Develop for XenServer

XenServer 8 Management API

Version 24.32.0

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This document defines the XenServer Management API - an interface for remotely configuring and controlling virtualized guests running on a Xen-enabled host.

The API is presented here as a set of Remote Procedure Calls (RPCs). There are two supported wire formats, one based upon XML-RPC and one based upon JSON-RPC (v1.0 and v2.0 are both recognized). No specific language bindings are prescribed, although examples are given in the Python programming language.

Although we adopt some terminology from object-oriented programming, future client language bindings may or may not be object oriented. The API reference uses the terminology classes and objects. For our purposes a class is simply a hierarchical namespace; an object is an instance of a class with its fields set to specific values. Objects are persistent and exist on the server-side. Clients may obtain opaque references to these server-side objects and then access their fields via get/set RPCs.

For each class we specify a list of fields along with their types and qualifiers. A qualifier is one of:

  • RO/runtime: the field is Read Only. Furthermore, its value is automatically computed at runtime. For example, current CPU load and disk IO throughput.

  • RO/constructor: the field must be manually set when a new object is created, but is then Read Only for the duration of the object’s life. For example, the maximum memory addressable by a guest is set before the guest boots.

  • RW: the field is Read/Write. For example, the name of a VM.


The following types are used to specify methods and fields in the API Reference:

  • string: Text strings.
  • int: 64-bit integers.
  • float: IEEE double-precision floating-point numbers.
  • bool: Boolean.
  • datetime: Date and timestamp.
  • c ref: Reference to an object of class c.
  • t set: Arbitrary-length set of values of type t.
  • (k -> v) map: Mapping from values of type k to values of type v.
  • e enum: Enumeration type with name e. Enums are defined in the API reference together with classes that use them.

Note that there are a number of cases where refs are doubly linked. For example, a VM has a field called VIFs of type VIF ref set; this field lists the network interfaces attached to a particular VM. Similarly, the VIF class has a field called VM of type VM ref which references the VM to which the interface is connected. These two fields are bound together, in the sense that creating a new VIF causes the VIFs field of the corresponding VM object to be updated automatically.

The API reference lists explicitly the fields that are bound together in this way. It also contains a diagram that shows relationships between classes. In this diagram an edge signifies the existence of a pair of fields that are bound together, using standard crows-foot notation to signify the type of relationship (e.g. one-many, many-many).

RPCs associated with fields

Each field, f, has an RPC accessor associated with it that returns f’s value:

  • get_f (r): takes a ref, r that refers to an object and returns the value of f.

Each field, f, with qualifier RW and whose outermost type is set has the following additional RPCs associated with it:

  • add_f(r, v): adds a new element v to the set. Note that sets cannot contain duplicate values, hence this operation has no action in the case that v is already in the set.

  • remove_f(r, v): removes element v from the set.

Each field, f, with qualifier RW and whose outermost type is map has the following additional RPCs associated with it:

  • add_to_f(r, k, v): adds new pair k -> v to the mapping stored in f in objectr. Attempting to add a new pair for duplicate key, k, fails with a MAP_DUPLICATE_KEY error.

  • remove_from_f(r, k): removes the pair with key k from the mapping stored in f in object r.

Each field whose outermost type is neither set nor map, but whose qualifier is RW has an RPC accessor associated with it that sets its value:

  • set_f(r, v): sets the field f on object r to value v.

RPCs associated with classes

  • Most classes have a constructor RPC named create that takes as parameters all fields marked RW and RO/constructor. The result of this RPC is that a new persistent object is created on the server-side with the specified field values.

  • Each class has a get_by_uuid(uuid) RPC that returns the object of that class that has the specified uuid.

  • Each class that has a name_label field has a get_by_name_label(name_label) RPC that returns a set of objects of that class that have the specified name_label.

  • Most classes have a destroy(r) RPC that explicitly deletes the persistent object specified by r from the system. This is a non-cascading delete - if the object being removed is referenced by another object then the destroy call will fail.

Apart from the RPCs enumerated above, some classes have additional RPCs associated with them. For example, the VM class has RPCs for cloning, suspending, starting etc. Such additional RPCs are described explicitly in the API reference.

XenServer 8 Management API