Develop for XenServer

Class: Repository

Repository for updates

Fields for class: Repository

Field Type Qualifier Description
binary_url string RO/constructor Base URL of binary packages in this repository
gpgkey_path string RO/constructor The file name of the GPG public key of this repository
hash string RO/runtime SHA256 checksum of latest updateinfo.xml.gz in this repository if its ‘update’ is true
name_description string RW a notes field containing human-readable description
name_label string RW a human-readable name
origin origin RO/constructor The origin of the repository. ‘remote’ if the origin of the repository is a remote one, ‘bundle’ if the origin of the repository is a local bundle file.
source_url string RO/constructor Base URL of source packages in this repository
up_to_date bool RO/runtime Removed. True if all hosts in pool is up to date with this repository
update bool RO/constructor True if updateinfo.xml in this repository needs to be parsed
uuid string RO/runtime Unique identifier/object reference

RPCs associated with class: Repository

RPC name: forget


Remove the repository record from the database


void forget (session ref session_ref, Repository ref self)


Type Name Description
session ref session_ref Reference to a valid session
Repository ref self The repository to be removed from the database

Minimum Role: client-cert

Return Type: void

RPC name: get_all


Return a list of all the Repositorys known to the system.


Repository ref set get_all (session ref session_ref)


Type Name Description
session ref session_ref Reference to a valid session

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: Repository ref set

references to all objects

RPC name: get_all_records


Return a map of Repository references to Repository records for all Repositorys known to the system.


(Repository ref -> Repository record) map get_all_records (session ref session_ref)


Type Name Description
session ref session_ref Reference to a valid session

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: (Repository ref -> Repository record) map

records of all objects

RPC name: get_binary_url


Get the binary_url field of the given Repository.


string get_binary_url (session ref session_ref, Repository ref self)


Type Name Description
session ref session_ref Reference to a valid session
Repository ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: string

value of the field

RPC name: get_by_name_label


Get all the Repository instances with the given label.


Repository ref set get_by_name_label (session ref session_ref, string label)


Type Name Description
session ref session_ref Reference to a valid session
string label label of object to return

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: Repository ref set

references to objects with matching names

RPC name: get_by_uuid


Get a reference to the Repository instance with the specified UUID.


Repository ref get_by_uuid (session ref session_ref, string uuid)


Type Name Description
session ref session_ref Reference to a valid session
string uuid UUID of object to return

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: Repository ref

reference to the object

RPC name: get_gpgkey_path


Get the gpgkey_path field of the given Repository.


string get_gpgkey_path (session ref session_ref, Repository ref self)


Type Name Description
session ref session_ref Reference to a valid session
Repository ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: string

value of the field

RPC name: get_hash


Get the hash field of the given Repository.


string get_hash (session ref session_ref, Repository ref self)


Type Name Description
session ref session_ref Reference to a valid session
Repository ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: string

value of the field

RPC name: get_name_description


Get the name/description field of the given Repository.


string get_name_description (session ref session_ref, Repository ref self)


Type Name Description
session ref session_ref Reference to a valid session
Repository ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: string

value of the field

RPC name: get_name_label


Get the name/label field of the given Repository.


string get_name_label (session ref session_ref, Repository ref self)


Type Name Description
session ref session_ref Reference to a valid session
Repository ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: string

value of the field

RPC name: get_origin


Get the origin field of the given Repository.


origin get_origin (session ref session_ref, Repository ref self)


Type Name Description
session ref session_ref Reference to a valid session
Repository ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: origin

value of the field

RPC name: get_record


Get a record containing the current state of the given Repository.


Repository record get_record (session ref session_ref, Repository ref self)


Type Name Description
session ref session_ref Reference to a valid session
Repository ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: Repository record

all fields from the object

RPC name: get_source_url


Get the source_url field of the given Repository.


string get_source_url (session ref session_ref, Repository ref self)


Type Name Description
session ref session_ref Reference to a valid session
Repository ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: string

value of the field

RPC name: get_up_to_date

This message is removed.


Get the up_to_date field of the given Repository.


bool get_up_to_date (session ref session_ref, Repository ref self)


Type Name Description
session ref session_ref Reference to a valid session
Repository ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: bool

value of the field

RPC name: get_update


Get the update field of the given Repository.


bool get_update (session ref session_ref, Repository ref self)


Type Name Description
session ref session_ref Reference to a valid session
Repository ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: bool

value of the field

RPC name: get_uuid


Get the uuid field of the given Repository.


string get_uuid (session ref session_ref, Repository ref self)


Type Name Description
session ref session_ref Reference to a valid session
Repository ref self reference to the object

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: string

value of the field

RPC name: introduce


Add the configuration for a new remote repository


Repository ref introduce (session ref session_ref, string name_label, string name_description, string binary_url, string source_url, bool update, string gpgkey_path)


Type Name Description
session ref session_ref Reference to a valid session
string name_label The name of the repository
string name_description The description of the repository
string binary_url Base URL of binary packages in this repository
string source_url Base URL of source packages in this repository
bool update True if the repository is an update repository. This means that updateinfo.xml will be parsed
string gpgkey_path The GPG public key file name

Minimum Role: client-cert

Return Type: Repository ref

The ref of the created repository record.

RPC name: introduce_bundle


Add the configuration for a new bundle repository


Repository ref introduce_bundle (session ref session_ref, string name_label, string name_description)


Type Name Description
session ref session_ref Reference to a valid session
string name_label The name of the repository
string name_description The description of the repository

Minimum Role: client-cert

Return Type: Repository ref

The ref of the created repository record.

RPC name: set_gpgkey_path


Set the file name of the GPG public key of the repository


void set_gpgkey_path (session ref session_ref, Repository ref self, string value)


Type Name Description
session ref session_ref Reference to a valid session
Repository ref self The repository
string value The file name of the GPG public key of the repository

Minimum Role: client-cert

Return Type: void

RPC name: set_name_description


Set the name/description field of the given Repository.


void set_name_description (session ref session_ref, Repository ref self, string value)


Type Name Description
session ref session_ref Reference to a valid session
Repository ref self reference to the object
string value New value to set

Minimum Role: client-cert

Return Type: void

RPC name: set_name_label


Set the name/label field of the given Repository.


void set_name_label (session ref session_ref, Repository ref self, string value)


Type Name Description
session ref session_ref Reference to a valid session
Repository ref self reference to the object
string value New value to set

Minimum Role: client-cert

Return Type: void