Develop for XenServer

Wire Protocol for Remote API Calls

API calls are sent over a network to a Xen-enabled host using an RPC protocol. Here we describe how the higher-level types used in our API Reference are mapped to primitive RPC types, covering the two supported wire formats XML-RPC and JSON-RPC.

XML-RPC Protocol

We specify the signatures of API functions in the following style:

(VM ref set)  VM.get_all()

This specifies that the function with name VM.get_all takes no parameters and returns a set of VM ref. These types are mapped onto XML-RPC types in a straight-forward manner:

  • the types float, bool, datetime, and string map directly to the XML-RPC <double>, <boolean>, <dateTime.iso8601>, and <string> elements.

  • all ref types are opaque references, encoded as the XML-RPC’s <string> type. Users of the API should not make assumptions about the concrete form of these strings and should not expect them to remain valid after the client’s session with the server has terminated.

  • fields named uuid of type string are mapped to the XML-RPC <string> type. The string itself is the OSF DCE UUID presentation format (as output by uuidgen).

  • int is assumed to be 64-bit in our API and is encoded as a string of decimal digits (rather than using XML-RPC’s built-in 32-bit <i4> type).

  • values of enum types are encoded as strings. For example, the value destroy of enum on_normal_exit, would be conveyed as:

  • for all our types, t, our type t set simply maps to XML-RPC’s <array> type, so, for example, a value of type string set would be transmitted like this:
  • for types k and v, our type (k -> v) map maps onto an XML-RPC <struct>, with the key as the name of the struct. Note that the (k -> v) map type is only valid when k is a string, ref, or int, and in each case the keys of the maps are stringified as above. For example, the (string -> float) map containing the mappings Mike -> 2.3 and John -> 1.2 would be represented as:
  • our void type is transmitted as an empty string.

XML-RPC Return Values and Status Codes

The return value of an RPC call is an XML-RPC <struct>.

  • The first element of the struct is named Status; it contains a string value indicating whether the result of the call was a Success or a Failure.

If the Status is Success then the struct contains a second element named Value:

  • The element of the struct named Value contains the function’s return value.

If the Status is Failure then the struct contains a second element named ErrorDescription:

  • The element of the struct named ErrorDescription contains an array of string values. The first element of the array is an error code; the rest of the elements are strings representing error parameters relating to that code.

For example, an XML-RPC return value from the host.get_resident_VMs function may look like this:


JSON-RPC Protocol

We specify the signatures of API functions in the following style:

(VM ref set)  VM.get_all()

This specifies that the function with name VM.get_all takes no parameters and returns a set of VM ref. These types are mapped onto JSON-RPC types in the following manner:

  • the types float and bool map directly to the JSON types number and boolean, while datetime and string are represented as the JSON string type.

  • all ref types are opaque references, encoded as the JSON string type. Users of the API should not make assumptions about the concrete form of these strings and should not expect them to remain valid after the client’s session with the server has terminated.

  • fields named uuid of type string are mapped to the JSON string type. The string itself is the OSF DCE UUID presentation format (as output by uuidgen).

  • int is assumed to be 64-bit in our API and is encoded as a JSON number without decimal point or exponent, preserved as a string.

  • values of enum types are encoded as the JSON string type. For example, the value destroy of enum on_normal_exit, would be conveyed as:

  • for all our types, t, our type t set simply maps to the JSON array type, so, for example, a value of type string set would be transmitted like this:
  [ "CX8", "PSE36", "FPU" ]
  • for types k and v, our type (k -> v) map maps onto a JSON object which contains members with name k and value v. Note that the (k -> v) map type is only valid when k is a string, ref, or int, and in each case the keys of the maps are stringified as above. For example, the (string -> float) map containing the mappings Mike -> 2.3 and John -> 1.2 would be represented as:
    "Mike": 2.3,
    "John": 1.2
  • our void type is transmitted as an empty string.

Both versions 1.0 and 2.0 of the JSON-RPC wire format are recognised and, depending on your client library, you can use either of them.


JSON-RPC v1.0 Requests

An API call is represented by sending a single JSON object to the server, which contains the members method, params, and id.

  • method: A JSON string containing the name of the function to be invoked.

  • params: A JSON array of values, which represents the parameters of the function to be invoked.

  • id: A JSON string or integer representing the call id. Note that, diverging from the JSON-RPC v1.0 specification the API does not accept notification requests (requests without responses), i.e. the id cannot be null.

For example, a JSON-RPC v1.0 request to retrieve the resident VMs of a host may look like this:

    "method": "host.get_resident_VMs",
    "params": [
    "id": "xyz"

In the above example, the first element of the params array is the reference of the open session to the host, while the second is the host reference.

JSON-RPC v1.0 Return Values

The return value of a JSON-RPC v1.0 call is a single JSON object containing the members result, error, and id.

  • result: If the call is successful, it is a JSON value (string, array etc.) representing the return value of the invoked function. If an error has occurred, it is null.

  • error: If the call is successful, it is null. If the call has failed, it a JSON array of string values. The first element of the array is an error code; the remainder of the array are strings representing error parameters relating to that code.

  • id: The call id. It is a JSON string or integer and it is the same id as the request it is responding to.

For example, a JSON-RPC v1.0 return value from the host.get_resident_VMs function may look like this:

    "result": [
    "error": null,
    "id": "xyz"

while the return value of the same call made on a logged out session may look like this:

    "result": null,
    "error": [
    "id": "xyz"


JSON-RPC v2.0 Requests

An API call is represented by sending a single JSON object to the server, which contains the members jsonrpc, method, params, and id.

  • jsonrpc: A JSON string specifying the version of the JSON-RPC protocol. It is exactly “2.0”.

  • method: A JSON string containing the name of the function to be invoked.

  • params: A JSON array of values, which represents the parameters of the function to be invoked. Although the JSON-RPC v2.0 specification allows this member to be ommitted, in practice all API calls accept at least one parameter.

  • id: A JSON string or integer representing the call id. Note that, diverging from the JSON-RPC v2.0 specification it cannot be null. Neither can it be ommitted because the API does not accept notification requests (requests without responses).

For example, a JSON-RPC v2.0 request to retrieve the VMs resident on a host may may look like this:

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "host.get_resident_VMs",
    "params": [
    "id": 3

As before, the first element of the parameter array is the reference of the open session to the host, while the second is the host reference.

JSON-RPC v2.0 Return Values

The return value of a JSON-RPC v2.0 call is a single JSON object containing the members jsonrpc, either result or error depending on the outcome of the call, and id.

  • jsonrpc: A JSON string specifying the version of the JSON-RPC protocol. It is exactly “2.0”.

  • result: If the call is successful, it is a JSON value (string, array etc.) representing the return value of the invoked function. If an error has occurred, it does not exist.

  • error: If the call is successful, it does not exist. If the call has failed, it is a single structured JSON object (see below).

  • id: The call id. It is a JSON string or integer and it is the same id as the request it is responding to.

The error object contains the members code, message, and data.

  • code: The API does not make use of this member and only retains it for compliance with the JSON-RPC v2.0 specification. It is a JSON integer which has a non-zero value.

  • message: A JSON string representing an API error code.

  • data: A JSON array of string values representing error parameters relating to the aforementioned API error code.

For example, a JSON-RPC v2.0 return value from the host.get_resident_VMs function may look like this:

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": [
    "id": 3

while the return value of the same call made on a logged out session may look like this:

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "error": {
        "code": 1,
        "message": "SESSION_INVALID",
        "data": [
    "id": 3

Note on References vs UUIDs

References are opaque types - encoded as XML-RPC and JSON-RPC strings on the wire - understood only by the particular server which generated them. Servers are free to choose any concrete representation they find convenient; clients should not make any assumptions or attempt to parse the string contents. References are not guaranteed to be permanent identifiers for objects; clients should not assume that references generated during one session are valid for any future session. References do not allow objects to be compared for equality. Two references to the same object are not guaranteed to be textually identical.

UUIDs are intended to be permanent identifiers for objects. They are guaranteed to be in the OSF DCE UUID presentation format (as output by uuidgen). Clients may store UUIDs on disk and use them to look up objects in subsequent sessions with the server. Clients may also test equality on objects by comparing UUID strings.

The API provides mechanisms for translating between UUIDs and opaque references. Each class that contains a UUID field provides:

  • A get_by_uuid method that takes a UUID and returns an opaque reference to the server-side object that has that UUID;

  • A get_uuid function (a regular “field getter” RPC) that takes an opaque reference and returns the UUID of the server-side object that is referenced by it.

Making RPC Calls

Transport Layer

The following transport layers are currently supported:

  • HTTP/HTTPS for remote administration
  • HTTP over Unix domain sockets for local administration

Session Layer

The RPC interface is session-based; before you can make arbitrary RPC calls you must login and initiate a session. For example:

   (session ref) session.login_with_password(string uname, string pwd,
                   string version, string originator)

where uname and password refer to your username and password, as defined by the Xen administrator, while version and originator are optional. The session ref returned by session.login_with_password is passed to subequent RPC calls as an authentication token. Note that a session reference obtained by a login request to the XML-RPC backend can be used in subsequent requests to the JSON-RPC backend, and vice-versa.

A session can be terminated with the session.logout function:

   void  session.logout(session ref session_id)

Synchronous and Asynchronous Invocation

Each method call (apart from methods on the Session and Task objects and “getters” and “setters” derived from fields) can be made either synchronously or asynchronously. A synchronous RPC call blocks until the return value is received; the return value of a synchronous RPC call is exactly as specified above.

Only synchronous API calls are listed explicitly in this document. All their asynchronous counterparts are in the special Async namespace. For example, the synchronous call VM.clone(...) has an asynchronous counterpart, Async.VM.clone(...), that is non-blocking.

Instead of returning its result directly, an asynchronous RPC call returns an identifier of type task ref which is subsequently used to track the status of a running asynchronous RPC.

Note that an asychronous call may fail immediately, before a task has even been created. When using the XML-RPC wire protocol, this eventuality is represented by wrapping the returned task ref in an XML-RPC struct with a Status, ErrorDescription, and Value fields, exactly as specified above; the task ref is provided in the Value field if Status is set to Success. When using the JSON-RPC protocol, the task ref is wrapped in a response JSON object as specified above and it is provided by the value of the result member of a successful call.

The RPC call

    (task ref set)  Task.get_all(session ref session_id)

returns a set of all task identifiers known to the system. The status (including any returned result and error codes) of these can then be queried by accessing the fields of the Task object in the usual way. Note that, in order to get a consistent snapshot of a task’s state, it is advisable to call the get_record function.

Example interactive session

This section describes how an interactive session might look, using python XML-RPC and JSON-RPC client libraries.

First, initialise python:

$ python3

Using the XML-RPC Protocol

Import the library xmlrpc.client and create a python object referencing the remote server as shown below:

>>> import xmlrpc.client
>>> xen = xmlrpc.client.ServerProxy("https://localhost:443")

Note that you may need to disable SSL certificate validation to establish the connection, this can be done as follows:

>>> import ssl
>>> ctx = ssl._create_unverified_context()
>>> xen = xmlrpc.client.ServerProxy("https://localhost:443", context=ctx)

Acquire a session reference by logging in with a username and password; the session reference is returned under the key Value in the resulting dictionary (error-handling ommitted for brevity):

>>> session = xen.session.login_with_password("user", "passwd",
...                                           "version", "originator")['Value']

This is what the call looks like when serialized

<?xml version='1.0'?>

Next, the user may acquire a list of all the VMs known to the system (note the call takes the session reference as the only parameter):

>>> all_vms = xen.VM.get_all(session)['Value']
>>> all_vms
['OpaqueRef:1', 'OpaqueRef:2', 'OpaqueRef:3', 'OpaqueRef:4' ]

The VM references here have the form OpaqueRef:X (though they may not be that simple in reality) and you should treat them as opaque strings. Templates are VMs with the is_a_template field set to true. We can find the subset of template VMs using a command like the following:

>>> all_templates = filter(lambda x: xen.VM.get_is_a_template(session, x)['Value'],

Once a reference to a VM has been acquired, a lifecycle operation may be invoked:

>>> xen.VM.start(session, all_templates[0], False, False)
{'Status': 'Failure', 'ErrorDescription': ['VM_IS_TEMPLATE', 'OpaqueRef:X']}

In this case the start message has been rejected, because the VM is a template, and so an error response has been returned. These high-level errors are returned as structured data (rather than as XML-RPC faults), allowing them to be internationalized.

Rather than querying fields individually, whole records may be returned at once. To retrieve the record of a single object as a python dictionary:

>>> record = xen.VM.get_record(session, all_templates[0])['Value']
>>> record['power_state']
>>> record['name_label']
'Windows 10 (64-bit)'

To retrieve all the VM records in a single call:

>>> records = xen.VM.get_all_records(session)['Value']
>>> list(records.keys())
['OpaqueRef:1', 'OpaqueRef:2', 'OpaqueRef:3', 'OpaqueRef:4' ]
>>> records['OpaqueRef:1']['name_label']
'Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7'

Using the JSON-RPC Protocol

For this example we are making use of the package jsonrpcclient and the requests library due to their simplicity, although other packages can also be used.

First, import the requests and jsonrpcclient libraries:

>>> import requests
>>> import jsonrpcclient

Now we construct a utility method to make using these libraries easier:

>>> def jsonrpccall(method, params):
...     r ="https://localhost:443/jsonrpc",
...                       json=jsonrpcclient.request(method, params=params),
...                       verify=False)
...     p = jsonrpcclient.parse(r.json())
...     if isinstance(p, jsonrpcclient.Ok):
...         return p.result
...     raise Exception(p.message,

Acquire a session reference by logging in with a username and password:

>>> session = jsonrpccall("session.login_with_password",
...                       ("user", "password", "version", "originator"))

jsonrpcclient uses the JSON-RPC protocol v2.0, so this is what the serialized request looks like:

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "session.login_with_password",
    "params": ["user", "passwd", "version", "originator"],
    "id": 0

Next, the user may acquire a list of all the VMs known to the system (note the call takes the session reference as the only parameter):

>>> all_vms = jsonrpccall("VM.get_all", (session,))
>>> all_vms
['OpaqueRef:1', 'OpaqueRef:2', 'OpaqueRef:3', 'OpaqueRef:4' ]

The VM references here have the form OpaqueRef:X (though they may not be that simple in reality) and you should treat them as opaque strings. Templates are VMs with the is_a_template field set to true. We can find the subset of template VMs using a command like the following:

>>> all_templates = filter(
...     lambda x: jsonrpccall("VM.get_is_a_template", (session, x)),
...     all_vms)

Once a reference to a VM has been acquired, a lifecycle operation may be invoked:

>>> try:
...     jsonrpccall("VM.start", (session, next(all_templates), False, False))
... except Exception as e:
...     e
Exception('VM_IS_TEMPLATE', ['OpaqueRef:1', 'start'])

In this case the start message has been rejected because the VM is a template, hence an error response has been returned. These high-level errors are returned as structured data, allowing them to be internationalized.

Rather than querying fields individually, whole records may be returned at once. To retrieve the record of a single object as a python dictionary:

>>> record = jsonrpccall("VM.get_record", (session, next(all_templates)))
>>> record['power_state']
>>> record['name_label']
'Windows 10 (64-bit)'

To retrieve all the VM records in a single call:

>>> records = jsonrpccall("VM.get_all_records", (session,))
>>> records.keys()
['OpaqueRef:1', 'OpaqueRef:2', 'OpaqueRef:3', 'OpaqueRef:4' ]
>>> records['OpaqueRef:1']['name_label']
'Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7'
Wire Protocol for Remote API Calls