Develop for XenServer

Class: auth

Management of remote authentication services

Fields for class: auth

Class auth has no fields.

RPCs associated with class: auth

RPC name: get_group_membership


This calls queries the external directory service to obtain the transitively-closed set of groups that the the subject_identifier is member of.


string set get_group_membership (session ref session_ref, string subject_identifier)


Type Name Description
session ref session_ref Reference to a valid session
string subject_identifier A string containing the subject_identifier, unique in the external directory service

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: string set

set of subject_identifiers that provides the group membership of subject_identifier passed as argument, it contains, recursively, all groups a subject_identifier is member of.

RPC name: get_subject_identifier


This call queries the external directory service to obtain the subject_identifier as a string from the human-readable subject_name


string get_subject_identifier (session ref session_ref, string subject_name)


Type Name Description
session ref session_ref Reference to a valid session
string subject_name The human-readable subject_name, such as a username or a groupname

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: string

the subject_identifier obtained from the external directory service

RPC name: get_subject_information_from_identifier


This call queries the external directory service to obtain the user information (e.g. username, organization etc) from the specified subject_identifier


(string -> string) map get_subject_information_from_identifier (session ref session_ref, string subject_identifier)


Type Name Description
session ref session_ref Reference to a valid session
string subject_identifier A string containing the subject_identifier, unique in the external directory service

Minimum Role: read-only

Return Type: (string -> string) map

key-value pairs containing at least a key called subject_name

Class: auth