session ref session_id, PIF ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
PIF ref self The PIF object to destroy

Minimum Role: pool-operator

Return Type: void


RPC name: get_all


Return a list of all the PIFs known to the system.


PIF ref set get_all (session ref session_id)

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: PIF ref set

references to all objects

RPC name: get_all_records


Return a map of PIF references to PIF records for all PIFs known to the system.


(PIF ref -> PIF record) map get_all_records (session ref session_id)

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: (PIF ref -> PIF record) map

records of all objects

RPC name: get_bond_master_of


Get the bond_master_of field of the given PIF.


Bond ref set get_bond_master_of (session ref session_id, PIF ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
PIF ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: Bond ref set

value of the field

RPC name: get_bond_slave_of


Get the bond_slave_of field of the given PIF.


Bond ref get_bond_slave_of (session ref session_id, PIF ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
PIF ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: Bond ref

value of the field

RPC name: get_by_uuid


Get a reference to the PIF instance with the specified UUID.


PIF ref get_by_uuid (session ref session_id, string uuid)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
string uuid UUID of object to return

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: PIF ref

reference to the object

RPC name: get_capabilities


Get the capabilities field of the given PIF.


string set get_capabilities (session ref session_id, PIF ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
PIF ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: string set

value of the field

RPC name: get_currently_attached


Get the currently_attached field of the given PIF.


bool get_currently_attached (session ref session_id, PIF ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
PIF ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: bool

value of the field

RPC name: get_device


Get the device field of the given PIF.


string get_device (session ref session_id, PIF ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
PIF ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: string

value of the field

RPC name: get_disallow_unplug


Get the disallow_unplug field of the given PIF.


bool get_disallow_unplug (session ref session_id, PIF ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
PIF ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: bool

value of the field

RPC name: get_DNS


Get the DNS field of the given PIF.


string get_DNS (session ref session_id, PIF ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
PIF ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: string

value of the field

RPC name: get_gateway


Get the gateway field of the given PIF.


string get_gateway (session ref session_id, PIF ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
PIF ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: string

value of the field

RPC name: get_host


Get the host field of the given PIF.


host ref get_host (session ref session_id, PIF ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
PIF ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: host ref

value of the field

RPC name: get_igmp_snooping_status


Get the igmp_snooping_status field of the given PIF.


pif_igmp_status get_igmp_snooping_status (session ref session_id, PIF ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
PIF ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: pif_igmp_status

value of the field

RPC name: get_IP


Get the IP field of the given PIF.


string get_IP (session ref session_id, PIF ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
PIF ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: string

value of the field

RPC name: get_ip_configuration_mode


Get the ip_configuration_mode field of the given PIF.


ip_configuration_mode get_ip_configuration_mode (session ref session_id, PIF ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
PIF ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: ip_configuration_mode

value of the field

RPC name: get_IPv6


Get the IPv6 field of the given PIF.


string set get_IPv6 (session ref session_id, PIF ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
PIF ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: string set

value of the field

RPC name: get_ipv6_configuration_mode


Get the ipv6_configuration_mode field of the given PIF.


ipv6_configuration_mode get_ipv6_configuration_mode (session ref session_id, PIF ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
PIF ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: ipv6_configuration_mode

value of the field

RPC name: get_ipv6_gateway


Get the ipv6_gateway field of the given PIF.


string get_ipv6_gateway (session ref session_id, PIF ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
PIF ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: string

value of the field

RPC name: get_MAC


Get the MAC field of the given PIF.


string get_MAC (session ref session_id, PIF ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
PIF ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: string

value of the field

RPC name: get_managed


Get the managed field of the given PIF.


bool get_managed (session ref session_id, PIF ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
PIF ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: bool

value of the field

RPC name: get_management


Get the management field of the given PIF.


bool get_management (session ref session_id, PIF ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
PIF ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: bool

value of the field

RPC name: get_metrics


Get the metrics field of the given PIF.


PIF_metrics ref get_metrics (session ref session_id, PIF ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
PIF ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: PIF_metrics ref

value of the field

RPC name: get_MTU


Get the MTU field of the given PIF.


int get_MTU (session ref session_id, PIF ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
PIF ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: int

value of the field

RPC name: get_netmask


Get the netmask field of the given PIF.


string get_netmask (session ref session_id, PIF ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
PIF ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: string

value of the field

RPC name: get_network


Get the network field of the given PIF.


network ref get_network (session ref session_id, PIF ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
PIF ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: network ref

value of the field

RPC name: get_other_config


Get the other_config field of the given PIF.


(string -> string) map get_other_config (session ref session_id, PIF ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
PIF ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: (string -> string) map

value of the field

RPC name: get_PCI


Get the PCI field of the given PIF.


PCI ref get_PCI (session ref session_id, PIF ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
PIF ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: PCI ref

value of the field

RPC name: get_physical


Get the physical field of the given PIF.


bool get_physical (session ref session_id, PIF ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
PIF ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: bool

value of the field

RPC name: get_primary_address_type


Get the primary_address_type field of the given PIF.


primary_address_type get_primary_address_type (session ref session_id, PIF ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
PIF ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: primary_address_type

value of the field

RPC name: get_properties


Get the properties field of the given PIF.


(string -> string) map get_properties (session ref session_id, PIF ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
PIF ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: (string -> string) map

value of the field

RPC name: get_record


Get a record containing the current state of the given PIF.


PIF record get_record (session ref session_id, PIF ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
PIF ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: PIF record

all fields from the object

RPC name: get_sriov_logical_PIF_of


Get the sriov_logical_PIF_of field of the given PIF.


network_sriov ref set get_sriov_logical_PIF_of (session ref session_id, PIF ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
PIF ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: network_sriov ref set

value of the field

RPC name: get_sriov_physical_PIF_of


Get the sriov_physical_PIF_of field of the given PIF.


network_sriov ref set get_sriov_physical_PIF_of (session ref session_id, PIF ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
PIF ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: network_sriov ref set

value of the field

RPC name: get_tunnel_access_PIF_of


Get the tunnel_access_PIF_of field of the given PIF.


tunnel ref set get_tunnel_access_PIF_of (session ref session_id, PIF ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
PIF ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: tunnel ref set

value of the field

RPC name: get_tunnel_transport_PIF_of


Get the tunnel_transport_PIF_of field of the given PIF.


tunnel ref set get_tunnel_transport_PIF_of (session ref session_id, PIF ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
PIF ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: tunnel ref set

value of the field

RPC name: get_uuid


Get the uuid field of the given PIF.


string get_uuid (session ref session_id, PIF ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
PIF ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: string

value of the field

RPC name: get_VLAN


Get the VLAN field of the given PIF.


int get_VLAN (session ref session_id, PIF ref self)


type name description
session ref session_id Reference to a valid session
PIF ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: int

value of the field

RPC name: get_VLAN_master_of


Get the VLAN_master_of field of the given PIF.
